
2013 2014上半学期考试评分标准(含中专大专本科)

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2013 2014上半学期考试评分标准(含中专大专本科)2013 2014上半学期考试评分标准(含中专大专本科) 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:青霉素皮试液配制操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 1. 仪表端庄,着装整洁 一处不符合要求扣1分 4 2. 核对医嘱、治疗单(卡) 不核对医嘱扣4分,一处不符合要求扣1 4 分 操 3. 洗手,戴口罩 一处不符合要求扣1分 作 2 前 4. 用物准备:手消毒液,治疗盘1个,无菌治疗巾包, 准 无菌容器,无菌持...
2013 2014上半学期考试评分标准(含中专大专本科)
2013 2014上半学期考试评分(含中专大专本科) 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:青霉素皮试液配制操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 1. 仪端庄,着装整洁 一处不符合扣1分 4 2. 核对医嘱、治疗单(卡) 不核对医嘱扣4分,一处不符合要求扣1 4 分 操 3. 洗手,戴口罩 一处不符合要求扣1分 作 2 前 4. 用物准备:手消毒液,治疗盘1个,无菌治疗巾包, 准 无菌容器,无菌持物钳,1ml 及5ml一次性注射器, 少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 备 棉签,80万U青霉素粉剂,生理盐水注射液1支20 (10ml),酒精,砂轮,启瓶器,红兰笔,手表,注10 分 射单(卡),急救盒(内有一次性2ml注射器、0.1% 肾上腺素、砂轮),利器盒,盛污物容器,必要时备 清洁方纱(折断安瓿用) 1. 打开无菌治疗巾包,按规范要求铺治疗盘 未铺治疗巾扣2分,手污染治疗巾、铺盘方 2 法不对扣1分, 2. 核对: 不核对扣4分,不双人核对扣2分;未检查 (1) 注射单(卡):床号、姓名、药名、浓度、剂量、一项各扣2分;检查不全扣1分;一处不符 用法、时间 合要求扣1分 (2) 青霉素:药名、剂量、生产批号、有效期 8 (3) 生理盐水:药名、剂量、生产批号、对光检查药 液是否浑浊、沉淀或有絮状物,瓶身有无裂痕 (4) 一次性注射器:名称、生产日期、有效期、包装 完整性 3.配制前准备: 用碘酊消毒青霉素瓶塞扣3分;一处不符合 操 作 (1)开启青霉素安瓿的中心部分,消毒 5 要求扣1分 流 (2)生理盐水注射液安瓿锯痕,消毒后折断 程 4(配置青霉素皮试液: 注射器选择不当,吸药及排气方法不对,浪 60 (1)将生理盐水注入青霉素瓶内,摇匀,使每毫升含青费药液各扣5分;无双人核对药物扣2分;分 霉素20万U 稀释量不准确一次扣3分;药液污染扣5 (2)用1ml注射器取上液0.1ml,加生理盐水至1ml,分,不更换扣10分;药液剂量配错扣8分; 摇匀,使每毫升含青霉素2万U 40 (3)用1ml注射器取上液0.1ml,加生理盐水至1ml, 摇匀,使每毫升含青霉素2千U (4)用1ml注射器取上液0.1ml,0.25 ml,加生理盐 水至1ml,摇匀,使每毫升含青霉素200,500U (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 5(将配好的青霉素皮试液套上生理盐水安瓿,置无菌盘 吸好药的注射器未放入治疗盘内、未盖好各 5 内备用,盖好。将青霉素溶液、抢救盒放上治疗车 扣2分;一处不符合要求扣1分 1. 按消毒要求分类整理使用后物品 5 一处不符合要求扣1分 操 2. 全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 作 10 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分; 后 评 价 3. 