

2017-12-26 20页 doc 111KB 42阅读




英文的句子只有三种结构英文的句子只有三种结构 英文的句子只有三种结构,任何英文文章都是由这三种结构结合而成。 (1)简单句------所谓的简单句,也就是含有简单的“主语”+“谓语”的句子。 Be 动词: My mother and I are English teachers. 实义动词: He plays basketball everyday. 分析1: 分析2: 分析3: (2):(生活在现代社会的句子)并列句-------将两个含有“主语”+“谓语”的简单句,联系起来,这两个简单句各自表达了一种意思,一般都可独立成句,一般...
英文的句子只有三种结构 英文的句子只有三种结构,任何英文文章都是由这三种结构结合而成。 (1)简单句------所谓的简单句,也就是含有简单的“主语”+“谓语”的句子。 Be 动词: My mother and I are English teachers. 实义动词: He plays basketball everyday. 1: 分析2: 分析3: (2):(生活在现代社会的句子)并列句-------将两个含有“主语”+“谓语”的简单句,联系起来,这两个简单句各自达了一种意思,一般都可独立成句,一般连接两个句子的词有“and----和、同样(一个意思的延伸和两组相同意思/意见的联合)”;“but----但是(表示不同意思的连接和两组不同含义的 转折)”或者“逗号”连接。 BE动词:My mother is an English teacher, but I am a student. 实义动词:Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. “Be动词”和“实义动词”组合:I am a student and I like playing basketball. 经典句型:Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. 分析1: 分析2: 分析3: 分析4:在金融危机的时刻,这句女王“”挂在嘴边的口头禅,又在一起频繁的出现在各种关于金融危 机的宣讲会, (3):(生活在奴隶社会的句子)复合句(一般也将这个句子称为“从句”)------一个“奴隶主”(一个主要句)用一个“牵绳引导”(what; where; when; who; which等等)着一个“随从” *所谓的复合句就是指两个或者两个以上的句子被联系在一起,但是它和“并列句”的区别是:并列句中两个句子或者两个以上的句子都是主要的句子,并且前一个不会对后一个进行制约,而后一个也不会受到前一个句子的管制,两个“句子”都生活在现代社会,它们友好联系,身份独立。但是“从句”就 恰好相反。我们用一个图例来表示。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 复合句和从句:都属于在英文学习中很让同学们头疼,甚至想跳楼的语法知识,但是作为一个英语学习者而言,却又不能绕过这个语法点。因为,区别一个人的英文文法和写作能力的一个重点就在于对于从句写作的掌握,同学们往往学习英文到了比较高的程度后,就会发现,离开复合句和从句,你将无法进入英文“阅读”,“写作”和“表达”世界的大门。因为,在我们实际运用语言的时候,在很多方面,我们都会提出一个重点,而后进一步对这个重点就行阐述和描述,这样的句子比比皆是,例如我要表达这样一个意思“他的父亲去世了,在他5岁的时候”,我们很容易就能看出,这个句子表达了两种意思,第一种意思是“他的父亲去世了”,第二层意思是“在他五岁的时候”,而在这组句子中,第一个句子是完整的,而第二个句子含义不完整“在他五岁的时候(发生了什么呢,)”。所以,第二句只是对第 一句的补充和解释说明。我们再用图例来分解一下这个句子。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 上面这个图例说明一个什么问题呢,听SIMON老师给大家仔细的分析一番: A:所谓复合句的主句:也就是被称为奴隶主的句子,往往就是一个句型完整(“主语”+“谓语”)的句子,通常情况下可以独立成句--------奴隶主“有钱有房还有车”,在他的领地,他行为独立,不受干 涉。例如上句中: B:牵绳引导:牵绳引导和奴隶/解释说明/从属奴隶主这两个部分,共同构成了句子的“从句”部分。其中牵绳引导反映在英文句子中,就是一系列的引导词,这些词大多由W?H疑问词来充当,例如(When(表明时间);where(表明地点);which(表明哪一个);why(表明原因、为什么)等等)。