

2017-09-01 24页 doc 74KB 26阅读




怪物猎人2调和表怪物猎人2调和表 No--- blending material - material A--------B----------C---- success rate 1a---: the sun, the blue grass recovery medicine Mogu --------------95% 1b--- reply - - blue Mogu --------------95% herbal medicine 2a--- strong reply - - Reply - Honey ----------...
怪物猎人2调和 No--- blending material - material A--------B----------C---- success rate 1a---: the sun, the blue grass recovery medicine Mogu --------------95% 1b--- reply - - blue Mogu --------------95% herbal medicine 2a--- strong reply - - Reply - Honey ----------------90% 2b--- strong medicine - Honey - reply sungrass - blue Mogu ---90% 2c--- strong medicine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reply honey herb Mogu blue ---90% 3a--- netriment - Blue - Mogu undead worm --------------90% 3b--- netriment - the sun, sunset grass, blue grass Mogu ---90% 3c--- netriment - Yan Mogu ------------75% energy drinks - choose gold necklaces [] 4a--- powerful nutrition agent - - Honey - ----------------75% 4b--- strong nutrition agent - Honey - blue Mogu - die -----75% 4c--- strong nutrition - energy drinks - [------------75%] gold necklaces Mogu ripening 5---- antidote - grass - blue Mogu --------------95% detoxification The activity of 6a--- - --------------75% - Mandala enhancer agent The activity of 6b--- - - - - - - - - - agent honey Datura nigamushi -----65% 7a--- strong medicine reinforcing agent, go - half meat --------------75% 7b--- strong medicine - meat - Honey go half - nigamushi -----65% 8---- strong take medicine ---- cooked meat --- go crazy essence ----------65% 9a--- ------------65% - Ghost medicine enhancement agent, strange force A - nigamushi -----55% 9b--- ghost medicine - Honey - strange force 9c--- - Mogu - Ghost medicine specialty Yan selected Mogu - Mogu [-65] gold necklaces mature 10--- big ghost medicine - Ghost medicine - Whitening Extract ----------55% ------------55% 10b-- - Ghost people approach the pharmacy, medicine, strange force 11a-- wonder pills - Energy Agents - weird ------------75% 11b-- wonder Pill - enhancer - Mandala - - the weird kind of -65% 12a-- - enhanced ------------65% agent sclerosing agents - patient -----65% 12b-- - nigamushi medicine - Honey Bear - hardening The crystallization of 90% 12c-- hardened stone - drug - iron ore - earth 13a-- large sclerosis pharmaceutical - sclerosing pharmaceutical - Whitening Extract ----------55% - Whitening Extract 55% 13b--, enhancing agent, hardening, patience 14a-- patience Pill - energy Ninja - kind of patience ------------75% 14b-- patience Pill - enhancer - Mandala - - patience of -65% 15--- cold -- ice crystal, nigamushi ----------------90% 16--- hot pepper - - nigamushi ----------------90% 17--- Trinidad, cactus flower eye ray light [--------------75%] gold necklaces. 18--- monster - ice crystal, sleeping bag body --------------55% gold necklaces [] 19---: cactus flower - Kampo nigamushi ----------------90% 20a-- - strong nutrition - arcanum of Datura --------------65% 20b-- -- - Honey - nutrition tonic Datura ---65% ----------55% 21a-- ancient nostrums -- dynamic agent - Fairy deer 21b-- - 55% ancient nostrums enhanced angle reducer - Elf deer - Mandala 22a-- enhancer: honey - nigamushi ----------------75% 22b-- enhancer: mature Mogu - liver ------------65% [] gold necklaces ichthyosaurs 23--- energy drinks - Honey - Sunset grass --------------65% 24--- explosive gunpowder explosion - - grass fungus ------------95% 25--- powder of life - Undead - Dragon tooth --------------65% 26a-- dust of life --- the powder of life --- dragon's claw --------------65% 26b-- dust of life - Undead - Dragon's tooth - Dragon's claw, ---55% 27--- force - Laoshan claw dragon claw - force. ------------55% 28--- keep the claw - Laoshan dragon claw - keep the Amulet of ------------55% 29--- capture anesthetic - Sleep grass - paralysis fungus ------------65% 30--- meat - meat - charred fecal -----------95% [gold] monster necklaces 31---: raw meat conditioning - Sunset grass --------------95% 32--- spicy raw meat - raw meat - chili ----------------95% 33--- cold meat - raw - ice crystal --------------95% 34---: raw meat - poisoned meat poisonous fungus --------------90% 35--- paralysis of raw meat - raw meat - paralysis fungus ------------90% 36--- sleep - sleep - meat raw grass --------------90% 37--- - ray of light, half meat insect skin ----------90% blue jump [] gold necklaces 38--- - --------------90% - small keel rubstone boomerang 39--- - knife - knife poison poison fungi --------------65% 