

2017-12-28 24页 doc 62KB 19阅读




沈阳幼儿园教师资格证面试沈阳幼儿园教师资格证面试 沈阳 幼儿园教师资格考试教学活动设计题目(20个) 1、 健康:保护牙宝宝 2、 语言:小树叶飘呀飘 3、 社会:红灯绿灯眨眼睛 4、 科学:5以内按数取物和按物取数 5、 社会:我的好朋友 6、 健康:追逐躲闪跑 7、 语言:小兔子开铺子 8、 社会:你谦我让 9、 科学:小动物怎么样过冬 10、 科学:哪个多哪个少 11、 科学:认识整点 12、 科学:10的分解组成 13、 健康:危险来了我不怕 14、 健康:好玩的报纸 15、 语言:散文诗:春天是一本书 16、...
沈阳幼儿园教师资格证面试 沈阳 幼儿园教师资格考试教学活动目(20个) 1、 健康:保护牙宝宝 2、 语言:小树叶飘呀飘 3、 社会:红灯绿灯眨眼睛 4、 科学:5以内按数取物和按物取数 5、 社会:我的好朋友 6、 健康:追逐躲闪跑 7、 语言:小兔子开铺子 8、 社会:你谦我让 9、 科学:小动物怎么样过冬 10、 科学:哪个多哪个少 11、 科学:认识整点 12、 科学:10的分解组成 13、 健康:危险来了我不怕 14、 健康:好玩的报纸 15、 语言:散文诗:春天是一本书 16、 社会:各种各样的标志 17、 社会:中秋节 18、 科学:沉浮 19、 语言:复述故事:春天的电话 20、 社会:各行各业的人 幼儿园教师资格实践能力测试简笔画题目(15个) 1、 快乐的节目; 2、 小小的船; 3、 可爱的家乡; development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 4、 美丽的校园; 5、 海底世界; 6、 小鸟和牵牛花; 7、 静静的莲塘; 8、 美丽的天安门; 9、 快乐的“六一”; 10、 我喜欢的玩具; 11、 生日会; 12、 我和我的好朋友; 13、 美丽的海底世界; 14、 我的幼儿园; 15、 炎热的夏天。 幼儿园教师资格实践能力测试边弹边唱题目(15个) 1. 祖国祖国多美丽 2.小燕子 3.嘀哩嘀哩 4.小乌鸦爱妈妈 5.我们美丽的祖国 6.小背篓 7.送别 8.摇篮曲 9(娃哈哈 10(洋娃娃和小熊跳舞 11.国旗多美丽 12.小青蛙你唱吧 13.粗心的小画家 14.劳动最关荣 ientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scr specures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tendechapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material meas12th construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The ore the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior toed befe the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drainht recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complettime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and nig-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightture expansionof puffing chicken manure. High tempera 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ke root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees ta-2 15.小鼓响咚咚幼 儿园教师资格实践能力测试讲故事题目(15个) 1、 故事:“春娃娃”; 2、 故事:“三只小猪”; 3、 故事:“两只狐狸”; 4、 故事:“不爱刷牙的小狮子”; 5、 故事:“小袋鼠换尾巴”; 6、 故事:“小猫钓鱼”; 7、 故事:“兔娃娃的牙齿生病了”; 8、 故事:“拔萝卜”; 9、 故事:“小河马的大口罩”; 10、 故事:“方脸和圆脸”; 11、 故事:“月亮的新衣裳”; 12、 故事:“小兔乖乖”; 13、 故事:“猴子捞月亮”; 14、 故事:“小马过河”; 15、 故事:“给妈妈的妈妈送甜蜜”。 辽宁省幼儿园教师资格 认定实践能力测试讲故事作品 1.春娃娃 春娃娃真调皮,春风一吹他就去串门。 春娃娃跑到布谷鸟家里,轻轻地对布谷鸟吹了一口气,说:“布谷鸟姐姐,快起床吧。” “布谷、布谷”,布谷鸟清了清嗓子唱起了歌。 春娃娃跑到柳树姐姐那里,从早到晚不停地给她梳头发。柳树姐姐的头发由短变长,可漂亮 了。 春娃娃跑到桃花姐姐那里,催她开花,桃花姐姐绽开了粉红的笑脸。 