

2017-09-18 12页 doc 37KB 16阅读




移动支付的发展趋势移动支付的发展趋势 电子商务 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is...
移动支付的发展趋势 电子商务 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 摘要:移动支付是指交易双方通过移动设备进行某种商品或服务的交易,所使用的移动终端主要是手机,也可以是PDA、移动PC等。移动支付一般分为远程支付和现场支付。远程支付是消费者通过移动运营商的SMS、WAP、IVR、USSD等服务向远程商家传递支付信息,移动运营商通过手机号码来确认消费者,并通过手机手动发送的密码确认整个支付过程的真实性;现场支付是指移动终端通过近距离通信技术向商家的消费终端发出支付信息,通过消费终端与内置智能芯片进行账户和密码信息交换完成移动支付。 关键字:移动支付 现状 发展方向 障碍 展望 (一)国外移动支付的发展方向 随着3G时代的到来,移动支付业务将成为移动运营商新的利润增长点,也将成为用户对移动功能需求的热点,存在着巨大的潜在市场。 移动支付是指交易双方通过移动设备进行某种商品或服务的交易,所使用的移动终端主要是手机,也可以是PDA、移动PC等。移动支付一般分为远程支付和现场支付。远程支付是消费者通过移动运营商的SMS、WAP、IVR、USSD等服务向远程商家传递支付信息,移动运营商通过手机号码来确认消费者,并通过手机手动发送的密码确认整个支付过程的真实性;现场支付是指移动终端通过近距离通信技术向商家的消费终端发出支付信息,通过消费终端与内置智能芯片进行账户和密码信息交换完成移动支付。 目前,美国、法国、德国、瑞典、芬兰、奥地利、西班牙、英国等国家已经开始全面的手机支付应用。欧洲主要采用多国运营商联合运作的模式,即金融机构是合作者而不是参与者。其业务模式是通过WAP(无线应用)、SMS(短消息业务)、IVR(交互语音应答)等方式接入来验证身份,操作较为繁琐,不适于时间性要求很高的支付行为,因此多用于WAP业务、电子票务等。随着现场支付技术NFC日趋成熟,2007年10月,欧洲电信协会指出,基于NFC的手机支付功能将被集成到手机SIM卡内,成为新的标准。 ?英国 2007年11月29日,英国的移动运营商、手机厂商、金融机构等联合推出现场支付服务,用户可用手机购买报纸、地铁票、公共汽车票等。他们将获得一个包含信用卡信息的手机,在消费时只要刷“手机”就可以完成支付过程,其交易的最大支付额度被设定为10英镑。 同期,英国拥有用户数最多的移动运营商O2公司透露了一项名为“O2Wallet”的手机钱包业务计划。该业务支持用户在伦敦乘坐公共交通出行和进行小额支付时使用手机支付代替旅行通票和现金。如果O2公司的测试成功,到2008年圣诞节,伦敦的公交乘客将能够把手机作为旅行通票和信用卡使用,并且该公司也将在2008年晚些时候推出更大规模的手机支付业务计划。届时,该业务的使用者将能够在伦敦2500个可以为Oyster智能卡充值的售票点为其手机钱包充值。 ?法国 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 2007年底,法国6大银行和4大移动运营商联合宣布,与威士欧洲公司(Visa Europe)和万事达公司(Mastercard Worldwide)共同在法国推出用手机“无接触”付费试用活动,由斯特拉斯堡和卡昂两座城市的200多个商家首先推出现场支付服务。该系统试用期为6个月,将在未来几年内推广到法国全境。 法国家乐福正在与法国电信服务商Orange合作推出移动付款服务。通过这项服务,持有家乐福Pass卡的消费者可以更加轻松安全地使用电邮、互联网和电话进行采购支付。Pass卡含有卡号、签发日、过期日以及持卡人密码,但不涉及持卡人的任何信用卡信息。2008年,所有持Pass卡的顾客都会享受到此项服务。 ?美国 如今美国支持Visa非接触式支付方式的销售点已超过两万家。此外,更多的快餐店、便利店、电影院以及加油站都期望市场上能够涌现出更多款非接触式支付终端,并期望通过安装接收设备扩大无接触支付的市场规模。 