
羚羊角(Antelope horn)

2017-12-04 15页 doc 49KB 18阅读




羚羊角(Antelope horn)羚羊角(Antelope horn) 羚羊角(Antelope horn) 羚羊角 汉语拼音: línɡ yánɡ jiǎo 英文名: Antelope Horn 拉丁植物动物矿物名: Saiga tatarica Linnaeus. 别名: 泠角 性味: 味咸; 性寒. 归经: 归肝经、心经. 功能: 平肝息风; 清肝明目; 凉血解毒. 清热镇痉, 平肝熄风, 解毒消肿 (熄风止痉 清肝明目清热解毒). 主治: 用于高热惊痫, 神昏痉厥, 子痫抽搐, 癫痫发狂, 头痛眩晕, 目赤翳障, 温毒发斑, 痈肿疮...
羚羊角(Antelope horn)
羚羊角(Antelope horn) 羚羊角(Antelope horn) 羚羊角 汉语拼音: línɡ yánɡ jiǎo 英文名: Antelope Horn 拉丁植物动物矿物名: Saiga tatarica Linnaeus. 别名: 泠角 性味: 味咸; 性寒. 归经: 归肝经、心经. 功能: 平肝息风; 清肝明目; 凉血解毒. 清热镇痉, 平肝熄风, 解毒消肿 (熄风止痉 清肝明目清热解毒). 主治: 用于高热惊痫, 神昏痉厥, 子痫抽搐, 癫痫发狂, 头痛眩晕, 目赤翳障, 温毒发斑, 痈肿疮毒. 用量 1g,5g []. 禁忌 肝经无热者不宜 []. 用法用量: 内服: 煎汤, 1,3g, 宜单煎2小时以上; 磨汁或研粉服, 每次0.3, 0.6g. 生态环境: 栖息于荒漠及半荒漠的开阔地区, 性喜干旱.以各种植物为食, 如梭梭, 蒿类、羽茅等.一般边食边行. 资源分布: 在我国仅分布于新疆北部的边境地区. 采收储藏: 全年均可捕捉, 捕得后, 将角从基部锯下.削成薄片, 或磨成粉末备用. 采集炮制 全年均可捕捉, 但以8,10月猎得者, 锯下之角色泽最好, 因为在此时外皮已脱落. 冬季猎得者因受霜雪侵袭, 角质变粗糙, 发生裂隙, 品质较次. 1. 羚羊角片: 除去骨塞, 入温水中浸渍, 捞出, 镑成纵向薄片, 晾干即成. 2. 羚羊角粉: 除去骨塞, 锉碎, 研成细粉即成. 新炮制技术 骨塞占整个羚羊角重量的40%, 若能证明骨塞可入药则等于提高了这种稀贵中药材2 / 5的利用率.专家研究证明羚羊骨可代替羚羊角入药, 这进一步提示羚羊角去骨塞的不合理性.开封医药专科学校的一项研究成果证明, 骨塞确与羚羊角一样可以入药, 去骨塞实属药品浪费 药材产销 [1]. 产于新疆博乐、温泉、塔城、裕民等地.国内产量不大, 今大部分从俄罗斯进口.经销全国各地, 以北京、天津、上海、杭州、武汉、广州、温州等大城市销量较大. 性状鉴别 鉴别正品羚羊角要点有四: 一是通天眼, 羚羊角除去骨塞后, 在角 的中心有扁三角形细孔一条, 一直通到角尖, 俗称 "通天眼"; 二是 环轮节, 在角的表面有轮生环节, 直到角近角尖部处, 轮节一面凸 一面凹, 纹顺环纹处顺序环生, 光滑自然; 三是骨塞连结骨质处与 血窠相连接, 镶嵌紧密, 骨塞白色, 基部似桃形; 四是色泽丝纹, 羚羊角通体光润如玉, 白色和黄白色, 表面除轮生环节外, 还具细 丝纹, 有条不紊. [2] 至于类似品鹅喉羚、黄羊羚的角颇似羚羊角, 不同点是两者为黑色或灰黑色, 前者 "通天眼" 为卵圆形, 后者为 三角形, 可资区别. 而伪品藏羚羊则角长而扁, 弯度小, 黑色, 环嵴等距离排列, 前方 较突出.用其他角仿制者, 环节显刀刻痕, 无 "通天眼". The 1 pieces of false horn are filled with thick bone, forming a layer of circle, without elasticity, fragile and easy to break, and the two sides are not smooth. The angle is long conic, 25~40 cm long. All bow slightly curved, smooth surface, but there are fine lines. The smooth jade, white or yellowish white, on blood and blood spots, base slightly bluish grey. A vertical angle of fine lines, in addition to the tip part, with 10 to 20 uplift ring ridge, with a comfortable hand. The base of the horn is rounded and has a bony plug called "antelope plug", which accounts for about half or 1/3 of the length. The bone plug is hard and heavy, the cross section is surrounded by the teeth and is closely linked with the outer cuticle. Remove the whole bone are translucent, light perspective angle holes, bone plug part of the center there is a flat triangular straight tip, the common name "sky eye" (or red eye), to identify characteristics of the antelope horn. Strong is not easily broken. No gas, light. In the angle of meat plump, moist, lustrous color, tender texture, no cracks, are red blood spots (called life antelope) is preferred. description 1., the commodity antelope horns due to different ages, and a variety of specifications: The big horns, about 15 ~ 25 cm, 3 cm in diameter at the bottom Antelope horn - medicinal The branchlets horns, ca. 9 cm to 15 cm, the bottom diameter of about 1 ~ 2 cm The sitting duck (Bongo) is a young antelope horn The old wood (also known as mountain down) after the death of the mountain antelope left in the corner, also the size of the. Antelope horn 2. commercially available many varieties, the original animal is different, in addition to the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica), according to the literature (Panthotops, hodgsoni) and Tibetan antelope (Naemorhedus oral goral), impala gazelle (Gazella subguttarosa) Tibet etc.. Generally think the real authentic is the saiga antelope horn horn. 3., the domestic production of antelope horns is very little, and more by import, the price is higher, have found the angle of his kind of animal, shape similar to false charge, its original animal is still difficult to affirm, this is