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北京师范大学自考本科北京师范大学自考本科 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage;...
北京师范大学自考本科 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 北京师范大学文化产业自考本科助考特色班 招生指南 一、文化产业范畴是什么,有什么学习、就业前景, 文化产业是具有精神性娱乐性的文化产品的生产、流通、消费活动。产业类别祥见附件。 文化产业是国家及各级政府最支持、扶持的产业,2011年文化产业法人单位增加值达13479亿元,占GDP比重达2.85%,近7年的年平均增长23.35%。 目前,我国总体文化产业人员只有1200万人,只占总人口的1%左右,而美国文化产业占总人口的12%,人才缺位已经成为我国文化产业发展的瓶颈。 文化产业人才主要的就业去向有:一是贴近市场,为文化企业、文化产业集团各相关行业提供服务的复合型管理人才;二是适应新时期文化事业管理需求,从事文化事业管理和公益性文化产品策划营销的管理人才;三是为高校与科研院所输送教学、科研人才。尤其是日益崛起的文化产业对经营管理人才的需求呈现快速上升势头。文化产业管理各层次的人才具有广阔的就业前景。 二、招生的主要卖点是什么,——九大卖点 1、自考含金量高。与成人教育、网络教育相比,自考的每门课程都是统考,60分以上才算通过,因此通过率普遍较低,单科通过率一般在50%以下。高等教育自学考试简称自考,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式,是国家公认含金量最高的考试形式,在学习过程中要比其他考试更要努力,掌握大纲和明确考试要求知识。 2、完善的助考组织服务。采取封闭教学、统一食宿的集中助考辅导方式,学生一般在2-3年能够完成学业,通过率较高。同时采取统一代报名、代购课程教材、代报考、发放自考准考证和考试通知单、组织课程的串讲辅导、组织考前重要考点划题、组织论文写作辅导与修改、代办毕业手续。 3、课程设计系统全面。为学生开设北京师范大学自学考试文化产业专业本科课程,同时补充基础课程和技能课程,让学生的学习更系统更全面,使学生的学习生活也将紧张而充实。 4、教学模式灵活创新。自考本科国考课程需要大量的考试练习,由专业老师授课,在校研究生负责研究国考,并让学生定期练习、巩固,达到学习知识和应对考试两不误。同时,在一些特色课程上启用视频教学、计算机课程机房授课、部分技能学习课程请企业管理人员授课、参观实习等创新教学方式。 5、技能实训贯穿始终。大量的技能实训课程是助考特色班的一个重要特点,学生动手能力、实际操作能力都高于同类学生,因此也更能受到企业的青睐。 6、规范的学生管理。每个助考特色班级均配备一位辅导员老师,全面负责学生的日常管理工作,从上课点名到宿舍卫生,实行跟踪,帮助学生解决学习、生活中遇到的各种困难和问题。 cable spacing of the support ccording to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. acurely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed setion ppipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protechould be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection here stion tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, ttible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protecsuscepted, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforahould ion should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables ste, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable terminatomple.2 cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be cand Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes tight,d flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around ble and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not shoulof transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes ca2 7、三证综合教育体系。本科阶段的课程考试成绩合格者即可获得自考本科证书,符合条件可以申请学士学位证书,毕业证教育网可查、国家承认、国际认可、可参加企事业单位和公务员招聘、硕士研究生入学考试。后期将开设技能证书考前培训,让学生能够获取相关专业技能证书。 8、校园生活丰富多彩。助考特色班设有自己的学生会,同时学生也可以参加各种社团。学院每逢国庆、元旦等重要节日都会组织一些文体活动,通过组织活动来提高能力、展现才华。 9、完善的就业体系。学院高度重视学生就业工作,设立毕业生就业指导中心,与大量的文化企事业单位建立了互补多赢的合作机制,力争让学生能发挥特长、学有所用。 三、主要生源是什么, 1、三类专科院校、职业院校、民办高校(重点) 此类院校有成规模的、符合条件的生源,每年招生、毕业大专层次生源200万人,可以灵活地开展专续本、专科阶段开始学习自考课程,学生便于集中管理。以往对外合作多为普通高校,缺乏北师大层面的知名高校合作和九大卖点所包含的套餐服务。 在与院校招生合作中,还可以为院校引入知名专家担任兼职教授、课题申报提供支持、发表高水平论文合作、学术论坛合作等提升品牌、影响力的合作项目,实现多项目合作、多利润空间。 学生助学方式采取集中、封闭的方式,相当于继续大学生涯。 2、各地文化管理干部、文化企业管理人员 地级市以下的文化管理干部、文化企业管理人员和骨干普遍学历低,很多所学与文化产业关联度不高,没有经过系统的文化产业培训,有学历、技能双重提升的需求。 招生时可与地方宣传部、文化局、旅游局、文物局等文化产业相关部门联系合作,组织本地文化管理干部、企业管理人员参加培训。在招生合作中,还可以洽谈文化相关非学历研修班、规划编制、课题研究、文化活动组织合作、项目申报合作、招商引资合作等提升地方文化建设效率效益的合作项目,实现多项目合作、多利润空间。 采取每个地区或者周边地区集中的方式,考前一段时间集中培训助考。 3、社会人士 凡是有大专学历的社会人士都可参加助学班,可以采取常年封闭学习、考前集中培训两种学习方式,插入到相关班级学习。 四、与社会上的其它助学培训机构相比有什么优势, 1、专业。社会培训机构组织的自考专业很多,更强调通过多专业来吸纳生源,而我们专业从事文化产业助考,精力、资源更集中,更强调通过率和配套服务。 2、权威。社会培训机构通过大量的广告、宣传招生,其市场成本转嫁到学费中,或者牺牲配套服务质量,同时他们不可能与主考院校建立高调的合作,只是聘用专业人士分析大纲、考题。