操作总时间:7分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 20 分 监考老师 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:肌内注射操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 扣程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 得分 分 1. 仪表端庄,着装整洁 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 2. 核对医嘱、治疗单(卡) 3 未核对扣3分;一处不符合要求扣1分 3. 评估: 未评估扣4分,评估不全一项扣2分;未解释扣 操 (1)了解药物使用注意事项 2分 作 (2)询问、了解患者的身体状况及注射部位状4 前 况 准 (3)解释操作目的,取得患者配合 备 4. 洗手,戴口罩 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 20 5. 用物准备:手消毒液,治疗盘,无菌治疗巾少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 分 包,无菌容器,无菌持物钳,2,5ml一次性 注射器,棉签,药液,皮肤消毒剂,砂轮,5 治疗单(卡),笔,表,利器盒,盛污容器, 必要时备清洁方纱折断安瓿用 1. 打开无菌治疗巾包,按规范要求铺治疗盘 未铺治疗巾扣2分,手污染治疗巾、铺盘方法不 2 对扣1分 2. 核对: 不核对扣5分,不双人核对扣2分;未检查一项 (1)注射单(卡):床号、姓名、药名、浓度、各扣2分;检查不全扣1分;一处不符合要求扣 剂量、用法、时间 1分 (2)药品:药名、剂量、生产批号、有效期、8 操 对光检查药液是否浑浊、沉淀或有絮状物, 作 瓶身有无裂痕 流 (3)一次性注射器:名称、生产日期、有效期、 程 包装完整性 60 3. 吸药: 锯后不消毒安瓿、注射器选择不当、吸药及排气 分 (1)将安瓿尖端药液弹下,安瓿锯痕,消毒后方法不对、浪费药液各扣1分;吸好的药液未放 用清洁方纱包裹折断/消毒后折断 入治疗盘内、未盖好各扣1分;一处不符合要求8 (2)取一次性注射器及针头,并衔接紧密 扣1分 (3)用正确方法吸药 ,排尽空气 (4)将抽吸好的药液套上安瓿,置于无菌盘内 4. 携用物至患者床旁,核对患者,为患者进行未核对扣3分; 未遮挡扣2分 5 遮挡 5. 协助患者取合适体位,使注射部位肌肉放松 体位不合适,不利于肌肉放松扣3分;一处不符 3 合要求 扣1分 6. 选择注射部位(臀大肌、臀中肌、臀小肌、选择注射部位不对扣5分,定位不准确扣5分, 股外侧肌、上臂三角肌)并能正确叙述一种5 不能叙述定位方法扣3分 定位方法 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 7. 常规消毒皮肤,范围直径大于5cm 消毒皮肤范围及方法不正确各扣2分 2 8. 注射前查对,确认无误,并排尽注射器内空不再次核对扣3分,排气方法不正确或空气未排 5 气 尽各扣2分,污染和浪费药液各扣2分 9. 进针:指导患者放松,左手拇指、食指绷紧不绷紧皮肤、进针角度、手法不对、过深或过浅 皮肤,小指与无名指处夹紧一干无菌棉签;各扣2分;注药前不回抽或回抽有血各扣2分; 右手持针以中指固定针栓,将针头迅速垂直5 一处不符合要求 各扣2分 刺入肌内2.5,3 cm(针梗的2/3,消瘦者 及小儿酌减) 10. 注药:松开左手,抽动活塞,右手固定针栓,不固定针栓,速度不当各扣2分;各扣2分, 5 无回血时,缓慢注入药物 11. 拔针:注射毕左手用干无菌棉签按压针眼拔针慢、不用棉签压进针处各扣3分 3 处,右手快速拔针,再按压进针点至不出血 12. 注射后查对,确认无误 3 不查对扣3分 13. 询问患者对操作的感受,了解患者的满意度 5 未评估扣5分一处不符合要求扣1分 14. 协助患者取舒适体位,整理床单位,致谢 3 体位不舒适扣2分;一处不符合要求扣1分 15. 