同学们会问,SIMON老师这些词在从句中还是特殊疑问词吗,SIMON老师我会告诉你们在从句中这些词已经不在是“疑问词”了,他们充当了“牵绳引导”这样的功能,他们被活生生的套在了后面的奴隶/解释说明/从属奴隶主的脖子上,使得他们必须按照它的引导去行进。例如,这个套子是“WHEN”那么后面的奴隶/解释说明/从属奴隶主需要做(解释/说明)的事情就和“时间”有关;如果是“WHERE” 那么后面的奴隶/解释说明/从属奴隶主需要做(解释/说明)的事情就和“地点”有关。在上面这个复合句的从句里面: 因为这个牵绳引导为WHEN(强调的是时间),所以后面的句子he was six(他六岁的时候),就只能表达 出时间的概念意义. C:后面的奴隶/解释说明/从属奴隶主部分:在古代,奴隶是没有地位的,总是受制于奴隶主,但是人们往往却可以从奴隶的行为和外表看出一个奴隶主的品行和人品.因为奴隶的一切行为和外表,是一种无声 的解释和阐释,使得人们更进一步的了解他所从属的奴隶主. 这个由WHEN 组合带领的从句,不能独立成句,其实我们一翻译成中文就能发现“当他六岁时”,而到底发生了什么了,我们无从而知,因此这个部分不能单独成句,只能对前面的主句进行补充,解释和说明。 我们来看看下面这几组句子: Be动词组: 分析: 实义动词组: customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 分析: “Be动词”与“实义动词”组: 分析: 英语句型结构与文化比较(2) 直到现代社会(Modern ),英语中大部分的文法结构趋于一种“稳定”和“不变形”的状态,这种状态一方面得益于英语的世界化,因为这种全球化的使用,使得英文成为了标准化的“文学”;“哲学”和“媒介传播”等各个学科和领域的专业语言,而众多各行各业的专家和学者,都在各自的国家使用着英文,他们的“共同工作”和“集思广益”,使得英文的语法结构越来越稳定,并迅速的成为了一种公认的标准化的应用性语言;另外一个方面,也因为英文的这种国际化和全球化的工作,使得英文在现代社会中的“文法变化”和“结构变化”相对较少,因为往往一项重大的语言修辞和文法变化,就会掀起一场国际化的英文现代改良运动,“牵一发而动全身”,所以到了现代社会后,英文作为一门国际化的语 言而言,无论是在“词汇学”或者是“文法学”方面都比较成熟,而且结构稳定。 当我们认真的学习和观察英文,我们逐渐就会发现这样一种规律,那就是无论我们希望写出多么高深并且颇具文采的英文句子和文章,这些内容绝对不会超过我们上面所说的三种句型(一)简单句;(二)并列句;(三)复合句(从句)。其实,很多同学们都抱怨说,为什么英文有那么多“单词”和“短语”啊~亲爱的同学们,你们仔细想想,英文的语法结构简单而固定,如果不多来些单词和短语,英语你不就很快就学完呢,英国文学不也就瞬间崩溃呢,所以为了避免让你尽快的掌握英文的全部核心密码(CODE),所以英文就出现超级多的单词和短语为难你和英语系国家的人,让大家使劲的背,使劲的记。这样才会让《OXFORD(牛津)词典》不断的有销路;让莎士比亚的文章持续的走红;让英文教育产业, 成为美国和英国越来越核心的国家产业。 在英文中有很多句型都是万变不离其中的,例如简单句中的THERE BE句型,她就表达一种“有某物/某人在某地”的核心思想,大家一旦思考到这样的含义和表达法,那么句子就脱口而出了,接下来,我们来看看两首著名的中文诗歌的节选片段.(天啊!SIMON老师,您也太劲暴了吧!怎么将文学中最难的部分 难出来为难我们啊??????) 简单的结构和固定的用法 *诗歌(poetry)(1) 洛阳女儿行 作者(author):王维 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single “洛阳女儿对门居, 才可容颜十五余” 中文解释:洛阳城里有个少女,和我对门而居; 颜容十分俏丽,年纪可能是十五有余。 第一句: “洛阳女儿对门居”--------洛阳城里有个少女,和我对门而居 看到这个句子的翻译,我们瞬间就会想到,这是一个THERE BE句型的简单句,因为此句中的“洛阳城里有个女孩”典型的“有某人”的结构,而后面的“对门居”刚好是“在某地”的结构,于是这个句子的翻 译就出现了: There is a girl from Luoyang in the door across the street, 同学们,可能会疑问的问SIMON老师,老师这个女孩是唐朝的啊~现在都多少年了,there be中的be应该是用过去时阿~但是亲爱的同学们,你们看看这首诗歌的作者是谁,是唐朝伟大的“山水田园”诗人王维老师啊~他当时所处的时间(朝代)就是“唐朝”,在他写这个诗歌的时候,就有一个女孩此刻或者说现在(唐朝)就在他对面住,要是用了过去式,那么王维就可能是在感叹,在此之前,可能是“南北朝”或者“隋朝”(顺便补充历史知识,五个历史时期“南北朝 ----隋---唐----宋---元”)曾经有个漂亮的女孩住在他家对面居住,而在他写诗歌的时候,这个女孩已经离开了 。