40--- sleep - sleep - flying flying grass --------------65% 41--- paralysis flying knife --- flying knife - paralysis fungus ------------65% 42a-- capture anesthetic fly - fly - capture anesthetic --------65% 42b-- capture anesthetic fly - fly - Sleep grass - paralysis fungus --55% 43a-- material: grass, small stone jade adhesive --------------95% 43b-- material: iron ore, grass jade adhesive --------------95% 44--- staining: adhesion - dyeing grass ball fruit ------------95% 45a-- flash - light - jade jade material from ----------------75% 45b-- flash - adhesive - Jade grass fungus -- the sun stone explosion ----65% 45c-- flash jade - small stones - light - grass stick insect ------65% 46a-- bomb - Explosive - Ming boom bag --------------75% 46b--: the jade material, adhesive elastic sonic boom - Ming's grass bag ----65% 46c--: gunpowder explosion - sonic boom bomb grass fungus - Ming bag ----65% Jade jade material, 47a-- fertilizer - Monster fecal ----------75% 47b-- - Jade monster - manure fertilizer adhesive of grass -- small stones ----75% 47c-- - Jade monster - manure fertilizer congalala manure [--------65%] gold necklaces ----------------75% 48a-- - material - jade jade smoke vine leaves 48b-- smoke - Jade vine leaves - grass - pebbles ----65% adhesive 49a-- poison smoke jade - material jade - poison fungus --------------75% 49b-- poison jade - Jade - - poison bag, ----------------90% 49c-- poison smoke jade - stick grass - poison fungus - pebbles - ----65% 50--- - material - jade jade return heart mushroom ----------95% 51--- deodorant material - Jade - Jade sunset grass --------------75% 52a-- capture with anesthesia jade - capture anesthetic - material jade --------------75% 52b-- capture jade with anesthesia - material jade - Sleep grass - paralysis fungus --65% ----------------90% 53--- - - vine leaves spider nest 54a-- - Net - falling trap trap tool ------------65% 54b-- drop trap - Spider nest - trap tool - vine leaves ------55% 55a-- paralysis trap - trap tool - paralysis bag --------------90% 55b-- paralysis trap - trap tool - paralysis fungus - light bug ------75% 56--- Thunder - needle trap tools - Leiguang worm - needle fruit ------75% 57--- - grass - adhesive keg --------------75% [] gold necklaces keel --------------65% 58--- gold necklaces [VAT -- vines - keel] 59--- keg bomb - - powder keg grass --------------90% G---- trap bomb bomb - fire tools - keg bag ----75% 60--- explosion keg 61a-- barrel bomb - Explosion medicine - barrel ----------------75% 61b-- big barrel bomb - big barrel - - powder grass - Explosion fungus --65% G---- trap bomb bomb - tools - barrel bag ----65% 62--- barrel burst fire 63--- emission type barrel bomb - Explosive - keg - wasp plume --75% 64---: fruit, fruit of hollow hollow - ore --------------75% 65---LV2 usually plays hollow fruit -- needle, fruit, ----------------95% 66a--LV3 usually play - hollow fruit - sardines --------------95% 66b--LV3 usually play - hollow fruit - Ding Da Sha fish ------------90% 67---LV1 through the elastic - hollow fruit - blue tooth ----------90% Athlon 68a--LV2 through bomb - hollow fruit - tuna --------------75% 68b--LV2 through bomb - hollow fruit - large tuna, ------------65% 69a--LV3 through hollow - hollow bones - tuna --------------75% 69b--LV3 through bomb - hollow bone small - big tuna ------------65% 69c--LV3 through bomb -- hollow bone big -- big tuna ------------90% 70---LV1 shot - - diffusion ------------90% hollow walnut fruit 71---LV2 shot - Dragon tooth --------------75% - hollow fruit 72---LV3 shot - small hollow bone -- the Dragon teeth --------------75% 73a--LV1 shrapnel - hollow fruit - cracked dragon fish ------------90% 73b--LV1 through shrapnel - hollow fruit - big broken dragon fish ----------75% 74a--LV2 shrapnel - hollow bones - rupture dragon fish ------------90% 74b--LV2 armor grenade - hollow bone - big rupture dragon fish ----------75% 74c--LV2 armor grenade - hollow bone - big rupture dragon fish ----------65% 75---LV3 armor grenade - hollow bone - - arowana --------------95% 76---LV1 diffusion bomb - hollow fruit - diffused fruit ------------90% 77---LV2 diffusion bomb - hollow bone - small dragon claw --------------75% 78---LV3 diffusion bomb -- hollow bone big -- diffused goldfish ------------95% 79--- fire bomb - Hollow - grass --------------90% fruit powder 80a-- water - fruit and fish - elastic hollow ----------------75% 80b-- water bomb - - big fish and hollow fruit --------------65% 81--- - light - electric shock bullet hollow fruit worm ----------------75% 82--- ice - fruit, ice crystal elastic hollow --------------75% 83--- destroy the dragon bone - bomb - hollow to kill the dragon fruit ------------75% 84---LV1 reply bomb - hollow fruit - herb ----------------90% 85---LV2 reply bomb - Reply - hollow fruit --------------90% 86---LV1 poison bomb - hollow fruit - poisonous fungus --------------90% 87---LV2 - bone - poison bomb hollow fangs red Athlon --------75% 88---LV1 paralysis bomb - hollow fruit - paralysis fungus ------------90% 89---LV2 - elastic hollow bone paralysis paralysis - small yellow teeth ------90% Athlon 90---LV1 sleep bomb - hollow fruit - Sleep grass --------------90% 91a--LV2 sleep bomb - hollow bone - small sleep fish ----------------75% 91b--LV2 sleep bomb - hollow bones - Big Sleep fish --------------75% 91c--LV2 sleep bomb - hollow bones - Big Sleep fish --------------65% 92a-- capture anesthetic bomb - capture anesthetic - hollow bone small ------------90% 92b-- capture anesthetic bomb - hollow bone - small sleep grass - paralysis fungus --75% 93--- staining: elastic hollow fruit fruit ------------90%, dyeing ------------75% 94--- - who play the ghost - strange force hollow fruit ------------75% 95--- - hardening hollow - fruit of patience 96--- empty bottles - hollow bone - rubstone ----------------75% 97---: empty bottles, bottle attack explosion fungus ------------75% 98--- bottle -- empty bottles, poisonous fungus --------------75% 99---: empty bottles, bottle paralysis paralysis fungus ------------75% 100a- sleep - bottle empty bottles - Sleep grass ----75% 100b-: empty bottles, bottles of sleep sleep fish ----------------90% 100c-: empty bottles, bottle sleep big sleep fish --------------95% 101-- - - with tuna dumpling bait earthworm worm --------------95% 102-- dragon fish dumplings, buffalo buffalo bait - round --------------95% 103-- gold - dumpling firefly larvae ----------90% bait - humblebee 104a- used pebbles - ---- Bede mystery bone --------------75% ------------95% bone 104b- used small stones - rod - Bede ------------75% 105-- - bone ore - rod Bede Bone ------------95% 106-- professional ore - rod - Moss Bede 107a- used a butterfly net - Net - Mystery bone --------------95% 107b- used worm nets - Spider nests - rattan leaves - Mystery bones - ----75% 108a- clapnet - Net - small --------------75% keel 108b- clapnet - - vine leaves, spider nest small ----65% keel 109a- professional --------------95% Net - Net - catching keel 109b- professional insect nets ---- spider nest - rattan leaves - - ----75% in the keel 110a- universal barbecue bar - men's barbecue rack - Universal barbecue supporting components ---100% 110b- universal barbecue bar --- female barbecue grill - Universal barbecue supporting components ---100% 110c- universal barbecue bar ---- cat barbecue rack - Universal barbecue matching components ---100% 111-- universal roast meat - raw meat - Universal barbecue ---------100% 112-- roast meat --- cure meat - Universal barbecue ---------100% 113-- barbecue - spicy raw meat - Universal barbecue ---------100% 114--, cold meat, 000 with the barbecue grill universal ---------100% 115-- roast meat --- raw meat -- Universal barbecue ---------100% With fish and fish - million - Universal barbecue ---------100% 116a- 116b- with grilled fish, tuna, 000 universal grill ---------100% 116c- with grilled fish, sardines, 000 universal grill ---------100% With the big fish and fish - million - Universal barbecue ---------100% 117a- 117b- million with fish - big tuna - Universal grill ---------100% With fish - Fish - Ding Da Sha barbecue ---------100% 117c- universal 118a- reply: Life dust - Flute horn ----------------65% 118b- - Life - Flute reply powder horn - dragon claw ----55% 119a- - Horn - Flute detoxification antibacterial stone --------------65% ----55% 119b- - crystal nigamushi detoxification - horn of the earth - Flute --------------55% 120a-: powerful ghost ghost man flute medicine - keel 120b- people: enhanced ----55% ghost flute reducer - strange power - keel --------------55% 121a-: powerful medicine - Flute hardening hardening keel 121b- - ---55% - enhanced hardening agent flute endurance, keel 122-- honey - Buffalo bait - Mogu [------------90%] gold necklaces specialty 123-- - grass insect - Herb adhesive skeleton [------------95%] gold necklaces 124-- - harmonic - grass powder failure of pepper ----------------90% [] gold necklaces 125-- Mogu blue - grass - poisonous fungi --------------95% detoxification [] gold necklaces 126-- edible fungus products - Pepper - Specialty Mogu ------------75% [gold] necklaces 127-- strange force - the diffusion of fruits, strange bird scales [------------65%] gold necklaces 128-- patient - Needle - Blue claw jump fruit king ----------65% [] gold necklaces The crystallization of ----------75% [129-- - needle needle fruit - fruit of the earth] gold necklaces 130-- antibacterial stone crystallization -- nigamushi Earth - ---------------75% 131-- fish sashimi - grass - fish [---------------75% detoxification sleep] gold necklaces 132-- - sashimi fish, sardines burst of pepper ---------------75% [gold necklaces 133-- bag -- bait Frog - Ming horn [---------------75%] gold necklaces 134-- go crazy to kill the dragon fruit essence ---- ---- ichthyosaurs liver -----------65% 135-- Steel Dragon - enhancement, life - powder - rot dragon -75% 136-- - Japanese: fam fam center fries, of course, pulp - Map - 5 prop 100% fam fam 137-- book, the end of the line, said the book book book of Cologne 100% 138-- Guta book - Guta - Guta before they weave fragments after 100% phrases --- Guta 139a- main sail - Snow Lion fur - Snow Lion whiskers --------100% 139b- main sail - Snow Lion hair - hair color --------100% 140a- main keel - big boat pole - Peach hair hair of veterinary --------100% 140b- main ship - rod large bone - Peach hair hair of veterinary --------100% 141-- stain jug. Green - stain kettle - herb --------------100% 142-- stain kettle. Green ---- stain kettle - detoxifying grass ------------100% 143-- stain jug. Green - stain jug - reply ------------100% 144-- stain jug. Green - stain jug - big reply, ----------100% 145--. - green pot pot stains stains - nutrition, ------------100% 146-- stain kettle. Green - stain kettle - detoxifying pharmaceutical ------------100% 147--. - green pot pot stains stains, Chinese pharmaceutical ------------100% 148-- stain jug. Green - stain kettle - ------------100% 149-- stain jug. Red - stain pot - coke meat, --------------100% 150-- stain jug. Red - stain pot - half meat, ------------100% 151-- stain jug. Red - stain kettle - burnt fish ------------100% 152-- - pot pot. Red stains stains - half fish ----------100% 153-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain jug - Sun grass, ------------100% 154-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, sunset grass ------------100% 155-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain kettle - Fire medicine grass ------------100% 156-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, blue Mogu ------------100% 157-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, specialty Mogu ----------100% 158-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, Yan selected Mogu ----------100% 159-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain pot - yellow cactus flower ------100% 160-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain kettle - - Dragon hatchling ----------100% 161-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain kettle - fierce fungus ----------100% 162-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, love --------------100% 163-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain kettle - wheat --------------100% 164-- stains. Yellow stains, pot pot, Chili oil --------------100% 165-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain jug - margarine ----------100% 166-- stains. Yellow stains, pot, pot insect skeleton ----------100% 167-- stain kettle. Yellow - stain kettle - - blend the failure --------100% Snow mountain No. 1 collects snow capped grass, 5 beams, 2 districts and 8 districts No. 2 snow snow collection antelope horn 3 only 2 antelope antelope poaching kill zone No. 3 Snow White Athlon 5 only 5 crusade against the area Snow mountain No. 4 collects 3 mammoth tongues, 6 districts, a guest of dragon, a cartoon, 8 District, 7 District, Mammoth Snow mountain 5, snow lion 3, 8 districts Emergency: No. 4 White Dragon King, a crusade 6 area animation, you can capture paralysis trap After the emergency with weapons Merchant House dialogue will be dug jade armor farm, tasks are rewarded can hire 2 cats 2 * 1 snow cat house pay voucher collection 2 jungle collects cat house ticket, handed in No. 3 desert collects cat house vouchers 5 snow mountain boar king, a crusade 7 animation recommended hammer 6 snow white only 8 Crusade Athlon 20 zone 6 white dragon dance is no longer a guest speed white frozen reward jade armor Snow mountain 7 snow lion, 5 crusade against 8 District boar King guest No. 8 acquisition of 15 snow capped grass 6 