洗手 1 未洗手扣1分 16. 记录 2 未记录扣2分,一处记录不符合要求扣2分 1. 按消毒技术规范要求分类整理使用后物品 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 操 2. 正确指导患者 作 (1)告知患者注射时勿紧张,肌肉放松,使药后 6 未指导扣5分,指导不全一处扣1分 液顺利进入肌组织,利于药液的吸收 评 (2)告知患者所注射的药物及注意事项 价 3. 言语通俗易懂,态度和蔼,沟通有效 2 态度语言不符合要求各扣1分;沟通无效扣2分 20 4.全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 5 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分; 分 5.操作总时间:6分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 监考老师 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:女患者导尿操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间; 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 1仪表端庄,着装整洁. 未核对扣5分;一处不符合要求 2.核对医嘱,治疗单(卡) 5 扣1分 3.评估: 操 (1)询问、了解患者身体状况 作 未评估扣4分,评估不全一项扣2分 (2)了解患者膀胱充盈度就及局部皮 6 前 未解释扣2分 肤情况 准 (3)向患者解释操作目的,取得配合 备 20 4.洗手、戴口罩 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 分 5.用物准备:治疗车上放置:铺清洁治疗 巾的治疗盘,内备无菌导尿包、橡胶单、 5 少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 治疗中单、大毛巾 1.携用物至患者床旁,核对床号、姓名 3 不核对扣3分,核对不全一处扣1分 2.告知患者操作方法,关闭门窗,注意遮未告知扣3分,一处不符合要求 3 扣1分 挡患者 3.协助患者取卧位,脱去对侧裤腿,盖在 体位不符合扣2分,一处不符合要求 近侧腿上,两腿外展,暴露外阴,臀下 3 扣1分 铺橡胶单加治疗单 4.消毒外阴:(1)将外阴消毒用物按操作 顺序合理摆放。(2)左手戴手套,右手 持血管钳,依次消毒阴阜,大阴唇,左顺序颠倒一次扣2分,一处不符合要求10 操 扣1分 手分开大阴唇,消毒小阴唇及尿道口, 作 顺序由外向内,自上而下,每个棉球限流 用一次。用过的棉球及手套放在弯盘内 程 60 5.取无菌导尿包置于患者两腿之间,按无 分 菌原则的要求打开导尿包的外、内层包 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 布,按操作顺序整理无菌用物 6.无菌区域的准备:(1)戴无菌手套(2) 铺孔巾;使孔巾和导尿包内层包布形成 8 一处不符合要求扣2分 一无菌区(3)用石蜡油棉球润滑导尿 管前端(4)检查导尿是否通畅 7.以左手分开并固定小阴唇,右手用血管 钳夹消毒棉球,按顺序消毒:尿道口—顺序颠倒一次扣2分,一处不符合要求 8 扣2分 两侧小阴唇—尿道口。每个棉球限用一 次 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 8左手继续固定小阴唇不松开,嘱患者深 呼吸同时用右手,持另一血管钳夹导尿7 一处不符合要求扣2分 管对准尿道口轻轻插入尿道4~6cm,见 尿液流出再插入1-2cm左右,固定. 9.如需要作尿培养,用试管接取中段尿一处不符合要求扣1分 5ml,盖好瓶盖。如为一次性导尿,导 3 尿完毕,拔除导尿管,撤出下孔巾,脱 去手套,放入导尿包内 10.如需留置尿管:应在插管时见尿液流出一处不符合要求扣1分 后再插入5~7cm,水囊内注入10~15ml 的无菌生理盐水,轻拉导尿管有阻力5 感,确定导尿固定稳妥,接上无菌引流 袋,并固定在床边 11.