这个句子的最后 使用“逗号”,这是因为,这个句子并没有完成 在古代的中国,唐朝虽然被称为是“天朝上国”,但是封建意识还是十分的强烈,女孩子们“大门不出,二门不迈”。同时在中文里,如果不是具体的时代背景的介绍,一般从字面上,我们很难对这个女孩子的“作息”和“生活规律”有所了解,她是喜欢“非主流”的抵抗封建伦理的四处闲逛,还是一个顺应时代,并“深锁庭院”的“主流”闺房乖女孩,我们都无从得知。但是在英文中,这样的一种意思就需 要或多或少严谨的表现出来,我们知道在英文中,表达某某人在家,我们一般可以这样说。 She is in.(电话中常用-----表示“她在某建筑物里面”) She is at home (make yourself at home----Home 是一个家的”概念”) She is in the door She is at the door. 其中(1),(2)句的“in=at home”意义相当,都表示在家的意思。而第(3)句表示“在房内”,因为有了door这个词,就更能体现一种“在门房里的含义”;而第(4)句则表示一种“在门边”的含义,便是依靠着门边。同学们仔细观察一下,就会发现(3);(4)句中的区别无非就是两个借此“IN(在什么什么里面)”;“AT(在什么什么旁)”,而一旦用了“in the door”表明了这个女孩子很乖巧的在门房之内,将女孩子的空间范围体现得“淋漓尽致”同学们看看,英文就是这样严格有着“文化逻辑” 和“结构顺序”的语言。 同时,“in the door across the street,”一同构成了“在某地”这个结构,英文中的顺序排列,一般都是从小到大,要表示“对面街的门房(里)”,房子范围小,街道范围大,所以是先说“在门房内-----in the door”,然后再说“在对面街--- across the street”(He lives across the street.) 第二句:“才可容颜十五余”-----青春并年纪可能是十五有余。 She looks fifteen, she may be a little older. 既然古代的女子都深居闺房不出门,但是诗人王维从家中望去,能够隐约感受到这个女孩子的青春与朝customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 气,并猜想她可能15岁多一点,中文中一个“余(剩下的,多出的)” 就能将年纪的不定表达出来,而英文却没有这样的“万能词汇”结构,你要表达出“年纪可能是十五有余”这样一个意思,我们可以立刻联想到英文中的一个表达法,当我们要表达“某人/物看上去怎么样的时候”,我们可以用LOOK这个词汇,例如我们说”你看上去很累”我们就可以说,you look very tired! ,在这个诗文中,作者表 达了两种观点: 这个女孩子看上去15岁了。She looks fifteen. 可能比15多一点吧~ She may be a little older. 中文是一种转折和文法变化十分“多姿多彩”的语言。往往一个简单的词汇就能传达出深刻的寓意和含义,例如在上句的“才可容颜十五余”,中间的“才可(恰好)”和“余(剩下的,多出的)”三字, 就将意思表达的透彻而美感十足。 另外,同学们仔细观察,就会发现,“才可容颜十五余”这句中文里并没有出现“主语(她/这个女孩子)”,甚至“谓语动词(“容颜”和“十五余”都不是“动词”)”也使用得模模糊糊。其实读惯中文的同学们都知道,在中文的很多诗歌里面都是没有主语的,但在英文中,每一句话,都需要强调一个“主语”,例如“She looks fifteen, she may be a little older”(由逗号连接的两个并列句)虽然,我们都知道,这句话强调的这个“她”,就是上文的那个“洛阳女孩子”,但是在英文的行文中,需要拥有严格的“主语”+“谓语”的文法结构,所以在翻译的时候,就必须在这两个简单句中都出现主语“SHE”,并且也需要出现“谓语动词”,例如第一句中的LOOK和二句中由情态动词MAY帮助构成的谓语动词结构MAYBE .(如果按照英文的字面含义,我们可以这样翻译“She looks fifteen(她看上去15 岁), she may be a little older(她可能<比15岁>稍微大一点)”)。 