

2017-09-18 25页 doc 70KB 8阅读




硕博连读申请方案硕博连读申请方案 西交校研[2011]25号 西南交通大学关于选拔优秀硕士研究生 以硕博连读方式攻读博士学位研究生的实施办法 (试行) 校内各单位: 为适应国家高素质创新人才培养的需要~吸引优秀博士研究生生源~改善我校博士研究生生源结构~提高博士研究生培养质量~规范硕士—博士学位连读,以下简称硕博连读,研究生的选拔工作~根据教育部有关文件精神~并结合我校实际情况~制订本办法。 一、硕博连读的含义 教育部文件规定~硕博连读是指招生单位从本单位已完成规定课程学习且成绩优秀~具有较强创新精神和科研能力的在学硕士研究生中...
硕博连读申请 西交校研[2011]25号 西南交通大学关于选拔优秀硕士研究生 以硕博连读方式攻读博士学位研究生的实施办法 (试行) 校内各单位: 为适应国家高素质创新人才培养的需要~吸引优秀博士研究生生源~改善我校博士研究生生源结构~提高博士研究生培养质量~规范硕士—博士学位连读,以下简称硕博连读,研究生的选拔工作~根据教育部有关文件精神~并结合我校实际情况~制订本办法。 一、硕博连读的含义 教育部文件规定~硕博连读是指招生单位从本单位已完成规定课程学习且成绩优秀~具有较强创新精神和科研能力的在学硕士研究生中择优遴选博士研究生的招生方式。拟按硕博连读方式选拔的学生需根据招生单位的规定提出申请~并通过招生单位组织的博士生入学考试或考核~被录取后才能进入博士阶段的学习。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 二、基本原则 1、硕博连读是博士研究生选拔的重要组成部分~我校只在校内选拔硕博连读研究生~且录取后必须在本校攻读博士研究生。 2、坚持“德、智、体全面衡量~素质优先~择优录取~宁缺勿滥”和“公正、公平、公开”的原则。 3、获得硕博连读资格的研究生须与参加统一考试招生的考生一起参加博士研究生入学复试。 4、为提高生源质量~学校每年招收硕博连读研究生的具体人数由相关学院根据本单位学科、专业的建设发展需求~师资力量及硕博连读研究生申请者具体情况等确定~硕博连读研究生的招生指标全部包含于本单位当年博士研究生招生总规模中~各学院应统筹考虑本单位每年招收统考、硕博、直博及在职博士研究生人数的比例。 5、可在一级学科范围内跨专业选拔硕博连读研究生~原则上不允许跨一级学科选拔硕博连读研究生。 三、开展硕博连读的基本条件 1、开展硕博连读工作的学科、专业~应是我校具有博士学位授予权的学科、专业。 2、开展硕博连读工作的学科、专业应有较强的师资队伍~有较好的可供研究生进行学习和科研训练的条件~已建立起从硕士生到博士生培养的完整课程体系和完善的。 3、 招收硕博连读研究生的导师应具有国家级重大或重要科研项目及足够的科研经费。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 四、申请硕博连读的条件,以下各条必须同时满足, 1、拥护中国共产党的领导~愿为社会主义现代化建设服务~品德良好~遵纪守法~在校期间未受任何纪律处分。 2、学习目的明确~态度端正~学风严谨~已修课程成绩优异~具有较强的创新精神和科研能力。 3、本校全日制在读学术型硕士研究生~通过单独命题考试入学的硕士研究生不在选拔范围之内。 4、攻博专业及课题与硕士阶段的专业及课题密切相关。 5、经本专业硕士生指导教师推荐和拟接收博士生指导教师同意。 6、定向和委托培养的硕士研究生须经定向或委托培养单位同意。 7、身体健康状况符合所在培养单位及学科、专业规定的体检要求。 五、硕博连读研究生选拔工作程序 1、学校每年上半年4月份、下半年10月份各进行一次硕博连读研究生的选拔~选拔范围由相关学院根据本学院在读硕士研究生的实际情况确定,经上半年选拔获得硕博连读资格的研究生须在当年履行博士研究生报考、录取及入学相关手续~经下半年选拔获得硕博连读资格的研究生须在次年履行博士研究生报考、录取及入学相关手续。 2、符合以上条件的硕士研究生向所在学院递交以下材料: ,1,《西南交通大学硕博连读研究生申请表》,见附件一,。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 3 - ,2,两名原硕士相关专业教授,研究员或相当职称,推荐意见——《西南交通大学硕博连读研究生专家推荐书》,见附件二,。 ,3,硕士研究生在读期间发表的论文复印件,本人签名并注明日期,。 ,4,硕士研究生在读期间获得的奖励证书复印件,本人签名并注明日期,。 ,5,硕士研究生在读期间参加科研情况简述,导师审查并签字,。 ,6,学生证复印件,本人签名并注明日期,。 ,7,身份证复印件,军人须提供军官证复印件和居民身份证复印件,,本人签名并注明日期,。 3、各学院对申请硕博连读的研究生进行资格审核~并对资格审核合格的申请人名单通过网络或公告栏张贴等方式公示七个工作日~公示无异议的申请人方可获得硕博连读研究生复试资格。 4、各学院按照参加统一考试招生的博士研究生入学复试有关规定~对获得硕博连读研究生资格的申请人进行复试~做好详细复试记录,见附件三,~并按录取原则择优确定拟录取名单。 5、各学院将拟录取的硕博连读研究生的所有材料及名单汇总表,见附件四,报研究生院招生办公室,电子稿发至:yzb@swjtu.edu.cn,。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 6、拟录取的硕博连读研究生要按照研究生招生办公室的统一安排在规定时间内进行博士研究生入学网上报名和现场确认。 7、硕博连读研究生在收到博士生入学通知书后~按要求办理相关手续~并按博士研究生的培养要求完成学业。 六、硕博连读研究生课程设臵和学分要求 硕博连读研究生的课程设臵要统筹安排~贯通设臵。总学分不得低于40学分~其中博士生课程学分不低于16学分。 硕博连读生的专业课程~可在全校各专业内选课~各专业在专业课统一规定的学分内~可视情况规定本专业必修的专业课程及其最低学分。硕博连读研究生须参加不少于8次学术报告或专题讲座~其中本人主讲不少于1次。研究生参加学术报告或专题讲座后~须写出书面收获体会~研究生本人主讲提纲须经导师阅签。加强实践环节训练~是提高研究生适应能力的重要手段。实践环节可采取教学实践、科研实践、社会实践、挂职锻练、参加项目的实践等多种形式。 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 2学分 自然辩证法概论 1学分 二选一,必修 马克思主义与社会科学方法论 中国马克思主义与当代,博士生必修课程, 2学分 公共课程 硕马克思主义经典著作选读,博士生选修课程, 不计学分 博第一外国语 3学分 连 读 专业外语 2学分 生现代数学类课程,博士生课程, 2学分 课 基础课程 ?6学分 程 设专业课程,其中博士生课程不低于8学分, ?17学分 置 科研,教学,实践 1学分 框 架 形势与政策 0学分 必修环节 前沿性学术专题,不少于4个,每个4:10学时, 2学分 学术报告,至少参加 8次,本人主讲1次, 1学分 七、学籍与学位 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 5 - 1、一、二年级在读硕士研究生获得硕博连读研究生资格转博后按照学校硕博连读研究生及博士研究生相关文件和规定进行管理~不再进行硕士研究生阶段的学习。转博后因故无法完成博士学习者~可申请转为相应专业的硕士研究生~经批准后其学籍与学位按照硕士研究生相关文件和规定进行管理。 2、对于三年级在读硕士研究生获得硕博连读资格后按照学校硕博连读研究生及博士研究生相关文件和规定进行管理~同时可选择按照硕士研究生的培养要求~按时完成硕士学位论文并获得硕士研究生毕业生和硕士学位证。 八、其他规定 1、各相关学院可根据本办法及本单位各学科、专业实际情况制定具体的硕博连读研究生选拔办法~并将学校关于硕博连续研究生的培养管理政策告知硕博连读研究生。 2、有下列情形之一~一经查实~予以取消硕博连读资格: ,1,考核过程中有弄虚作假行为的, ,2,违反校纪校规,受纪律处分的。 3、硕博连读研究生在录取为博士研究生前须全部交清硕士研究生阶段应交的学费~并从取得博士研究生学籍后开始享受与统招博士研究生同样的待遇。若在博士研究生期间因故无法完成学业而转入硕士研究生学习的~须全额退还博士研究生期间所获得的奖,助,学金~并按照学校有关规定缴纳博士学习阶段及转硕后硕士研究生学习相应的学费。