described as follows: Like a gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas) angle, holomorph resembling the horns, but slightly curved surface has many longitudinal cracks in S shape; Banling Antelopis Lines, having round ridge in 17 ~ 20, round ridge spacing is dense, and one side is flat, not into a ring; the gray brown to black brown, opaque, no sky eye; base oval, bone plug in a porous plug, bone edge serrated and smooth. A system that uses the horns of his animal to be processed and scraped and copied. The length of size, wide resembling the horns, but more than half of straight, upper bending to one side (the original slightly bow shaped bending). Careful observation of the surface shows the cutting marks, the ridges are very obvious (long shape has round ridge 15~17, small shape only 1~2 round section), the tip of the smooth, slender, all obvious round ridge (genuine). All yellow brown, upper transparent, perspective without "eye of the eye"; base rounded, bony plug smooth, toothless, solid, nonporous. Antelope horn does not necessarily have medicinal value, but the antelope horn medicinal value is very high! It is a rare medicine for the treatment of goiter, gastritis and prolonged diarrhea. It is also a specific medicine for the induction of diarrhea. In the Tibetan antelope horn has long applied history, "Four code" (Tibetan name "home" that had been recorded in 812 A.D.). Antelope horn for centuries in traditional medicine in attention and use. Tibet ancient books are listed in the different effects of antelope horn: it can be used to treat diarrhea, birth, to treat ulcers, can control some glandular hyperplasia, but also the treatment of women's menstruation, and kidney disease and blood. Because the traditional Chinese medicine drug name saiga horn is scarce, and need to find a similar effect of saiga horn medicine. The Tibetan antelope and the saiga antelope with bovine animal species of different genera, layer relationship in biology. In order to expand the competition with the medicine source of antelope horn, antelope horn and antelope horn can equal medicine, compared with chemical composition is necessary. A number of experimental results show that the antelope horn and antelope horn some of the main chemical composition of proteins, such as cholesterol, phospholipids, fatty acids and triglycerides, basically the same. In addition to similar serine, glycine content, the other 13 kinds of amino acid content was higher than that of Cornu antelope horn. Trace element, antelope horn were also higher than that of antelope horn. The results also showed that antelope horn extract has the wrong static, pain, fever and antihypertensive effect on experimental animal. These effects with the reported similar effects of antelope horn. Antelope horn has no obvious effect on ECG, little toxicity. Our preliminary experimental results suggest that the Tibetan antelope horns can be used as a new medicinal resources development and utilization. Antelope horn can be used as substitute for medicine application of antelope horn, remains to be studied further. Identification of traditional Chinese Medicine Antelope for food Department of bovine animal cornu Saiga Saiga tatarica L.. Has a calming liver wind, Liver eyesight, detoxification role clinically in a high fever caused by coma and delirium, convulsions, and children with epilepsy, hyperactivity of liver Yang headache, dizziness, anger on the inflammation of the eyes be red and swollen, scales, blurred vision of blast high fever hair spot, treatment effect of irritability is better. Most of the goods imported from Russia, in China's Xinjiang near the local parts of Russia have small antelope, because of scarcity, is