District, Zhao Long guest 9 forest blue speed Dragon King, a crusade against the 8 District animation 10 forest monster bird, a crusade, 6 District animation, additional training exercises 11 thick forest Crusade peach king, a crusade for 3 districts after the animation additional training exercises 12 thick forest peach hair beast 10 Crusade, 7 District blue jump Wang guest, peach hair beast concentrated in 2, 5, 9 No. 13 jungle giant bee 20 Crusade concentrated in 139 areas of reward jade armor 14 dense forest specialty mushrooms, 10 collection, concentrated in the 1259 District 15 desert Yellow Dragon King, one crusade against the 4 district to 2 District junction 16 desert sand dragon, a crusade 5 area animation fled to the 7 District Salon 5 District No. 17 of 3 liver ichthyosaurs collection desert dig 2 area 18 yellow goldfish two, 167 District salon King guest Emergency: No. 3 snow dragon a crusade against the 3 District Electric Electric route 3-6-7 animation dragon escape back to the 3 area jade armor bonus Finished weapons house for the village to the original water beads, ticket processing. The farm adds boats and cats become 3 3 * 1 cat house coupons to swamp collection can be dug down from the umbrella in the 1 District 2 sen hill collects cat house ticket, handed in 4 snow mountain collecting electric dragon larvae, 3 8 area steel dragon shell dug, because each can only bring one, need to run 3 times, electric dragon larvae subtraction blood, recommend take home jade and strong go 6 District white jump King guest 5 snow capped mountains, snow lions, 10 Crusade concentrated in the 678 District, a white jump King guest 6 forest big name shield crab, a crusade desert name, shield crab after additional 7 jungle water hose, a crusade against the 3 District, 4 District, 10 desert water after the additional 8 thick forest small shield crab 10 Crusade, concentrated in the 34910 District, 3 District, peach hair Wang guest reward, there are black pearls 9 dense forest, purple poison chicken, a crusade No. 10 Desert Shield a crusade against the 9 famous crab District animation clearance reward 6 additional armor jade forest name shield crab 11 desert water hose, a crusade against the 7 District animation, additional number 7 mission jungle water dragon, the owner of the lake No. 12 jump 20 yellow desert Crusade mainly concentrated in the 345710 full scene brush yellow jump yellow speed brush clean enough for 204 District Dragon guest 13 marsh poison chicken, a crusade 2 District animation, add 9 purple poison chicken 14 marsh green bird, a crusade, 6 districts appear 15 marsh peach hair king, one crusade against the 8 District appear No. 16 marsh Red Dragon King crusade against the 4 District 17 Sen Hill strange bird, a crusade 9 areas appear 18, Sen Hill collection of specialty mushrooms, 10 mainly concentrated in the 3699 District, big bird guest Emergency: No. 2 snow snow lion king a crusade against the 8 District 3 District animation escape to reward additional training on Kai Yu After the emergency completion, the farm additional fishing, 2 blasting, mining, ore, hive, weapons shop, Yang Xiang original pearl cat additional alloy equipment, props shop, add harmonic books and information books 4 * 1 coupons made house cat collection volcano volcano can dig lotus and Yang Xiang Shi Hui Long ballpoint original beads and a large number of Bramblings Xiuluo stone 3, a red swamp electric Crusade began in the 9 area to 3 District reward on Kai Yu 4 random forest wolf bird animation a crusade against the 6 district award medal jade armor additional training 5 forest blue speed dragon 2 Crusade, initially in the 6 District, a 7 District, one in the 7 District can wait No. 6 20 12579 district forest giant beetles remember brushing repeatedly peach hair Wang Kai Yu guest Award No. 7 desert a crusade against the 7 dragon animation from camp jump down No. 8 appeared a crusade against a white dragon desert area 7 No. 9 marsh crab, one Crusade, completes the addition of No. 12 volcano crab 10 swamp monster birds and green monster birds, each one of the initial location of the expedition, respectively, in the 28 District, fled back to the 2 District 11 volcano Red Dragon King, a crusade against hot areas encountered No. 12 appeared a crusade against the 7 District ganryu volcano No. 13 volcano crab crab, a crusade 3 District animation crab, increase suction top, under the water column attack change zone, it down, 3--4---5--7----3 for its action route, add marsh sickle crab No. 14 volcano red Athlon 20 only concentrated in 14567 each regional Crusade brush clean zone 7 ganryu guest Volcano 15, small sickle crab 10 Crusade concentrated in the 2 District, 2367 districts, every area clean Red Dragon King guest Volcano No. 16, Carboniferous, 15, collected and excavated 17 (1) random snow mountain steel dragon, a crusade 8 District animation, use poison dagger to lift the wind pressure, rapid attack head, recommend dragon or poison attribute weapons. 