结构与单词学习: May be A little /little Older Look/look like/be like 接下来,让我们再来看看第二首诗歌《遇隐者不遇》。 诗歌(2) 《寻隐者不遇》 作者:贾岛 松下问童子,言师采药去。 只在此山中,云深不知处。 “Where is your Master? ”under pines I ask a lad(吴译) “He’S gathering medicinal herbs (”So he says(吴译) He must be somewhere around the cliffs, 余光中先生直译: Under a pine tree,I asked a boy.(松下问童子,) And he said:My master is away,picking the medi-cineonearth.(言师采药去。) customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single He must be somewhere on the hill,(只在此山中) But the clouds are so heavy. I don‘t know where he is.(云深不知处) ,但是英文却需要实实在在的按照固定的结构办事,虽然当同学们文法超级厉害后,也可以来一些文法的修辞和文学的修饰,但是英文时刻要求着“主语+谓语”结构,大家仔细看看,这简单的三个句子里 面,每一句都含有一个“主语”和“谓语” 其实,关于英文和中文的这种文辞和逻辑思维上的差异,台湾著名的文学教授余光中先生就在一次名为《当中文遇见英文》的演讲中专门讨论过,让我们来看看这位著名的现代诗人和文学大家,发生在美国的 故事。 。。。。那些美国学生就很困惑,他说你们的句子都没有主词的。所以他们问:“松下问童子,是谁在问吗,言师采药去,是谁在回答吗,只在此山中,是谁在,云深不知处,是谁不知处,”他们很奇怪,“你们怎么会知道上一句是张三,下一句是李四,”我说:“我们比较聪明。”实际上不是我们比较聪明,而是中文比较灵活。于是我就跟美国学生说:既然你们不能忘情于主词,那就让我为你们补上主词, 把五言绝句改成七言绝句: 我来松下问童子,童子言师采药去。师行只在此山中,云深童子不知处。 他们觉得这样就放心了。可是我们觉得当然是五言更好,七言那么啰嗦,把主词都说出来了。 “五四”以来,我们写白话文,很多人就是英文读得太多而没有化开,把英文的句法拿来写到诗里。这样一来,出现了很多主词:我出门去,我看见一条狗,我说啊,可怜的狗啊~一路的主词出来,一路 第一人称出来。唐诗里面第一人称很少出现。比如: “独在异乡为异客”———是王维,是“我”; “每逢佳节倍思亲”———还是王维,还是“我”; “遥知兄弟登高处”———还是“我”啊; “遍插茱萸少一人”———少了谁,还是“我”嘛。 总结: (1)中文和英文最大的差别就在这里,英文是一种“哲学化”,“逻辑化”和“数学化”的语言,讲究“思考的合理”;“逻辑的正确”和“数学般严谨的结构”,而中文却是“诗歌化”;“音乐化”和“会意性”,讲究“浪漫的情趣”;“音乐化的美感”和“会意的文化快感”------所谓的“只可意会, 不能言传”。 英文需要实实在在的按照固定的结构办事,当同学们文法超级厉害后,英文的写作能力会得到大大的提高,可以来一些文法的修辞和文学的修饰。但是无论怎样的进行英文句子的创造和创新,英文时刻都要求着“主语+谓语”结构。但在祈使句中,主语可以省略,这个省略的部分一般为“you should”,或 者是“Let’s ” 英语的句型结构严格的按照A:简单句;B:并列句和C:复合句(从句)来结构完成。当然英文还有一些特殊的用法和规定的短语搭配,但是这一切都离不开英文三种句型的支架,这三个支架如同一栋大厦的主体,稳固和结构严密,至于后期改如何装修(用文法和短语等进行修饰),就是大家各自的design 了. 为了让英文具备更多的含义表达和文化呈现。因此,时态的使用和新词汇的不断出现,就成为了英文发customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 展最“有利”和“必要”的补充。 [ 本帖最后由 mediasimon 于 2008-12-15 20:18 编辑] TO P customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single
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