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 九、本实施办法解释权属于西南交通大学研究生院~如 遇与国家和教育部文件不一致的~以国家和教育部文件为 准。 二O一一年九月十三日 校长办公室 2011年9月13日印发 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 7 - 附件一: 西南交通大学硕博连读研究生申请表 填表时间: 年 月 日 硕士生姓名 硕士学号 硕士所在学院(系、所、年级 中心) 照片 本人联系方式 移动电话: (近期免 硕士阶段所学专业代码及名冠近照) 硕士导师姓名 称 申请攻读博士学位所在院申请攻读博士学位专业 (系、所、中心) 代码及名称 博士导师姓名 移动电话 学习或 起止年月 专业 学历或职务 工作单位 个 人 学 习 或 工 作 经 历 参 与 科 研 情 况 发 表 论 文 情 况 主 要 获 奖 情 况 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 个人申请理由: 委培或定向单位意见: 单位盖章 负责人签字: 年 月 日 硕士导师推荐意见 导师签字: 年 月 日 硕士所在学院推荐意见 学院盖章 负责人签字: 年 月 日 拟接收博士导师意见 导师签字: 年 月 日 说明:(一)硕士生经学校审批同意后,方可按硕博连读方式进行课程学习。 (二)可附材料(请按顺序装订) 1、硕士所修全部课程成绩单(由硕士所在学院出具并盖章) 2、发表论文复印件(本人签名并注明日期) 3、奖励证书复印件(本人签名并注明日期) 4、参加科研情况简述(由导师审查并签字) 5、学生证复印件(本人签名并注明日期) 6、身份证复印件(军人须提供军官证复印件和居民身份证复印件)(本人签名并注明日期)。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 9 - 附件二: 西南交通大学硕博连读研究生专家推荐书 推荐人姓名 | 被推荐人姓名 专业技术职务 | 报考学科、专业 本人学术专长 | 被推荐人单位 工作单位 | 推荐内容:对被推荐硕士生的业务能力、外语水平的介绍及工作实绩、学术道德的评价等(写实) 推荐人签字: 年 月 日 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 附件三: 西南交通大学硕博连读研究生博士入学复试登记表 填表时间: 年 月 日 硕士生姓名 学号 硕士所在学院(系、年级 照片 所、中心) 硕士阶段所学专业代码及 硕士导师姓名 (近期免 名称 冠近照) 申请攻读博士学位所在院申请攻读博士学位专 (系、所、中心) 业代码及名称 博士导师姓名 移动电话 ?(以上栏目由考生本人填写清楚后参加复试) 复试小 组成员 复 试 成 绩 复 试 评 语 及 意 见 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 11 - 是否录取 ?录取 ?不予录取 录取专业 录取专业 指导 代 码 名 称 教师 (注:根据培养机制改革相关规定,录取类别为以下三类,其中录取为委托培 录取类别 养的学生不参与奖学金评定) ?参与奖学金评定 ?委托培养 ?计划内定向(限少数民族骨干计划) 复 试其他意见: 小 组 意 见 复试小组负责人签字: 年 月 日 学 院 录 取 意 见 学院负责人签字: (学院盖章) 年 月 日 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 复 试 记 录 记录人签字: 年 月 日 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... - 13 - 附件四: 西南交通大学硕博连读研究生名单汇总表 负责人签字: 填表时间: 年 月 日 单位名称(公章): 硕士专业代码硕士专业 拟录取博士专业代拟录取博士 拟录取 研究生院序号 姓名 学号 年级 硕士导师 及名称 所在学院 码及名称 专业所在学院 博士导师 意见 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ...- 15 -
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