25 minutes to escape 17 (2) random jungle dragon, a crusade 3 zone animation action line 3---4, 25 minutes will be injured escape Emergency: No. 1 snow dragon a crusade against the 8 District 3 escape to animation can be broken broken wing and claw head award After the completion of the emergency farm additional weapons stores starting on wood insect armor props store additional books and books of film harmonic Gu village hero cat can hire additional 4 5 * 2 1 6 random snow kylin Crusade area get additional training task of kylin animation Snow capped mountain lion king 3 two Crusade initial position, one in 2, one in the 8 activities of the 23678 areas 4 wild tiger chicken and purple chicken subspecies, each one of the initial location, 2 and 5 districts and more activities in the 45 District No. 5 desert dragon a crusade against the initial upper keel and armor jade in the 5 District Award No. 6, a 7 crusade against the desert dragon animation reward on additional training task additional armor jade 7 mission desert Black Dragon No. 7 black dragon after a desert Crusade No. 6 additional initial armor on the desert dragon jade in the 7 District Award 8 desert, big name shield crab 2, expeditionary activity area 23579 area No. 9 Black Dragon Armor a swamp crusade against the initial position in the 8 awards on many keel No. 11 after the completion of additional armor dragon volcano 10, the face of the lake, 5 families, 1 Crusade, killed one, and then killed the guest green monster bird, and then press the 3---11---8---4---5 District order, in the red mushroom position, you can find camouflage strange face family reward, courage card No. 11 Kailong animation a crusade against the white volcano area 7 reward on the armor of the jade keel additional training mission No. 12 Guta dragon 10 Crusade concentrated in 246810 areas because the dragon in the air of Guta recommended additional animation with additional crossbow 9 mission swamp Black Dragon Armor 13 volcano phlogistic imperial concubine dragon 1 Crusade, 8 area animation add 14 Guta phlogistic imperial concubine 14 Guta phlogistic imperial concubine dragon, 1 Crusade 10 area, tower top animation completes, 13 volcano phlogistic queen dragon adds No. 15 (1) were a crusade against the 9 Qiu Xialong Sen area with flash animation contain broken angle to the Dragon property, breaking off angle tail stealth needs physical rewards below 30% additional armor jade dragon swamp Xia No. 16 (2) were a crusade against the initial dragon swamp Xia after the 8 route 8---6---2---5 Morioka Xialong additional random task 5 star after the first emergency: No. 1 of a giant shadow Morioka dragon male and female each one 3--4----5---9 reward on Crusade armor jade After the emergency, the farm adds the fish net machine, the weapon shop starts, the fix iron, the original pearl props shop, the pursuing strength book and the gulong book box become 6 pages!!!!! The underground cave farm opened, saw a ZuLong moonlight sword can dig black block made of dragon series Gulong primary weapons, but can not enhance The last emergency No. 2 double hose hose hose and emerald jungle a crusade against the initial position of one in 3, one in 4 reward on Kai Yu No. 3 forest Sakura dragon a crusade against the initial in zone 3 rewards on Kai Yu No. 4 of the 4 desert and black dragon dragon angle a crusade against the initial position of a 5 in a 7 in the regular activities of 357 District No. 5 Wang Long a crusade against the initial desert inflammation in 9 camps to 5 direct routes meet jump between 5-2 conversion after the additional volcano Yan Wang Long 5 volcanic inflammation Wang Long, a crusade 6 District animation additional desert inflammation, Wang Long No. 6 volcano crabs sickle 2 Crusade in zone 36 and then transposed to the initial 4 zone and 7 zone activities in zone 3457 reward a lot of courage cards and armor also have jade keel Award 7, a dragon hill Cang Sen against regular activities in 49 District rewards on Kai Yu
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