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How to do HCG Injections - HCG Diet Source

2018-03-21 4页 doc 17KB 26阅读




How to do HCG Injections - HCG Diet SourceHow to do HCG Injections - HCG Diet Source How to do HCG Injections STEP 1 Wash your hands with soap and water. STEP 2 Wipe the top of the medication vial for injection with an alcohol pad. STEP 3 Remove the needle guard (cover) from the needle and syringe, s...
How to do HCG Injections - HCG Diet Source
How to do HCG Injections - HCG Diet Source How to do HCG Injections STEP 1 Wash your hands with soap and water. STEP 2 Wipe the top of the medication vial for injection with an alcohol pad. STEP 3 Remove the needle guard (cover) from the needle and syringe, saving the needle guard. Be sure you are using a proper syringe for subcutaneous injections. Pull back on the syringe plunger to draw up an amount of air equal to the amount of medication that will be used for the injection. STEP 4 Holding the vial of medication in an upright position (such as sitting it on a table top), slowly insert the needle into the rubber stopper on top of the vial while holding the syringe barrel carefully. Do not bend needle. Then push the plunger to discharge all the air into the vial. This prevents vacuum. STEP 5 With the needle in the vial, turn the vial upside down and hold both the vial and the syringe together in one hand. The tip of the needle should be in the solution. Hold the vial between the thumb and forefinger, supporting the syringe with other hand, pull the plunger back in a slow, continuous motion until you have drawn into the syringe the amount of medication to be given. Be sure the needle stays in the fluid in vial. Do not touch inside of plunger. STEP 6 Check for clear air bubbles inside of syringe. Small bubbles are not harmful but take up space in syringe. With bubbles present, correct amount of medication may not be prepared. If air bubbles have formed in the syringe, dislodge them by gently tapping the syringe with your free hand while continuing to hold the syringe and vial in the inverted position. Bubbles should rise to the top of the syringe, and then you can push them back into the vial by moving the plunger and slowly pull the medication into the syringe again, stopping at the correct dose. Repeat this procedure until there are no large air bubbles in the syringe. Always double check to make sure you have the correct amount of medication in the syringe. If necessary, draw more solution into the syringe. STEP 7 Remove the needle from the vial by pulling it straight out. STEP 8 Prepare the injection site by cleaning the area with an alcohol swab. To do this start at the center, apply pressure, and cleanse in a circular motion working outward. Do NOT retrace your steps. STEP 9 Wait a few seconds until the alcohol has dried. This reduces the sting. Hold the syringe as you would a pencil. STEP 10 With your free hand, gently pinch up the skin at the injection site. Holding the syringe at a right angle to the site, insert the needle using a quick smooth motion. Going slowly will cause more pain. A 45 degree angle may be used for children or thin adults. STEP 11 When the needle is in place, slowly pull back on the plunger to see if any blood flows into the syringe. If some blood does enter the syringe (a rare occurrence), remove the needle and try another injection site. If no blood enters the syringe, let go of the skin and slowly inject the medication by gently pushing the plunger until the syringe is empty. STEP 12 Put alcohol swab over needle gently, and pull needle out quickly at the same angle it was inserted. Check for medication leakage at site. Apply pressure to the injection site with a dry, sterile gauze pad. You may note a drop of blood, but there is no cause for concern. If desired, apply a bandage. Properly dispose of the needle into a container that will be safe. INTRAMUSCULAR (IM) INJECTIONS Note intramuscular injections are not required. Many people have already proven that Subcutaneous injection’s work well for the HCG diet.
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