

2017-09-20 14页 doc 59KB 5阅读




机房动力环境监控一体机小型一体机控制主机机房动力环境监控一体机小型一体机控制主机 小型一体机控制主机 一 总述 数据中心基础设施的建设,很重要的一个环节就是计算机机房的建设。计算机机房工程不仅集建筑、电气、安装、网络等多个专业技术于一体,更需要丰富的工程实施和管理经验。计算机房设计与施工的优劣直接关系到机房内计算机系统是否能稳定可靠地运行,是否能保证各类信息通讯畅通无阻。 计算机机房既要保障机房设备安全可靠的正常运行,延长计算机系统使用寿命,又能为系统管理员创造一个舒适的工作环境,能够满足系统管理人员对温度、湿度、洁净度、电磁场强度、噪音干扰、安全保安、防漏...
机房动力环境监控一体机小型一体机控制主机 小型一体机控制主机 一 总述 数据中心基础设施的建设,很重要的一个环节就是计算机机房的建设。计算机机房不仅集建筑、电气、安装、网络等多个专业技术于一体,更需要丰富的工程实施和管理经验。计算机房设计与施工的优劣直接关系到机房内计算机系统是否能稳定可靠地运行,是否能保证各类信息通讯畅通无阻。 计算机机房既要保障机房设备安全可靠的正常运行,延长计算机系统使用寿命,又能为系统管理员创造一个舒适的工作环境,能够满足系统管理人员对温度、湿度、洁净度、电磁场强度、噪音干扰、安全保安、防漏、电源质量、振动、防雷和接地等的要求。所以,一个合格的现代化计算机机房,应该是一个安全可靠、舒适实用、节能高效和具有可扩充性的机房。 三 系统组成一体化主机 KTR-TH23型小型机房监控一体化机 KTR-TH23型小型机房监控一体化机是一款具有温度和湿度采集,红外遥控信号学习与发送的功能的空调控制小型主机,可以学习市面上99%以上的红外遥控器,并可控制两路开关量输出,检测3路开关量输入。 该产品可实现对机房温湿度实时采集,空调遥控,开关控制等,方便对小型机房的智能化管理与监控。 主要参数 ?技术指标: 1、电 源:DC 5-12V (具有反接保护) budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 2、工作环境:温度-20,+50? 相对湿度?95%RH 3、控制范围:0,99?,0,99%RH 4、控制精度:温度?0.5?,湿度?5%RH 5、功 耗:< 1W ?基本功能: 1、温度测量和控制,测量范围:0,99? 2、湿度测量和控制,测量范围:0,99%RH 3、2路开关量输出 4、3路开关量输入 5、可按照用户需求增添功能 ?硬件参数 1、通讯接口:RS485 2、传输速率:9600 bps 3、浪涌保护:RS485每线都具有600W雷击、浪涌保护 4、电气接口:3.96mm接线端子(15位) 5、体积:120*78*28 (mm) 6、安装方式:壁挂式 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 小型机房监控一体化机外观示意图 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 电电 继继继继继红红开开开开源源4848电电电电电外外关关关关正 负 5 5 器器器器器发发量量量量 A AABB 射射输输输公 A B 公常常公常管管入入入共 共开 闭 共开 正 负 ABC端 端 端 路 路 路 接线端子定义(从左到右) 使用说明 通过上位机对设备发送学习指令,状态灯长亮,用遥控器对准设备窗口,按下遥控器的按键,状态灯熄灭,刚才按下的键就被学习到相应的按键地址,发送遥控指令,状态灯闪一下,遥控信号被发出。 机房温湿度以及开关量状态都可以通过上位机查询与控制,学习完相应的遥控按键后,就可对机房环境实施远程监控。 三 系统的清单列表 一、机房动力环境监控系统部分 (一)、机房环境监控 1、温湿度监控部分 (1)、温湿度监控系统(温湿度:1个点,监测机房内重要区域的温度、湿度数值及变化情况)(1个RS485输出信号) 序号 设备名称 型号 数量 单位 品牌 单价 1 带液晶显示温湿度传感器 KTR-TH11 1 套 KITOZER/广州 280.00 2 温湿度监控模块 订制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 2、空调监控部分 (1)、分体空调监控(1台,通过红外学习空调遥控,可实现远程开关机启停控制,可以来电启动空调)(1个RS485输出) 1 红外学习空调远程控制器 KTR-03RW-RS485 1 个 KITOZER/广州 580.00 2 分体空调监控软件模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 3、漏水报警部分 (1)、非定位式漏水监测:(1套7.5米漏水监测,监测机房内有无漏水发生,主要监测空调以及门窗漏水)(1个DI) 1 非定位漏水报警控制器 KTR-PC-1 1 台 KITOZER/广州 180.00 2 7.5m感应绳 KTR-7.5M 1 根 KITOZER/广州 300.00 3 固定胶贴 KTR-ST-1 1 包 KITOZER/广州 80.00 4 非定位漏水监测协议模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 (二)、机房动力监控部分 1、市电停电监控(1路,监测市电停电报警,提醒管理人员)(1个DI) 序号 设备名称 型号 数量 单位 品牌 单价 1 市电停电传感器 KTR-000AV 1 台 KITOZER/广州 150.00 2 市电停电监控协议模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 (三)、安保监控部分 1、门禁监控部分 (1)、感应卡门禁监控(1道门,每道门1扇,采用进门刷卡+出门刷卡的验证方式,实现对人员出入情况的管理)(RS45网口输出) 