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ious. (2) KDimprove the survival rate is obv3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -gy to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTchnolocess except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new teew technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting proogy, nes, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technoln began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilitiuctiothe pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before constr ed on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished fillingns to and publishtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightof puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion3 春娃娃跑累了,坐在山坡上,看着一群小朋友在草地上,一边玩一边唱: “春天来了, 春天来了, 柳树绿, 桃花开, 布谷鸟儿唱起歌, 春娃娃呀多可爱。” 2.三只小猪 有三只可爱的小猪,他们都想建一座漂亮的房子。 老大随便用稻草围成了一座房子。“哈哈,我有自己的房子了~”老大乐得欢蹦乱跳。 老二呢,用木头建成了一座房子。 老三想用砖瓦砌一座房子,于是夜以继日地干了起来。 哥哥们早就住进新房子了,他还在不辞辛苦地砌墙、粉刷。这样整整过了三个月,老三的新房子也盖好了。他好高兴啊~ 有一天,来了一只大野狼。 老大惊慌地躲进了自己的稻草屋。野狼“嘿嘿”地冷笑了两声,狠狠吹了口气,就把稻草屋吹倒了。老大只好逃到老二家里。 大野狼追到老二家门前停了下来,心想:你们以为木头房子就能难住我吗,它用力向大门撞去。“哗啦”一声,木头房子被撞倒了。 兄弟俩只好拼命逃到老三家,气喘吁吁地说:“狼来了~” 老三赶紧关紧了门窗,不慌不忙地说:“别怕~没问题了~” 大野狼站在大门前,知道房子里有三只小猪,可不知怎样才能进去。他对着房子又吹又撞,可是房子稳稳地立在那里。 大野狼气急败坏的绕着房子转了一圈,最后爬上屋顶,想从烟囱溜进去。老三发现后,马上点起了火。大野狼滑下来时,刚好掉进火炉里,整条尾巴都烧焦了。他嚎叫着夹着尾巴逃走了,再也不敢来找三只小猪的麻烦了。 3.两只狐狸 狐狸妈妈把自己打扮成公鸡的样子,长长的尾巴藏在大裙子里面,看起来肥肥的。她要混到公鸡村去,找机会捉只鸡饱饱地吃一顿。 狐狸妈妈刚进村子,就被埋伏在草垛里的狐狸爸爸盯上了:“这只鸡真肥呀,把它捉回去,够我们一家子吃几天了。” ture expansionof puffing chicken manure. High tempera 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ke root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees ta-ientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scr specures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tendechapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material meas12th construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The ore the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior toed befe the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drainht recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complettime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and nig-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night4 狐狸爸爸冲出去把狐狸妈妈咬住,用尽全力叼起来飞快地往里跑。回到家一看,傻眼了,原来费那么大劲捉回家里来的不是公鸡,是自己的狐狸老婆~ “爸爸真好玩,抓妈妈。”小狐狸们笑得满地打滚。 