我们是内部 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support第3页 共8页 人士操作,能够确保通过率,市场成本低,让利给合作伙伴,让利给配套服务。 3、灵活。社会培训机构采取自己招生、小班教学方式,比较固化,不能满足各种生源的需求。我们可以采取常年集中、考前辅导等多种形式。 4、利高。社会培训机构单一靠生源量的积累,更注重招生数量,相对忽视教学质量、后期服务,同时如果某个专业招生情况不好,后续跟踪服务也就没法继续了。我们除了招生办学获利外,还有针对不同群体、机构的增值模式,利润来源多、空间大。 五、合作是什么, 1、了解招生材料,商榷合作架构。 2、院校、文化机构、渠道伙伴与北京中海腾越教育科技研究院签署合作协议,约定通过率、配套服务等责权利。 3、北京中海腾越教育科技研究院负责课程安排、教学、考前辅导、考试安排,以及在北京的助考、考试服务。 4、商业合作伙伴利润分配。 5、衍生合作实施。 六、专业基本情况是什么, 1、学历层次和规格 本专业为高等教育专科基础上的本科层次,其专业培养规格在总体上与全日制普通高等学校相应专业一般本科水平相一致。 考试课程不少于13门,总学分不低于70学分。其中必考课程9门,53学分;选考课程不少于4门,不少于17学分。 凡取得本专业考试的课程的合格成绩,累计达到70学分以上,通过毕业论文答辩,发给高等教育自学考试文化产业专业本科毕业证书,国家承认其学历。 考生可不考外语,但必须从选考课中选学14学分,且不能与规定的4门选考课重复,不考外语的考生不得申请学士学位。 符合条件者可申请学士学位,由北京师范大学授予管理学学士学位。主要是通过英语考试、毕业论文答辩。 2、考务说明 考试时间:每年4、10月 考试地点:北京 附件:产业类别 4cable spacing of the support ccording to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. acurely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed setion ppipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protechould be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection here stion tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, ttible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protecsuscepted, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforahould ion should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables ste, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable terminatomple.2 cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be cand Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes tight,d flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around ble and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not shoulof transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes ca 类 别 名 称 国民经济行业代码 第一部分 文化产品的生产 一、新闻出版发行服务 (一)新闻服务 新闻业 8510 (二)出版服务 图书出版 8521 报纸出版 8522 期刊出版 8523 音像制品出版 8524 电子出版物出版 8525 其他出版业 8529 (三)发行服务 图书批发 5143 报刊批发 5144 音像制品及电子出版物批发 5145 图书、报刊零售 5243 音像制品及电子出版物零售 5244 二、广播电视电影服务 (一)广播电视服务 广播 8610 电视 8620 (二)电影和影视录音服务 电影和影视节目制作 8630 电影和影视节目发行 8640 电影放映 8650 录音制作 8660 三、文化艺术服务 (一)文艺创作与表演服务 文艺创作与表演 8710 艺术表演场馆 8720 (二)图书馆与档案馆服务 图书馆 8731 档案馆 8732 (三)文化遗产保护服务 文物及非物质文化遗产保护 8740 博物馆 8750 烈士陵园、纪念馆 8760 (四)群众文化服务 群众文化活动 8770 (五)文化研究和社团服务 社会人文科学研究 7350 专业性团体(的服务)* 9421 —学术理论社会团体的服务 —文化团体的服务 (六)文化艺术培训服务 文化艺术培训 8293 其他未列明教育* 8299 —美术、舞蹈、音乐辅导服务 (七)其他文化艺术服务 其他文化艺术业 8790 四、文化信息传输服务 (一)互联网信息服务 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support第5页 共8页 互联网信息服务 6420 (二)增值电信服务(文化部分) 其他电信服务* 6319 —增值电信服务(文化部分) (三)广播电视传输服务 有线广播电视传输服务 6321 无线广播电视传输服务 6322 卫星传输服务* 6330 —传输、覆盖与接收服务 —设计、安装、调试、测试、监测等服务 五、文化创意和设计服务 (一)广告服务 广告业 7240 (二)文化软件服务 软件开发* 6510 —多媒体、动漫游戏软件开发 数字内容服务* 6591 —数字动漫、游戏设计制作 (三)建筑设计服务 工程勘察设计* 7482 —房屋建筑工程设计服务 —室内装饰设计服务 —风景园林工程专项设计服务 (四)专业设计服务 专业化设计服务 7491 六、文化休闲娱乐服务 (一)景区游览服务 公园管理 7851 游览景区管理 7852 野生动物保护* 7712 —动物园和海洋馆、水族馆管理服务 野生植物保护 * 7713 —植物园管理服务 (二)娱乐休闲服务 歌舞厅娱乐活动 8911 电子游艺厅娱乐活动 8912 网吧活动 8913 其他室内娱乐活动 8919 游乐园 8920 其他娱乐业 8990 (三)摄影扩印服务 摄影扩印服务 7492 七、工艺美术品的生产 (一)工艺美术品的制造 雕塑工艺品制造 2431 金属工艺品制造 2432 漆器工艺品制造 2433 花画工艺品制造 2434 天然植物纤维编织工艺品制造 2435 抽纱刺绣工艺品制造 2436 地毯、挂毯制造 2437 珠宝首饰及有关物品制造 2438 其他工艺美术品制造 2439 (二)园林、陈设艺术及其他陶瓷制品的制造 6cable spacing of the support ccording to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. acurely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed setion ppipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protechould be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection here stion tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, ttible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protecsuscepted, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforahould ion should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables ste, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable terminatomple.2 cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be cand Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes tight,d flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around ble and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not shoulof transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes ca 园林、陈设艺术及其他陶瓷制品制造* 3079 —陈设艺术陶瓷制品制造 (三)工艺美术品的销售 首饰、工艺品及收藏品批发 5146 珠宝首饰零售 5245 工艺美术品及收藏品零售 5246 第二部分 文化相关产品的生产 八、文化产品生产的辅助生产 (一)版权服务 知识产权服务* 7250 —版权和文化软件服务 (二)印刷复制服务 书、报刊印刷 2311 本册印制 2312 包装装潢及其他印刷 2319 装订及印刷相关服务 2320 记录媒介复制 2330 (三)文化经纪代理服务 文化娱乐经纪人 8941 其他文化艺术经纪代理 8949 (四)文化贸易代理与拍卖服务 贸易代理* 5181 —文化贸易代理服务 拍卖* 5182 —艺(美)术品、文物、古董、字画拍卖服务 (五)文化出租服务 娱乐及体育设备出租* 7121 —视频设备、照相器材和娱乐设备的出租服务 图书出租 7122 音像制品出租 7123 (六)会展服务 会议及展览服务 7292 (七)其他文化辅助生产 其他未列明商务服务业* 7299 —公司礼仪和模特服务 —大型活动组织服务 —票务服务 九、文化用品的生产 (一)办公用品的制造 文具制造 2411 笔的制造 2412 墨水、墨汁制造 2414 (二)乐器的制造 中乐器制造 2421 西乐器制造 2422 电子乐器制造 2423 其他乐器及零件制造 2429 (三)玩具的制造 玩具制造 2450 (四)游艺器材及娱乐用品的制造 露天游乐场所游乐设备制造 2461 游艺用品及室内游艺器材制造 2462 其他娱乐用品制造 2469 (五)视听设备的制造 电视机制造 3951 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support第7页 共8页 音响设备制造 3952 影视录放设备制造 3953 (六)焰火、鞭炮产品的制造 焰火、鞭炮产品制造 2672 (七)文化用纸的制造 机制纸及纸板制造* 2221 —文化用机制纸及纸板制造 手工纸制造 2222 (八)文化用油墨颜料的制造 油墨及类似产品制造 2642 颜料制造* 2643 —文化用颜料制造 (九)文化用化学品的制造 信息化学品制造* 2664 —文化用信息化学品的制造 (十)其他文化用品的制造 照明灯具制造* 3872 —装饰用灯和影视舞台灯制造 其他电子设备制造* 3990 —电子快译通、电子记事本、电子词典等制造 (十一)文具乐器照相器材的销售 文具用品批发 5141 文具用品零售 5241 乐器零售 5247 照相器材零售 5248 (十二)文化用家电的销售 家用电器批发* 5137 —文化用家用电器批发 家用视听设备零售 5271 (十三)其他文化用品的销售 其他文化用品批发 5149 其他文化用品零售 5249 十、文化专用设备的生产 (一)印刷专用设备的制造 印刷专用设备制造 3542 (二)广播电视电影专用设备的制造 广播电视节目制作及发射设备制造 3931 广播电视接收设备及器材制造 3932 应用电视设备及其他广播电视设备制造 3939 电影机械制造 3471 (三)其他文化专用设备的制造 幻灯及投影设备制造 3472 照相机及器材制造 3473 复印和胶印设备制造 3474 (四)广播电视电影专用设备的批发 通讯及广播电视设备批发* 5178 —广播电视电影专用设备批发 (五)舞台照明设备的批发 电气设备批发* 5176 —舞台照明设备的批发 8cable spacing of the support ccording to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. acurely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed setion ppipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protechould be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection here stion tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, ttible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protecsuscepted, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforahould ion should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables ste, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable terminatomple.2 cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be cand Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes tight,d flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around ble and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not shoulof transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes ca
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