协助患者整理衣裤,取舒适体位,询问一处不符合要求扣1分 患者感受,整理床单元和用物,向患2 者致谢 12.洗手 未洗手扣1分 1 13.记录 未记录扣2分,记录不符合要求一处扣 2 1分 14(时间:10分钟 每超30秒扣1分 3 1.按消毒技术规范要求分类整理使用后物一处不符合要求扣1分 3 品 2.正确指导患者: 未指导扣5分,指导不全一处扣1分 (1)指导患者放松,在插管过程中协助 配合,避免污染 操 (2)指导患者在留置尿管期间保证充足作 入量,预防发生感染和结石 后 7 (3)告知患者在留置尿管期间防止尿管评 打折、弯曲、受压、脱出等情况发价 生,保证通畅 20 (4)告知患者保持尿袋高度低于耻骨联分 合水平,防止逆行感染 3.语言通俗易懂,态度和蔼,沟通有效 态度语言不符合要求各扣1分,沟通无 2 效扣2分 4(全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原一处不符合要求酌情扣1~2分; 8 则 监考老师 考核时间: 年 月 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:密闭式静脉输液术操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 1. 仪表端庄,着装整洁 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 未核对扣5分;一处不符合要求扣1 2. 核对医嘱、治疗单或输液卡 5 分 3. 评估: 操 (1)询问、了解患者的身体状况 未评估扣4分,评估不全一项扣2分;作 (2)评估患者穿刺部位的皮肤、血管状况 6 未解释扣2分 前 (3)解释操作目的,取得患者配合,并做好输 准 液前准备,如排空大小便等 备 4. 洗手,戴口罩 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 20 5. 用物准备:手消毒液,内铺清洁治疗巾的治分 疗盘,一次性输液器,胶布或输液贴,止血 带,垫巾,棉签,皮肤消毒剂,药液,笔,5 少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 手表,治疗单(输液)单(卡),治疗碗, 输液架,盛污物容器,如需加药按医嘱备药 物,另备一次性注射器、砂轮、利器盒 1. 核对: (1)输液单(卡):床号、姓名、药名、浓度、不核对扣5分;未检查一项各扣2分;剂量、用法、时间 5 检查不全一处扣1分;一处不符合要(2)液体:药名、浓度、剂量和有效期等,瓶求扣1分 口有无松动,瓶身有无裂痕,对光检查药液 是否浑浊、沉淀或有絮状物 2. 粘贴输液卡,并在输液卡核对者处签名。开未签名扣3分未;未消毒或消毒方法 3 启药瓶中心部分,常规消毒瓶口 不对扣1分 操 3. 检查一次性输液器:名称、生产日期、有效作 2 未检查扣2分;漏检查一项扣1分 期、包装完整性,取出,持输液管插入瓶塞流 至针头根部 程 不核对扣8分;未告知扣3分;解释4. 携用物至患者床旁,核对患者床号、姓名、60 5 不全扣2分;态度不认真、语言不亲药液,告知药名和作用 分 切各扣1分 体位不舒适扣3分;一处不符合要求 5. 告知患者配合方法,协助患者取舒适体位, 3 扣1分 6.固定针栓和护针帽,关闭调节器,将药瓶挂在未固定针栓和护针帽、未关闭调节器、 输液架上排气,使输液管内充满溶液,茂非氏滴排气方法不正确、一次排气不成功,5 浪费药液各扣1分;一处不符合要求管内有,,,,,,,液体,排气,将带有护针 扣1分 帽的针头妥善固定在输液架上 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 体位不舒适扣1分;扎止血带不符合7.备胶布,铺垫巾及扎止血带,选择静脉,消毒4 要求、消毒范围、方法不正确各扣1皮肤,输液进针前查对,确认无误 分;一处不符合要求扣1分 不复查排气,输液管下端有气体各扣 8.