狐狸妈妈暴跳如雷,狠狠地骂了狐狸爸爸一通:“瞎眼了吗,竟然连我也认不出来。” 狐狸妈妈好凶呀,狐狸爸爸一声都不敢吭。 4.不爱刷牙的小狮子 小狮子不讲卫生,不爱刷牙,它的嘴巴越来越臭。 有一天,他来找小熊玩,刚开口说:“小熊,我——”话还没说完呢,只听小熊说了句:“什么味儿~”接着,“扑通”一声倒在了地上。 “小兔,我们——”小狮子看小兔走过来,想和他一起玩。可话还没说完呢,小兔子不高兴地说了句:“好臭~”接着,也“扑通”一声倒在了地上。小狮子呆呆地看着。 不久,小象甩着鼻子走过来,小狮子张开嘴巴,对小象说:“小象,我们来玩——” “好难闻的气味~啊……啊……啊嚏~”小象打了个大喷嚏,接着,也摇摇晃晃地倒在了地上。 小狮子没有找到一个朋友玩,他闷闷不乐地回到家里。 5.小袋鼠换尾巴 小袋鼠长着一条又粗又硬的尾巴。他觉得自己的尾巴长得太难看了。 小兔子长着一条又软又短的尾巴。他嫌自己的尾巴太短了,不好看。 一天,他俩碰到一起,高高兴兴地换了尾巴。 小袋鼠在林子里一蹦一跳地找东西吃,忙了一个上午,现在该坐下来歇会儿了。哎呀,糟糕~他跌了个大跟头。小袋鼠原来的尾巴又硬又长,和两条后腿一起撑在地上,像个“三脚板凳”。换了尾巴就不能坐了,小袋鼠急得团团转。 兔子呢,带着长尾巴到林子里玩,突然碰见一只大灰狼。小兔子拼命地跑呀跑,可大尾巴拖在后面沉沉的,老是跑不快。兔子眼看就要被大灰狼追上了,突然,从林子里跳出一只大兔子,噢,原来是兔妈妈。兔妈妈飞快地跑着,引开了大灰狼。 小兔子躲在树后,难过地低着头。他恨死这条长尾巴了。原来的尾巴多好啊,轻轻的,软软的,跑起来可真带劲。走,找袋鼠去~ 袋鼠和兔子找到对方,迫不及待地换回了自己的尾巴。从那以后,他们都感到自己的尾巴不难看了。 6.小猫钓鱼 一天,猫妈妈带着小猫,扛着鱼竿,提着水桶来到小河边钓鱼。 小猫刚把鱼钩放进水里,一只小蜻蜓飞过来,小猫丢下鱼竿,去追小蜻蜓。小猫扑来扑去,蜻蜓没捉到,只好失望地回到河边。 cess except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new teew technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting proogy, nes, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technoln began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilitiuctiothe pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before constr ed on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished fillingns to and publishtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightof puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ious. (2) KDimprove the survival rate is obv3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -gy to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTchnolo5 这时,猫妈妈已经钓上了一条大鱼。小猫赶紧坐好,认真地钓起鱼来。 没过多久,一只小蝴蝶飞来了,扑扇着翅膀,美丽极了。小猫又去追蝴蝶,追来追去,蝴蝶没逮到,时间也白白浪费了。小猫一条鱼也没钓到,心里好难受呀~ 妈妈走过来,摸着小猫地头说:“不要难过,只要用心,一定会钓上大鱼的。” 小猫听了妈妈的话,决定不再贪玩了,认真地钓起鱼来。蜻蜓和蝴蝶又飞来了,小猫连看也不看,两眼一直盯着鱼漂。不一会儿,小猫发现水面上地鱼漂突然沉了下去,他赶紧使劲儿把鱼竿往上一提,哇~一条活蹦乱跳地大鱼被钓上来了。 小猫抱着大鱼,开心地对妈妈说:“妈妈,妈妈,我也钓上了一条大鱼~” 7.兔娃娃的牙齿生病了 兔妈妈有一个可爱的兔娃娃,大大的眼睛,洁白的牙。小兔很爱吃巧克力、糖块、饼干、糕点。兔妈妈告诉他,吃了甜东西要漱口。可小白兔从来不听,睡觉前还躺在床上吃零食,吃完也不刷牙。 妈妈告诉它:“时间长了,牙就会生病的。” 小白兔说:“我才不信呢~妈妈骗人,我的牙又白又结实,什么东西都咬得动。” 有一天,突然小兔子牙痛起来,腮帮子肿得老高,他捂着脸又哭又叫:“痛死我了,痛死我了~” 妈妈给他做了好吃的饭,他也吃不下。妈妈赶快带他去医院。 牛医生给小白兔做检查,发现小兔的一颗牙变黑了,还有一个小洞,说:“你得龋齿了,这颗牙变坏了,要把它拔掉。” 小兔一听要拔牙,吓得浑身发抖说:“我不拔牙~” 牛医生说:“你的牙生病了。是不是总爱吃甜食,又不漱口,也不刷牙,” 小兔低下头说:“是的。” 牛医生告诉小兔:“今天不给你拔牙了,先给你上点药,补一补,以后吃了甜食要漱口,睡觉前不要吃零食,要学会刷牙,你的牙就会好起来的。” 小兔高兴地说:“我记住了,谢谢牛医生。” 从此以后,小兔有了刷牙、漱口的好习惯,小兔的牙再也没有痛过。 