在美国,支付领域的新贵PayPal的应用是人们关注的焦点。PayPal原是一个电子支付业务提供商,其提供的移动支付业务通过短信方式不仅能购买数字产品,还能购买真实的商品,并提供货到付款服务。2006年4月7日,在线支付服务公司PayPal正式推出了基于短信服务的手机支付服务,使美国和加拿大的用户可以随时随地通过自己的手机进行支付。用户可以利用移动通讯设备进行支付、购物或慈善捐赠。借助PayPal手机支付的“短信购买”服务,用户只需以短信形式发送商品代码,即可购买CD、DVD、鞋、服装等商品。目前,20世纪福克斯家庭娱乐频道、Bravo娱乐频道、MTV电视台、NBA、环球唱片等商户都推出了可用PayPal手机支付的娱乐产品。PayPal手机支付还使用户可以通过“短信捐款”服务向国际特赦组织、Starlight Starbright及UNICEF等机构进行慈善捐助。 (二)我国移动支付的发展现状 近年来,中国移动和中国联通两大移动运营企业密切跟踪移动支付业务的发展趋势,并在试点的基础上相继推出了移动支付业务,应用模式日益走向成熟。 早在1999年,中国移动与中国工商银行、招商银行等金融部门合作,在广东等一些省市开始进行移动支付业务试点。仅以广东移动为例,近年来,广东移动坚持“电子商务从手机开始”的理念,全面加快了移动支付等业务开发和推广。 2001年,广东移动在深圳推出了移动POS机业务,这使客户在饭店、商场的刷卡消费更加方便、快捷。目前,广州、深圳等珠江三角洲地区的商场、酒店已广泛使用这一业务。2002年5月,广东移动在广州推出了手机买可乐和地铁票的手机小额支付业务。用户只要通过拨打可乐机和地铁票机上的特定号码,根据提示信息按键选货,就能自动购买可乐等各种各样的饮料或地铁票;随后用户还能收到一条购买成功的确认信息,购买费用会自动在话费中扣除。此外,广东移动还在深圳等地推出了手机彩票投注业务,投注金额从用户手机绑定的银行账户中扣除。手机投注业务推出后,引起了彩迷们的极大兴趣。speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 据了解,目前至少已有两位手机投注用户中了500万大奖。此外,广东移动在中山和汕头推出的手机钱包业务以及近期推出互联网上支付下载软件等业务都给用户带来了方便,推动了移动电子商务的发展。目前,中国移动各省级公司已全面推出了各种形式的手机支付业务。 至于中国联通方面,2002年6月,中国联通在无锡成功地推出了联通第一个“小额支付移动解决”试验系统。通过这一支付系统,手机用户能够随时随地用手机订购车票、购买鲜花和CD、缴纳公用事业费。2002年7月,中国联通和中国银联在北京签署了合作协议,双方决定在客户服务、产品研发、网络支持、信息转接、话费充缴、银行卡支付等方面进行广泛合作,而移动支付是双方合作的重点。近两年来,中国联通全面加强了与金融部门的合作,许多省级分公司已相继推出了移动支付业务。通过手机,联通用户不仅能够轻松交纳每月话费,完成水电费、物业管理费和电视费的支付,还可通过手机在特约商户处进行购物和消费。 虽然移动商务前景看好,但目前移动商务的发展还面临一些障碍,目前最大的障碍就是市场的培育和老百姓的认同。有一家网站曾就网民是否会使用移动支付业务展开了网络调查。在调查中,有33.23%的网民表示会使用这项服务,并信赖这项技术;有16.15%的网民表示会考虑使用这项服务,但对技术还有些疑虑;9.94%的网民则直接表示不会使用这项新业务,对技术还很担心;还有40.68%的网民则认为现金支付很方便。因此,对于移动运营商而言,在移动支付业务推出后,如何开展市场宣传和营销活动,依然是一项十分艰巨的任务。一些业界人士还认为,近两年,移动支付业务已进入市场培育期,只要移动运营商与产业链各方密切协作,扎扎实实进行业务开发和市场培育,移动支付业务就能一步步走向繁荣。 (三)我国移动支付的障碍及展望 障碍: 通过对网络调查数据和线下访问数据进行分析,目前消费者对移动支付存在的心理障碍大致有以下几点: 1.安全无保障。数据结果显示安全问是消费者最重视的问题。移动支付是虚拟支付,消费者感觉不到实实在在的资金流动,失去了对资金的控制能力,这种不安心理甚至导致消费者不愿去尝试,这是制约移动业务发展的很大一方面。