1 双门控制器 1 台 KITOZER/广州 KTR-2002-RS485 580.00 2 带刷卡读卡器 2 个 KITOZER/广州 120.00 KTR-168ID/IC 3 电锁 1 个 KITOZER/广州 180.00 KTR-280KG 4 电锁电源 1 个 KITOZER/广州 80.00 KTR-AC24V 5 门禁箱 1 个 KITOZER/广州 150.00 400*300*200 6 出门按纽 1 个 KITOZER/广州 20.00 KTR-1010 7 感应卡门禁监控软件模块 1 套 KITOZER/广州 1,000.00 定制 小计 (2)、指纹门禁监控子系统(1道门,每道门2扇,采用进门指纹+出门指纹的验证方式,实现对人员出入情况的管理)(RS45网口输出) budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 1 双门控制器 1 台 KITOZER/广州 KTR-2002-RS485 580.00 2 带刷卡指纹读卡器 2 个 KITOZER/广州 580.00 KTR-362K-Idworld 3 电锁 1 个 KITOZER/广州 180.00 KTR-280KG 4 电锁电源 1 个 KITOZER/广州 80.00 KTR-AC24V 5 门禁箱 1 个 KITOZER/广州 150.00 400*300*200 6 出门按纽 1 个 KITOZER/广州 20.00 KTR-1010 7 指纹门禁监控软件模块 1 套 KITOZER/广州 1,000.00 定制 小计 (3)、门磁监测(1门磁,每扇门安装一个门磁,实现对门窗状态情况监控管理)(1DI) 1 门磁传感器 KTR-KN-50 1 个 KITOZER/广州 20.00 2 门磁传感器监控软件模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 2、视频监控部分(RS45网口输出) (1)、模拟式视频监控(视频图像:1路,监视机房区域的实时图像,并进行视频录像)(RS45网口输出) 1 红外定焦半球摄像机 KTR-RP540C 1 台 KITOZER/广州 380.00 2 红外定焦固定摄像机 KTR-RP540D 0 台 KITOZER/广州 398.00 3 红外变焦转动高速球 KTR-RP480-PTD 0 台 KITOZER/广州 2,800.00 4 16路嵌入硬盘录像机 KTR-8816HS-DVR 1 台 KITOZER/广州 1,980.00 5 3000G硬盘 2000G 1 台 KITOZER/广州 780.00 6 摄像机供电电源 12VDC/1A 1 台 KITOZER/广州 45.00 摄像机视频监控软件集成模7 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 块 小计 (2)、百万高清视频监控(视频图像:1路,监视机房区域的实时图像,并进行视频录像)(RS45网口输出) 1 红外定焦半球摄像机 KTR-RP130W-C 1 台 KITOZER/广州 680.00 2 红外定焦固定摄像机 KTR-RP130W-D 0 台 KITOZER/广州 698.00 3 红外变焦转动高速球 KTR-RP130W-PTD 0 台 KITOZER/广州 3,800.00 4 16路NVR硬盘录像机 KTR-8816HS-NVR 1 台 KITOZER/广州 2,980.00 5 3000G硬盘 2000G 1 台 KITOZER/广州 780.00 6 摄像机供电电源 12VDC/1A 1 台 KITOZER/广州 45.00 摄像机视频监控软件集成模7 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 块 小计 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production 3、红外报警部分 (1)、红外探测器报警监测(1路,监视机房区域的非法入侵时,系统进行红外报警)(1个DI) 序号 设备名称 型号 数量 单位 品牌 单价 1 吸顶红外探测器 KTR-680C 1 台 KITOZER/广州 180.00 2 红外探测监控协议模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 4、消防报警监测部分 (1)、烟雾监测(1路,在机房内安装X个烟感探测器,监测机房内的火警情况)(1个DI) 序号 设备名称 型号 数量 单位 品牌 单价 1 烟雾传感器 KTR-305C 1 套 KITOZER/广州 250.00 2 烟雾监控协议模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 (五)、小型机房监控一体机部分 1 小型机房监控一体机 KTR-TH23 1 台 KITOZER/广州 680.00 2 机房监控平台软件 KTR-SE 1 套 KITOZER/广州 1,000.00 小计 (六)、平台告警方式配置: 1、现场声光告警(1台,系统报警时,现场声光报警器会发生报警提示工作管理人员(1个DO) 1 声光报警器 KTR-80DB 1 台 KITOZER/广州 150.00 2 声光报警监控软件模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 2、电话拨号报警(1台,系统报警时,电话拨号会通过电话线拨打工作管理人员手机)(1个DO) 1 电话拨号器 KTR-911 1 台 KITOZER/广州 280.00 2 电话拨号器监控软件模块 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 