取下针帽排气,再次检查茂非氏滴管下端有无1分;进针方法不正确扣3分;退针 气泡,进行穿刺,见回血后在沿静脉进针少许,松一次扣2分;拔出皮肤重新穿刺扣5 开止血带,打开调节器,以输液贴妥善固定针头10 分;二次不成功扣8分;不松止血带、 及穿刺点,取出止血带及垫巾,将输液肢体放置调节器各扣1分;固定不牢扣1分; 舒适 肢体放置不舒适扣1分;一处不符合 要求扣1分 9.输液后查对,确认无误 3 未再次核对扣3分 操 作 10.调节输液速度,一般成人,,,6,滴,分,未调滴速扣8分;滴数误差每5滴扣8 流 儿童,,,,,滴,分,或按医嘱 2分 程 11. 询问患者对操作的感受,告知注意事项放置未告知注意事项扣5分;告知不全酌5 信号灯于患者可及处 情扣1,5分;一处不符合要求扣1分 体位不舒适扣2分;未整理床单位扣12. 协助患者取舒适体位,整理床单位,致谢 2 1分 13. 洗手 1 未洗手扣1分 未签名扣2分;未记录扣4分,一处 14. 在输液单(卡)上签名,并记录 4 记录不符合要求扣2分 1.按消毒技术规范要求分类处理使用后物品 3 一处不符合要求扣1分 操 2.正确指导患者 作 (1)告知患者所输药物 5 未指导扣5分,指导不全一处扣1分 后 (2)告知输液中的注意事项 评 态度语言不符合要求各扣1分;沟通价 3.言语通俗易懂,态度和蔼,沟通有效 2 无效扣2分 20 分 4.全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 5 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分 5.操作总时间:10分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 监考老师: 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:卧床患者更换床单法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 1( 仪表端庄,着装整洁 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 2( 评估: 操 未评估扣6分,评估不全一项扣2分; (1)了解患者病情(意识状态、各种管道、肢体作 10 未解释扣4分;不作指导扣3分,不按需活动情况、自理能力) 前 要给予便器扣1分 (2)解释操作目的,取得患者配合 准 备 3( 洗手,戴口罩 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 20 4( 用物准备:手消毒液、带污物袋的双层护理车,分 按操作前后顺序准备大单、中单、枕套各1条,6 少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 床刷及一次性床刷套 1( 携用物至床旁,核对床号,姓名 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 2( 指导患者配合,移动床旁桌、椅方便操作 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 3( 支取对侧床栏,松被尾,移枕侧卧,观察患者5 一处不符合要求扣1分 背部受压情况及反应 4( 安排妥当各种引流管及治疗措施(如有引流管 及其他治疗措施时,应先从没有的一侧开始更4 一处不符合要求扣1分 换) 操 5( 松开近侧大单及中单,中单卷至患者身下 3 一处不符合要求扣1分 作 流 6( 扫橡胶中单(从床头到床尾扫,过中线,床扫程 放在床褥下,将一次性中单卷至患者身下)将60 一处不符合要求扣1分,扫橡胶单和床褥时橡胶中单搭在患者身上,将大单卷至患者身6 分 不过中线各扣1分 下,扫床褥(从床头到床尾分两到三节扫床褥 (过中线)),床扫放对侧床尾 7( 取清洁大单,对齐中线,将远侧半边向内卷至大单不拉平、塞紧各扣2分,中线偏离扣2患者身下,再将近侧半边铺好拉平(近侧床头、8 分,一处不符合要求扣1分 床尾、床中间) 8( 将橡胶中单拉下铺平,铺清洁中单,协助患者4 中线偏离扣1分,不包紧、不平整各扣1分 翻身平卧,支取近侧床栏 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 9( 转至对侧,放下近侧床栏,移枕头,协助患者一处不符合要求扣1分,未将污单放入污物侧卧,检查皮肤,各层污单卷出,置于污物袋4 袋扣3分 或治疗车下层 10. 