a national protected animal, and hunting is prohibited. Because the medicinal value of antelope horn is very high, in the traditional Chinese medicine has been very worship of antelope horn, often have a proud antelope horn. For this reason, Russia's restrictions on the export of our country, and beyond the ordinary price to sell to China, so rarely seen in the medicine market on the general (almost no) real antelopis. The domestic use of the so-called "antelope horn" in most of the antelope and the long tailed antelope, antelope horn, antelope horn for use at very low price and income (mostly poaching goods) but in the antelope horn, priced to sell this patient in limbo, lax management. The true antelope horn Market rarely seen, so many people mistakenly think like Mongolian gazelle horn horn, antelope horn, and fooled. Therefore, we must have a general understanding of the several angles, the appearance of the authenticity of the antelope horn: (a) Antelopis: the whole branch angle character for long conical, arched curved, 10---30 cm long, base diameter 2 - 4 centimeters. Surface yellow white, translucent (Bai Juduo), And can be flexible and swing around, nasal epithelium with fold shape, with hair covering the forehead, with some of the carina, big eyes, short ears, slightly rounded. Tiny limbs, hoof low and long, short tail, drooping. 4 of females have nipples, summer hair short and dense, close to the skin. The body was brown or chestnut. The lateral limbs and tail like body color. The face of color is light. There is a central back one, a cinnamon. Below the neck, chest and abdomen and limbs inside and buttocks is yellowish white. Winter hair coarse long and thick, the color is pale, yellow or grayish yellow sand. Chest and abdomen, limbs inside a few white. Only the tail around the anus and groin glabrous, bare year. Animal breeding Living habits Antelope horn Saiga hi dry, open areas often inhabit desert and semi desert and grassland. To avoid the winter snow, they moved to winter gentle slope or plain mountain in summer, winter is crepuscular, day activities. When general 30-40 only group, are also common to large groups more than 100-200. When running jumps, such as light. Breeding technology Saiga 1.5-2 years maturity. Annual 12-2 month estrus. According to the 1 male estrus in female 3-5 group breeding. The female sheep generally about 141 days of pregnancy birth, every child 1-2 zi. Lamb was born, should as soon as possible with a cloth to wipe the nose and mouth of the amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord with 5% iodine tincture is with sterilized cotton ligature. Just the birth of the lamb hair color is deep, 2-3H will be able to walk upright. Feeding and management Lamb after the birth of 30min, the general will stand up to eat milk. If not to eat or ewe lamb lamb lactation, forcibly milking feed lamb or 100ml with fresh mountain fresh egg 10ml, Cod Liver Oil goats'milk, 5ml, sugar 10g, salt 1g with adult breast feeding after weaning age, 40-60d. Lamb at about 9D began to learn the mother sheep grazing, at about 20d began to eat feed. Can forage alfalfa and sainfoin, feed with corn flour. Pay attention to set up free drinking water basin. Antelope timid. Easy to panic, it should prevent alarm noise and other factors. Edit this section of modern research chemical composition Saiga horn containing keratin (keratin) calcium phosphate, inorganic salt, lysine (lysine), serine (serine), glutamate (glutamic acid), phenylalanine (phenylalanine), leucine (leucine), aspartic acid (aspartic acid), tyrosine (tyrosine) and other 17 kinds of amino acids, and containing five kinds of phospholipids, namely lecithin (lecithine), phosphatidylethanolamine (cephalin), sphingomyelin (sphingomyelin), phosphatidylserine (phosphatidylserine), phosphatidylinositol (phosphatidylinositol) and other ingredients. Containing calcium phosphate, keratin and insoluble inorganic salts, which most keratin content. Antelope horn keratin containing only 1. 