100.00 小计 3、短信报警(1台,系统报警时,短信模块会通过手机卡发短信提示工作管理人员)(1个RS232输出) 1 GSM短信模块 KTR-GSM-1 1 套 KITOZER/广州 380.00 2 GSM卡 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 0.00 3 手机短信报警软件 定制 1 套 KITOZER/广州 1,000.00 小计 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production (七)、辅助材料(按每个点100米计算) 1 通讯线 UTP-5 400 米 KITOZER/广州 1.80 2 视频线 SYV-75-5 100 米 KITOZER/广州 2.00 3 摄像机电源线 RVV2*0.5 100 米 KITOZER/广州 2.80 4 读卡器信号线 RVVP6*0.5 100 米 KITOZER/广州 3.00 5 电锁信号线 RVV6*0.5 100 米 KITOZER/广州 3.00 6 电源线 RVV3*1.0 100 米 KITOZER/广州 2.80 PVC ,20 米 2.80 8 400 KITOZER/广州 辅材 订制 1 批 1,000.00 9 KITOZER/广州 小计 机房动力环境系统部分合计: 数据中心基础设施的建设,很重要的一个环节就是计算机机房的建设。计算机机房工程不仅集建筑、电气、安装、网络等多个专业技术于一体,更需要丰富的工程实施和管理经验。计算机房设计与施工的优劣直接关系到机房内计算机系统是否能稳定可靠地运行,是否能保证各类信息通讯畅通无阻。 计算机机房既要保障机房设备安全可靠的正常运行,延长计算机系统使用寿命,又能为系统管理员创造一个舒适的工作环境,能够满足系统管理人员对温度、湿度、洁净度、电磁场强度、噪音干扰、安全保安、防漏、电源质量、振动、防雷和接地等的要求。所以,一个合格的现代化计算机机房,应该是一个安全可靠、舒适实用、节能高效和具有可扩充性的机房。 budget quota of railway engineering. (3) according to the current technical management railway regulation (2007.04.01), the fundamental standard of railway bridge and culvert design (TB10002.1-2005), the specification for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of railway bridge and culvert (TB10002.3-2005), the code for design of railway bridge and culvert Foundation and Foundation (TB10002.5-2005), the road engineering technical standards (JTGB01-2003) and other specifications. (4) railways and the Beijing railway issued of about file: railway business line construction and security management provides (iron do [2008]190,), and Beijing railway business line construction and the security management implementation rules (Beijing iron Division [2008]435,), and Beijing railway Beijing railway road outside engineering management approach ([2010]441,), and Beijing railway top into type framework overpass design, and construction several provides (Beijing iron Division [1993]491,). (5) the investigation follows information site, status as well as the construction of railway existing obstacles in the region. ? along roads, housing, power and water. ? construction sites within the existing trees, vegetable and crop in greenhouse and. (6) the construction technology of our company, management and construction experience of similar projects in the past. 1.2. preparation of prepared in line with the principle of national and Department, the relevant norms and regulations, follows the best construction programme and reasonable production
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