扫橡胶中单后搭在患者身上(从床头到床尾 扫,过中线,床扫放在床垫下),扫床褥(从大单、中单不拉平塞紧各扣2分,中线偏离床头到床尾分两到三节扫床褥(过中线),床 4 各扣1分,扫橡胶单和床褥时不过中线各扣扫套放治疗车下层,将患者身下清洁大单、1分,不取下床扫套丢弃扣1分 橡胶中单(或干净的一次性中单)、清洁中单 逐层拉出铺好 11. 移枕协助患者平卧 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 12. 换枕套:托住患者头颈部,将枕头撤出;取不松枕扣2分,枕头放置不当扣2分,一处 下枕套置于污物袋套好枕套,四角充实;一4 不符合要求扣1分 手托住头部,一手将枕头置于患者头下 13. 整理近侧盖被,协助患者取舒适体位,支取未整理扣2分,不平整扣1分,盖被两侧及 近侧床栏;转至对侧整理盖被同时支取床栏,4 尾端折叠不好各扣1分,未协助患者取舒适 在床尾将被尾反折 体位扣2分,一处不符合要求扣1分 14. 将床旁桌椅搬回原处 1 一处不符合要求扣1分 15. 询问患者对操作的感受,了解患者的满意度, 5 一处不符合要求扣1分 向患者致谢 16. 洗手 2 未洗手扣2分 1. 按消毒技术规范要求分类整理使用后物品 3 一处不符合要求扣1分 操 2. 正确指导患者 作 (1) 及时反映自己的感觉及不适 5 未指导扣5分,指导不全一处扣1分 后 (2) 告知患者主要步骤及配合 评 态度语言不符合要求各扣1分;沟通无效 3. 言语通俗易懂,态度和蔼,沟通有效 2 价 扣2分 20 4. 全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 5 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分 分 5.操作总时间:10分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 监考老师: 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:皮内注射(青霉素皮试液刚配好)评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程序 规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 1. 仪表端庄,着装整洁 2 一处不符合要求扣1分 2. 核对医嘱、治疗单(卡) 不核对医嘱扣5分,一处不符合要求扣1 5 分 3. 评估: 未评估扣4分,评估不全一处扣2分;未 操 (1)询问了解患者的身体状况及药物过敏史 解释扣2分 6 作 (2)观察患者局部皮肤状况 前 (3)解释操作目的,取得患者配合 准 4. 洗手,戴口罩 一处不符合要求扣1分 2 备 5. 用物准备:手消毒液,治疗盘1个,无菌治疗巾包, 20 无菌容器,无菌持物钳,1ml 及2~5ml一次性注射器, 少一件或一件不符合要求扣1分 分 棉签,刚配好的青霉素皮试液,青霉素,酒精,红兰5 笔,手表,注射单(卡),急救盒(内有一次性2ml 注射器、0.1%肾上腺素、砂轮),利器盒,盛污物容 器,必要时备清洁方纱(折断安瓿用) 1. 打开无菌治疗巾包,按规范要求铺治疗盘 未铺治疗巾扣2分,手污染治疗巾、铺盘 2 方法不对扣1分, 2. 核对: 不核对扣4分;未检查一项各扣2分;检 (1) 注射单(卡):床号、姓名、药名、浓度、剂量、查不全扣1分;一处不符合要求扣1分 用法、时间 (2) 青霉素:药名、剂量、生产批号、有效期 4 (3) 急救盒(内有一次性2ml注射器、0.1%肾上腺素、 砂轮)一次性注射器:名称、生产日期、有效期、 包装完整性。药品:名称、浓度、有效期 3.注射用物放置治疗车上: 无双人核对药物扣2分;药液污染扣2分, (1)将配好的青霉素皮试液套上生理盐水安瓿,置无菌不更换扣5分;吸好药的注射器未放入治操 盘内备用,盖好。