2%, is the sulfur keratin in the amount of at least one. pharmacological action 1. The role of the central nervous system of the antelope skin extract can reduce the angle of movement toward the mouse reaction has inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, can accelerate the speed of anesthesia and started barbituric ether and significantly reduce the sensitivity to five methylene tetrazolium, strychnine, electric shock, But do not lead to muscle relaxation. Antelopis Decoction 10g/kg to mice orally, can significantly reduce the caffeine induced convulsion rate and accelerate the recovery rate, and can decrease the death rate. Intraperitoneal injection of Lingyangjiao alcohol extract 10g/kg, 2g/kg, 80mg/kg Decoction hydrolysate, could prolong the sleep time of thiopental intraperitoneal injection in mice. The antelope horn injection 80mg/kg, also can prolong the sleep time of pentobarbital sodium. 2. antipyretic effects of antelope horn decoction has obvious antipyretic effect on fever in rabbits with typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine by intragastric administration 2 hours after the temperature began to decline, gradually recovered after 6 hours. 3. The antihypertensive effect of intravenous anesthesia for dogs or cats with cornu alcohol extract 1g/kg, can lower blood pressure in conscious rats. For the application of antelope horn preparation 1g/kg has obvious antihypertensive effect. 4. other effects of antelope horn enzyme and acid hydrolysis on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, influenza bacillus, Streptococcus and influenza virus have different degrees of inhibition. Antelope horn skin extract, can increase animal tolerance to hypoxia, analgesic effect. The inheritance of traditional Chinese Medicine Practical selection The treatment of typhoid fever when, latent heat, sweat, vomit, heat is not retreated, scared or mad, restlessness, or delirium without ethics, human pulse number is reversed, urgent, persistent: antelope horn mill juice half light, with liquorice, wick 5 grams, decoction. ("authentic" pulse) The treatment of stroke hand tremors, hang down drag difficult speech: antelope horn 50 grams (pounds), rhinoceros (pounds) 1.5 grams, Qianghuo (to reed head), wind (fork) 75 grams, coix seed (fry), Qin Qiu (wash) 100 grams. A total of research to fine, refining honey pill, such as Wutong son. Take twenty pills each time, fried bamboo leaves, gradually increased to thirty pills. ("Shengji Zonglu" Lingyangjiao pills) The treatment of partial wind, not with the foot, limbs Wanbi: antelope horn (pounds) 50 grams, Angelica (to reed head) 100 grams, monkshood (gun cracking, peeling, umbilical) 1.5 grams, 0.5 grams of wind (fork). File as bean. Each serving 25 to two grams, water decoction of light, a lamp, the dregs, temperature two, fasting, the night lying. ("Shengji Zonglu" Antelopis soup) The Zhi Yang Jue Qi inverse, more anger: antelope horn, ginseng 150 grams, red Poria 100 grams (peeled), Polygala (heart), rhubarb (fried) 25 grams, 0.5 grams of licorice (fried). For the end. Each serving 15 grams of water, a half, fried to eight points, to sediment temperature, regardless of the time. ("vision on the side" Antelopis soup) The discussion The "this": the main eyesight, Qi Yin up, to bad blood injection, an qi. The catalog ": when typhoid fever, hot wind temperature in the skin, the injection of drugs V in the bone, in