8.拔萝卜 老爷爷种了个萝卜,他对萝卜说:“萝卜,萝卜,快长吧~”萝卜越长越大,大得不得了。 老爷爷就去拔萝卜。他拉住萝卜叶子,“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,拔不动。他忙喊:“老奶奶,老奶奶,快来帮忙拔萝卜~” “唉~来了,来了。”老奶奶拉着老爷爷,老爷爷拉着萝卜叶子,一起拔萝卜。“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,还是拔不动。 老奶奶喊:“小孙女,小孙女,快来帮忙拔萝卜~” ientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scr specures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tendechapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material meas12th construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The ore the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior toed befe the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drainht recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complettime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and nig-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightture expansionof puffing chicken manure. High tempera 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ke root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees ta-6 “唉~来了,来了。”小孙女拉着老奶奶,老奶奶拉着老爷爷,老爷爷拉着萝卜叶子,一起拔萝卜。“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,还是拔不动。 小孙女喊:“小狗儿,小狗儿,快来帮忙拔萝卜~” “汪汪汪~来了,来了。”小狗儿拉着小孙女,小孙女拉老着奶奶,老奶奶拉着老爷爷,老爷爷拉着萝卜叶子,一起拔萝卜。“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,还是拔不动。 小狗儿喊:“小花猫,小花猫,快来帮忙拔萝卜~” “喵喵喵~来了,来了。”小花猫拉着小狗儿,小狗儿拉着小孙女,小孙女拉着老奶奶,老奶奶拉着老爷爷,老爷爷拉着萝卜叶子,一起拔萝卜。“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,还是拔不动。 小花猫喊:“小耗子,小耗子,快来帮忙拔萝卜~” “吱吱吱~来了,来了。”小耗子拉着小花猫,小花猫拉着小狗儿,小狗儿拉着小孙女,小孙女拉着老奶奶,老奶奶拉着老爷爷,老爷爷拉着萝卜叶子,一起拔萝卜。“嗨哟,嗨哟”拔呀拔,大萝卜拔出来啦~ 他们高高兴兴地把大萝卜抬回家去了。 9.小河马的大口罩 有一天,小河马得了重感冒,不停地打喷嚏。“阿嚏~”小河马把自己家的窗户喷得老远老远,“看来我该去医院了”。 小河马来到医院,大熊医生说:“小河马,你得了重感冒,把这瓶药带回家,每天都要按时服用,这个大口罩给你,你要好好地戴在你的大嘴巴上。” 小河马戴着大口罩,捧着药回家去。半路上,他忍不住又打了个大喷嚏。“阿嚏”,这个喷嚏可了不得,吓得小河马蹦得老高,口水满地淌,戴在小河马嘴上的大口罩呢,飞过了大树梢不见了。小河马大声地喊叫:“啊~我的口罩不见了。” 小白兔正在采蘑菇,看见落在草地上的大口罩,高兴地说:“这不是一个很好的篮子吗,”于是捡起大口罩,用它装蘑菇,拎着回家去。 小羊和小鹿走来说:“小白兔,你好”。 “你们好,这两个大蘑菇送给你们吃吧。小羊和小鹿,再见。” 小羊和小鹿说:“谢谢你,小白兔~” 小白兔回到家,把大蘑菇倒进盆里,又把大口罩扔出窗外。树上的小松鼠捡起来,说“这个可以做吊床啊~”他躺在大口罩拉成的吊床上,“哈,真舒服~” 10.方脸和圆脸 山脚下住着一户人家,家里有位老公公和老婆婆。 老公公高高的个子,挺瘦,长着方脸盘儿。 老婆婆矮矮的个子,挺胖,长着圆脸盘儿。 方脸老公公喜欢方东西。他坐,要用方凳;喝酒,要用方杯;就连走路,也要迈四方步。 