另外,由于最近几年不法分子利用手机短信诈骗银行用户的案例屡屡出现,使消费者望而生畏,加重了对移动支付的抵触心理,不愿意通过移动网络发送手机或银行的账户信息。 2.受传统支付观念的束缚。一种新事物的出现并且向人们的日常生活进一步speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 渗透的过程中,人们总是习惯于把它与老事物进行比较,在认识及使用上都有一个过程。作为新兴的电子支付方式,这必然会有从不成熟到成熟,从不被认可到认可的过程。由于对传统的支付习惯和消费模式存在依赖性,消费者对使用手机进行移动支付的主要态度是:比较新,安全性缺乏信任;没有必要,其他方式好;不知如何使用;从未听说过。所得出的结果是,对于移动支付这种新的概念仍然需要更多的时间去认识,接受和习惯。 3.不可接受的额外成本。使用移动支付是否需要额外的成本,这也是消费者普遍关心的问题。通过调查我们发现,对于移动支付的各项额外成本,消费者都表示出较高的不接受态度。由更换SIM卡或手机终端等产生的一次性费用,也各有一半以上的消费者不能接受;男性消费者不接受额外付费的比例相比女性消费者要高一些;对于30岁以上的消费者,由于其对新生事物的接受程度有限,已经习惯现有的产品和消费模式,不愿轻易做出改变,导致这部分消费者比其他年龄段更不能接受各项移动支付成本。 4.对运营机构的不信任心理。手机用户对垃圾短信和短信陷阱的熟悉程度,恐怕是无以复加了。前两年,随着手机消费收入的扶摇直上,短信陷阱也几乎是无处不在,用户经常莫名其妙的被定制了服务扣了费。这种现象主要是由于SP运营商利用信息的模糊性和歧义性对消费者进行欺骗甚至强行消费,可见诚信问题影响了人们的消费心理,阻碍移动支付的健康发展。 5.对移动支付系统的可靠性心存疑虑。由于移动支付是完全虚拟的过程,通常情况下很难得到物理上的消费凭证,这对消费者的信任心理是一个考验。系统发生错误后,凭证的搜集是个麻烦问题。而任何系统的可靠性都达不到100%,一旦发生错误,将怎么保证消费者的资金,这是消费者很关心的问题。 个人隐私受到威胁。随着电子商务的发展,商家不仅要抢夺已有的客户, 6. 还要挖掘潜在的客户。而现有技术不能保障网上购物的安全性、保密性,使许多消费者不愿用手机参与网上购物。特别是在移动支付中,订单、密码等信息都是以无线的方式发送,一旦信息被截取,那么消费者的隐私将得不到保障。7.对系统反应速度慢、操作便捷性的担忧。繁琐的操作流程和细节为用户放弃使用移动支付业务的一个重要原因,如无线POS机数据连接失败、多次登陆不上、手机支付短信发送后无短信反馈等。许多手机用户尤其是年轻用户,购物消费心理属于冲动型心理,所以移动支付能否提供一个方便快捷的支付手段是消费者衡量是否选择和使用它的又一心理标准。 8.相关法律体系不完善。目前国内整体社会诚信水平有待提高,与金融#管理#和商业信用体系有关的法律法规尚未完善,使得移动运营商和银行机构都有所顾忌,从而影响他们对移动支付业务的推广。另外,人们对某些新业务的消费心态就像买到假烟假酒毒大米,怕出现纠纷而付出巨大代价,这种心态也必然遏制了人们尝试移动支付业务的冲动。没有法律这层保护墙,个体消费者必然处于弱势地位,这种后顾之忧的心理使得消费者不能放心地使用移动支付。 展望: 移动支付过程中消费者对移动支付存在的诸多心理障碍,特别是其中的安全和信用问题,直接打击了消费者的消费欲望,严重制约了移动支付业务的快速发speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 展。 现代企业的经营管理必须摆脱以往传统的思维局限, 完善各种移动基础设 施建设、开拓市场和运用新技术、寻找新的商业模式促进移动商务发展。我国电 子商务立法机构也要及时完善信用体系、金融管理机制和相关法律法规,共同制 定出适合我国的移动支付发展战略。相信消费者的心理障碍将会随着移动商务的 发展而逐渐消逝,移动支付也将成为中国首要电子支付渠道之一。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the
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