addition to evil mad dream, more secluded and absurd food choking stuffy. The potency of ": can cure all heat wind attack, vicious wind death, not dizzy; postpartum blood scattered red heart annoyed, burning clothes at the end of the wine; the main children with epilepsy, mountain miasma, can spread bad blood. The Meng Xian: the main stroke cramps, bone pain, health and water swelling and friction coating and heat stroke inside; stuffy, chip end, research and less honey clothes; also treat pyrotoxic dysentery and dysentery. The "therapeutic Materia Medica": Typhoid pyrotoxic hematochezia, at the end of the service. The "herbal supplements": the main stream poison and palpitation, insomnia, depression, heart toxicity between qi, Scrofula。 The "compendium": Pinggan Shujin, wind Requiem, scattered blood gas, the provision of evil detoxification, treatment of eclampsia spasm disease. The "herbal medicine to the new": mind set, stop sweating, to eliminate edema, blood stasis, new blood, fire and gas, Chufan thirst. Nutritional knowledge Antelopis Knowledge Description: bovine animal antelope Saiga horn. The saiga inhabits open areas of desert and semi desert, in China's public distribution in the northern Xinjiang border area. The annual catch can be captured, the angle from the base saw. Cut into slices, or the grinding powder. Wild Saiga is a national protected animal, hunting is prohibited. Antelope horn is long conical, slightly bowed, about 15 to 33 cm long, white or yellowish white, basally slightly bluish grey. The perspective "blood" or purple black markings, as smooth as jade, no crack. In addition to the tip part, with 10 to 16 ring ridge uplift, spacing of about 2 cm, by hand, four fingers are inserted recesses, Xi said the "holding together the". The base diameter of 3 to 4 cm, with hard corner posts, Xi said the "bone plug", long accounted for about 1/3 to 1/2 full width, surface concave and protruding longitudinal ridge outside angle sheath fitted closely, from the cross-sectional observations showed a combination of jagged, light perspective, half the central has a faintly discernible pore through the tip, commonly known as "sky eye". Qualitative hard. No gas, light. To tender, white, smooth, bloodshot crack is preferred. Antelopis supplementary information: 1. according to the different processing methods for slice of antelope horn and antelope horn powder, cooked dried after storage containers, sealed. In a cool dry place, anti moth. 2. antelope horn for valuable medicinal plants. The same animal, the Tibetan antelope and gazelle horn, antelope horn as substitutes. Antelope horn for the crowd: spleen deficiency chronic convulsion ban clothing. Therapeutic effect: cornu antelope horn taste salty, cold, liver, heart City of quality drop; with heat Zhen Jing, pingganxifeng [3], tuiyi Mingmu, cooling blood detoxification Attending fever fever irritability, Shenhun delirium, convulsions convulsion due to infantile convulsion, epilepsy, headache and dizziness, conjunctivitis, toxic blood, rash, sore. Antelopis practice guidance: 1. febrile disease fever irritability, coma and delirium, convulsions and syncope, uncaria, chrysanthemum, rehmannia, bamboo shavings prescription. 2. hyperpyrexia, swollen red eyes photophobia, with long grass, Scutellaria, gardenia, cassia when combined. 3. fire red, stomach did not fall, finally hematemesis, and rhubarb, and cinnamon. Tip: use: oral decoction, 1.5 to 3 grams, should be decocted for 2 hours; at the end of the research, each 0.3 to 0.6 grams; or mill juice, or into the pill, powder. External use: amount, decoction or mill juice coating; or at the end of the research application.
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