3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -gy to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTchnolocess except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new teew technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting proogy, nes, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technoln began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilitiuctiothe pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before constr ed on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished fillingns to and publishtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightof puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ious. (2) KDimprove the survival rate is obv7 圆脸老婆婆喜欢圆东西。她吃饭,常用圆桌;梳头,要照圆镜;睡觉的时候不用枕头,枕一 个大南瓜。 有一天,老俩口吵了嘴,要分家。 老公公说:“方东西是我的~” 老婆婆说:“圆东西是我的~” 好,就这么定啦,分吧。 老公公站在小院子里一瞅,说:“屋子是方的,归我。” 老婆婆说:“屋顶是圆的,我得把屋顶拆喽……” 老公公指着桌椅说:“桌椅是方的,归我。” 老婆婆说:“钉子是圆的,我得把钉子都取下来……” 老俩口分了一上午,越分越分不清楚。瞧吧: 被子是方的,被面上锈的花是圆的~ 菜刀是方的,刀柄是圆的~ 衣服是方的,袖子是圆的~…… 老俩口再互相一看,又发现: 老公公的脸盘是方的,眼珠儿是圆的~ 老婆婆的脸蛋儿是圆的,两颗门牙是方的~ “哈哈~”老公公笑了。 “呵呵~”老婆婆乐了。 老公公和老婆婆都说:“不分啦~不分啦~” 现在,老公公和老婆婆还住在一起,他们越过越快乐。 11.月亮的新衣裳 月亮姑姑要做一件新衣裳。她的身子弯弯的,又瘦又小。 过了几天,衣裳做好了。月亮姑姑一穿,哟~身子变胖了,这件衣裳没法穿,月亮姑姑心里 很难过。 裁缝师傅对月亮姑姑说:“月亮姑姑,要不您再做一件吧~” 过了几天,衣裳做好了。月亮姑姑一穿,哎哟,身子又变瘦了~这件衣裳又没法穿了,月亮 姑姑心里更难过了。 ture expansionof puffing chicken manure. High tempera 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ke root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees ta-ientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scr specures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tendechapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material meas12th construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The ore the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior toed befe the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drainht recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complettime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and nig-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night8 裁缝师傅对月亮姑姑说:“再给您做一件吧,行吗,” 过了几天,衣裳做好了。月亮姑姑再把衣裳一穿,哎呀~身子怎么又变瘦了,这件衣裳又太大了。月亮姑姑伤心极了。 这时,裁缝对月亮姑姑说:“月亮姑姑,要不您这样,我给您做了这么多衣裳,您胖的时候穿大一点的,瘦的时候就穿小一点的,非常瘦的时候穿最小的。这样不就好了吗,你自己选着穿吧。” 月亮姑姑听了裁缝师傅的话,高兴地说:“对呀~我怎么就没想到呢,” 月亮姑姑一会儿胖,一会儿瘦,一会儿穿这件,一会儿穿那件,终于又快活起来,她非常感谢裁缝师傅告诉她的这个好方法。 12.小兔乖乖 兔妈妈有三个孩子,一个叫红眼睛,一个叫长耳朵,一个叫短尾巴。有一天,兔妈妈对孩子说:“妈妈要到地里去拔萝卜,你们好好地看家,把门关得紧紧的,谁来叫门都不开,等妈妈回来才能开。” 兔妈妈说完,就拎了篮子到地里去了。 小兔子们记住妈妈的话,把门关得紧紧的。