将青霉素溶液、抢救盒放上治疗车 5 疗盘内、未盖好各扣2分;回答不对皮试作 (2)说出青霉素皮试的有效浓度:使每毫升含青霉素液浓度扣3分,一处不符合要求扣1分 流 程 200~500U 60 4. 携用物至床旁,核对患者,再次确认无过敏史,已进不核对床号、姓名、过敏史、是否进食各 6 分 食 扣2分 5. 协助患者取舒适体位 2 体位不舒适扣2分 6.. 选择注射部位,消毒:预防接种在上臂三角肌下缘,部位不对扣3分;消毒方法、范围不对各 6 过敏试验在前臂掌侧下1/3处。75%酒精消毒,待干。 扣2分 7.. 注射前查对:确认无误,排气 不核对扣2分;注射器内空气未排尽或未 2 排气,排气方法不对,浪费药液各扣1分 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 8.. 进针:左手绷紧注射部位皮肤,右手持注射器,针角度不适宜、针头斜面未完全进入皮内、 尖斜面向上与皮肤成适宜角度刺入皮内,针尖斜面8 过深、酒精未干进针、不绷紧皮肤各扣1 全部刺入皮内后固定针栓 分;方法不对及不固定各扣1分 9.. 注药:右手推注药液0.1ml至圆形隆起的皮丘,并药液量不准确扣3分;皮试局部未形成皮 3 显露毛孔 丘扣2分 10. 拔针:注射完毕切拔出针头,勿按压 按压进针处扣2分,拔针方法不正确扣1 2 分 11. 注射后查对,确认无误 3 不查对扣3分 12. 叮嘱患者观察结果皮试结果时间,皮试观察期间不未告知注意事项扣5分;告知不全一项内 5 要离开,有不适及时 容扣1分;一处不符合要求扣1分 13. 协助患者取舒适体位,整理床单位,致谢 体位不舒适扣2分;一处不符合要求扣1 2 分 14. 洗手 1 未洗手扣1分 未记录扣4分,一处记录不符合要求扣2 15. 记录:在治疗单上签全名,记录时间(皮试时间?4 分 结果判断时间) 16. 观察结果、记录:按规定时间由2人观察结果,按不观察反应扣5分;不按时观察结果扣3 要求记录皮试结果 分;结果判断错误扣5分;不记录、不签5 全名、未双人查看结果各扣2分 1.按消毒技术规范要求分类整理使用后物品 3 一处不符合要求扣1分 2.正确指导患者:向患者解释操作目的及配合、注意事5 未指导扣5分,指导不全一处扣1分 操 项 作 态度语言不符合要求各扣1分;沟通无效后 3.言语通俗易懂,态度和蔼,沟通有效 2 扣2分 评 价 4.全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 5 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分 20 分 5.操作总时间:7分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 监考老师: 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 广西中医药大学护理学院 广西中医学校操作评分标准 项目:无菌技术基本操作法评分标准(标准分100分) 班级: 学号: 姓名: 操作时间: 得分: 程规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 序 1( 仪表端庄,着装整洁 一处不符合要求各扣1分 2 2( 评估:环境、桌面是否清洁,适宜操作 未评估扣8分,评估不全一处扣2分 8 操 作 3( 洗手 不洗手扣4分;指甲长扣2分 4 前 4( 戴口罩 不戴口罩扣2分 2 准 用物准备:手消毒剂,无菌持物钳或镊(干罐少一件或一件不符合要求(无菌物品包外无标 备 有效期为,小时),治疗盘,无菌治疗巾包,志)扣,分,无菌物品与非无菌物品混放一件20 无菌治疗碗包,手套,无菌溶液,棉签,消毒4 扣,分 分 剂,表,笔,盛污物容器,必要时备启瓶器, 标签 1( 取无菌持物钳,检查名称、灭菌日期、化不检查扣3分,检查漏一项扣1分,一处不符 学指示胶带,取、放无菌持物钳时,钳端4 合要求扣,分 应闭合向下,用后立即放回容器内 2( 无菌包:检查无菌包名称、灭菌日期、化 学指示带颜色变化情况,包布干燥、完整、不检查扣3分,检查漏一项扣1分 4 系带严紧 3( 自包布外角、两侧角、近侧角的顺序打开 一处不符合要求扣1分,污染一处扣1分 3 4( 用无菌持物钳取出一块治疗巾放在治疗一处不符合要求扣1分,污染一处扣1分 盘内,包内有剩余物品,则按原折痕包起4 操 扎好,注明开包日期、时间 作 5( 铺无菌盘:双手捏住无菌巾上层两角的外一处不符合要求扣1分,污染一处扣1分,跨 流 面抖开,铺于治疗盘上,双手捏住两角展 越无菌区一次扣1分 程 开双折铺于治疗盘上,上层扇形折叠,开4 60 口边向外 分 6. 