过了一会儿,大灰狼来了,他想把小兔子当点心吃,可是小兔子把门关得紧紧的,进不去啊~大灰狼坐在小兔子家门口,眯着眼睛,正在想坏主意,看见兔妈妈回来了,连忙跑到一棵大树背后躲起来。 兔妈妈走到家门口,推了推门,门关得紧紧的,就一边敲门,一边唱歌:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开~快点儿开开,我要进来。”小兔子一听是妈妈的声音,一齐叫起来:“妈妈回来了,妈妈回来了~他们抢着给妈妈开门,抢着帮妈妈拎篮子。嗬,妈妈拔了这么多红萝卜回来了。兔妈妈亲亲红眼睛,亲亲长耳朵,又亲亲短尾巴,夸他们是好孩子。 那只大灰狼呢,躲在大树背后,偷偷地把兔妈妈的歌学会了。他说:“哼,我有了,有办法了。明天我再来。”说完就回老窝去了。 第二天,兔妈妈到树林里去采蘑菇,小兔子把门关得紧紧的。过了一会儿,大灰狼又来了,他一边敲门,一边用那又粗又哑的声音唱歌:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开~快点儿开开,我要进来。” 红眼睛一听,以为是妈妈回来了:“妈妈回来了,妈妈回来了~” 短尾巴一听,也以为妈妈回来了:“快给妈妈开门呦,快给妈妈开门呦~” 长耳朵一听,拉住红眼睛和短尾巴:“不对,不对~不是妈妈的声音。” 红眼睛和短尾巴从门缝里一看:“不对,不对~不是妈妈,是大灰狼。” 小兔子齐声说:“不开,不开,我不开~妈妈不回来,谁来也不开。” 大灰狼着急了:“我是你们的妈妈,我是你们的妈妈~” 小兔们说:“我们不信,我们不信~要不,你把尾巴伸进来让我们瞧一瞧。” “好咧,我就把尾巴伸出来,让你们瞧一瞧。” 小兔子把门打开一点儿,大灰狼就把自己的尾巴伸了进去。嘿~一条毛茸茸的大尾巴。一、二、三,嘭~小兔子们一使劲,把门关得紧紧的,大灰狼的尾巴给夹住了。 chnolocess except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new teew technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting proogy, nes, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technoln began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilitiuctiothe pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before constr ed on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished fillingns to and publishtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightof puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ious. (2) KDimprove the survival rate is obv3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -gy to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT9 大灰狼痛得哇哇直叫:“哎呦,哎呦,痛死我了……放了我,放了我~” 小兔子把门松了松,大灰狼夹着尾巴逃走了。 这时兔妈妈回来了,她放下篮子,一边敲门,一边唱歌:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开~快点儿开开,我要进来。” 小兔子听见妈妈的声音,抢着给妈妈开门,抢着帮妈妈拎篮子,还把刚才发生的事告诉了妈妈,兔妈妈高兴地说:“你们真是好孩子。” 13.猴子捞月亮 一只小猴子正在玩耍,突然看见井里面有个月亮,就惊慌地大叫起来:“糟啦~月亮掉到井里啦~” 大猴子跑过来一看,跟着叫起来:“糟啦~月亮掉到井里啦~” 老猴子跑过来一看,跟着叫起来:“糟啦~月亮掉到井里啦~” 附近的猴子都跑过来,跟着叫起来:“糟啦~月亮掉到井里啦~咱们快把它捞上来~” 猴子们爬上了井旁边的大树。老猴子倒挂在树上,拉住大猴子的脚。大猴子也倒挂着,拉住另一只猴子的脚。猴子们就这样一只接一只,一直挂到井里头,小猴子挂在最下边。他伸手去捞月亮,刚碰到水,月亮就不见了。小猴子吓得喊起来:“哎哟,不好了~月亮被我抓破了~” 大家都埋怨起小猴子来了。老猴子生气地说:“唉,把月亮给抓破了,这可怎么办呢,” 这时候,老猴子一抬头,看见月亮还在天上。他喘着气说:“不用捞了,月亮还挂在天上呢!” 14.小马过河 小马和妈妈住在美丽的小河边。除了妈妈过河给对岸的村子送粮食的时候,他总是跟随在妈妈身边,寸步不离。 有一天,妈妈对小马说:“小马,你已经长大了,可以帮妈妈做事了。今天你把这袋麦子送到河对岸的村子里去吧。” 小马非常高兴地答应了。他驮着麦子飞快地来到了小河边。可是河上没有桥,只能自己淌过去,可又不知道河水有多深。小马一抬头,看见了正在不远处吃草的牛伯伯,赶紧跑过去问到:“牛伯伯,您知道河里的水深不深呀,” 牛伯伯挺起身子笑着说:“不深,不深,才到我的小腿。” 小马高兴地跑回河边准备淌过去。刚一迈腿,忽然听见一个声音说:“小马,小马,别下去,这河水可深啦。”小马低头一看,原来是小松鼠。小松鼠翘着漂亮的尾巴,睁者圆圆的眼睛,很认真地说:“前两天我的一个伙伴不小心掉进了河里,河水就把他卷走了。” 牛伯伯说河水很浅,小松鼠说河水很深,这可怎么办呀,小马没主意了,只好回去问妈妈。 妈妈老远地就看见小马低着头又回来了,就迎了上去。小马哭着把牛伯伯和小松鼠的话告诉了妈妈。妈妈安慰小马说:“没关系,咱们一起去看看吧。” ified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scr specures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tendechapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material meas12th construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The ore the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior toed befe the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drainht recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complettime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and nig-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightture expansionof puffing chicken manure. High tempera 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ke root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees ta-ientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT10 小马和妈妈又一次来到河边,妈妈这回让小马自己去试探一下河水有多深。小马小心地试探着,一步一步地淌过了河。他激动地对妈妈说,“这河水既没有牛伯伯说的那么浅,也没有小松鼠说的那么深,自己亲自试过才知道。” 15.给妈妈的妈妈送甜蜜 这一天,小松鼠给妈妈准备了礼物:甜甜的糖、甜甜的巧克力蛋糕。 妈妈收下礼物,甜甜地笑着说:“你的礼物甜到妈妈心里去了。明天,我们去给妈妈的妈妈送礼物好吗,” 妈妈的妈妈,哦,小松鼠明白了:妈妈的妈妈就是外婆呀。 第二天,妈妈和小松鼠一起去外婆家。 松鼠看着妈妈提着的篮子,问:“送给外婆什么礼物呀,外婆也会甜甜地笑,也会甜到心里去吗,” 到了外婆家,桌子上已经摆满了甜甜的东西。小松鼠想:外婆已经有了那么多甜甜的东西,送什么礼物才能让外婆甜甜地笑,甜到心里去呢, 妈妈拿出一条长长软软的围巾给外婆围上。外婆甜甜地笑起来。小松鼠忽然想到:外婆最喜欢自己的吻。他贴着外婆的脸给了她一个甜甜的吻。外婆搂着小松鼠说:“你们的礼物甜蜜蜜的,甜到我心里去了。” gy to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTchnolocess except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new teew technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting proogy, nes, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technoln began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilitiuctiothe pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before constr ed on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished fillingns to and publishtime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightof puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use-ious. (2) KDimprove the survival rate is obv3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -11
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