取无菌治疗碗包,检查灭菌日期、化学指漏检查一项各扣1分,开包方法不对扣2分, 4 示胶带,打开无菌治疗碗包 手污染治疗碗内面扣4分 7.检查无菌容器名称、灭菌日期、化学指示胶一处不符合要求扣1分,污染一处扣1分 带,打开无菌容器盖,内面朝上拿手中,取4 出无菌物品后立即盖严容器,手不可触及容 器及容器的内面及边缘 8.打开容器时,避免手臂跨越容器上方 跨越一次扣2分 2 9. 从无菌容器中取物时,应将盖子完全打开,物品触碰边缘一次扣1分 2 避免物品触碰边缘 2 未托住底部扣2分 10. 手持无菌容器时,应托住底部 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 程规范项目 分值 评分标准 扣分 得分 序 11. 取无菌溶液:核对标签上药名、浓度、剂漏检查一项扣1分 量、失效期等,检查瓶盖是否松动,瓶身4 有无裂缝,无菌溶液有无变质、沉淀、变 色、浑浊等 12. 打开瓶盖,标签朝上,倒出少许溶液冲洗瓶签不朝上扣1分,不冲洗瓶口扣2分 瓶口,开盖时手不可触及瓶口,再由原处5 倒出适量溶液于无菌治疗碗内 13. 盖好瓶盖,用消毒棉签消毒瓶口,注明开污染瓶盖未消毒扣2分,瓶盖未盖好、未及时 瓶日期及时间(已打开的溶液有效使用时盖好各扣1分,不记录开瓶日期、时间各扣12 间为24小时) 分,使用超过有效期溶液扣2分 14. 放入无菌物品后,展开扇形折叠层,盖住边缘不对齐扣1分,未能一次盖好扣1分,不 物品,上下层边缘对齐。开口处向上反折,反折或反折不对各扣1分 4 两侧边缘向下反折后备用 15. 记录铺盘日期及时间 未注明铺盘日期及时间各扣,分 2 16. 戴无菌手套:选择无菌手套号码,核对灭 菌日期、化学指示胶带,检查包布有无潮漏检查一项各扣1分,手套不合适扣1分 4 湿、破损(一次性灭菌手套检查包装、有 效期、批号、型号、) 17. 一手掀起手套开口处,另一手捏住一只手取出手套时方法不对扣1分,取手套污染扣2 套的翻则折部分(手套内面),取出手套,分 2 对准五指戴上 18. 再用戴好手套的手插入另一手套翻折内戴手套方法不正确、戴不好各扣1分,未翻手 (手套外面),同法将手套戴好。翻手套边套边扣在衣袖外面扣1分,撕破手套、污染手 2 扣套在衣袖外面 套外面各各扣2分 19. 脱手套:一手捏住另一手套腕部外面,翻 转脱下。再以脱下手套的手插入另一手套脱手套方法不对扣2分 2 内,将其往下翻转脱下 1(按消毒技术规范要求处理用物 一处不符合要求扣1分 操 2 作 2(无菌观念强,物品摆放合理 一处不符合要求扣1分 8 后 评 3(全过程动作熟练、规范,符合操作原则 一处不符合要求酌情扣1,2分 5 价 20 4.操作总时间:7分钟 5 每超30秒扣1分 分 监考老师: 考核时间: 年 月 日 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 2013,2014年上学期中专操作考试项目 必考项目:肌内注射 抽考项目:无菌技术操作、皮内注射(青霉素皮试刚配好)、密闭式静脉输液术、女病人导尿术、青霉素皮试液配制 2014年上学期大专本科操作考试项目 2013, 必考项目:肌内注射 抽考项目:无菌技术操作、皮内注射(青霉素皮试刚配好)、密闭式静脉输液术、卧有病人更单法、青霉素皮试液配制 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide
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