

2017-10-07 15页 doc 43KB 158阅读




红楼梦内容简介红楼梦内容简介 《红楼梦》是一部中国末期封建社会的百科全书;小说以上层贵族社会为中心图画,极其真实、生动地描写了十八世纪上半叶中国末期封建社会的全部生活,是这段历史生活的一面镜子和缩影。是中国古老封建社会已经无可挽回地走向崩溃的真实写照。 女娲炼石补天时,所炼之石剩一决未用,弃在青埂峰下。此石已通灵性,大小随心,来去任意,因未被选补天常悲伤自怨。和尚茫茫大士、道士渺渺真人见其可爱,送到“昌明隆盛之邦、诗礼簪缨之旅、花柳繁华地、富贵温柔乡走了一道”。不知多长时间以后,空空道人经过这里,见石上刻着它那番经历,便从头到尾抄下,交...
红楼梦内容简介 《红楼梦》是一部中国末期封建社会的百科全书;小说以上层贵族社会为中心图画,极其真实、生动地描写了十八世纪上半叶中国末期封建社会的全部生活,是这段历史生活的一面镜子和缩影。是中国古老封建社会已经无可挽回地走向崩溃的真实写照。 女娲炼石补天时,所炼之石剩一决未用,弃在青埂峰下。此石已通灵性,大小随心,来去任意,因未被选补天常悲伤自怨。和尚茫茫大士、道士渺渺真人见其可爱,送到“昌明隆盛之邦、诗礼簪缨之旅、花柳繁华地、富贵温柔乡走了一道”。不知多长时间以后,空空道人经过这里,见石上刻着它那番经历,便从头到尾抄下,交曹雪芹披阅增删、分出章回。以下便为石上所刻内容。姑苏阎门外有个葫芦庙,乡宦甄士隐居住庙旁,可怜寄居庙内穷儒贾雨村,赠银让他赶考。元宵之夜,甄的女儿英莲被拐走;不久因葫芦庙失火;甄家又被烧毁。甄带妻子投奔岳父,遭白眼,随跛道人出家。 贾雨村中进土,任县令,由于贪财被革职,到盐政林如海家教林的女儿林黛玉读书。京城起复参革人员。贾雨村托林如海求岳家荣国府帮助:林的岳母贾母因黛玉丧母,要接黛玉去身边。林便托贾雨村送黛玉到京。贾雨村与荣国府联宗。并得林如海内兄贾政帮忙,得任金陵应天府。 黛玉进荣国府,除外祖母外,还见了大舅母,即贾赦之妻邢夫人,二舅母,即贾政之妻王夫人,年轻而管理家政的王夫人侄、贾赦儿子贾琏之妻王熙凤,以及迎春、探春、惜春和衔玉而生的贾宝玉。宝黛二人初见有似曾相识之感,但宝玉因见美如天仙的妹无玉,便砸自己的通灵玉,惹起一场不快。 贾雨村在应天府审案,英莲被拐卖。买主为皇商之家、王夫人姐姐薛姨妈之子薛蟠。薛蟠虽为争英莲打死原买主,但贾雨村胡乱判案,放了薛蟠。薛蟠与母亲、妹妹薛宝钗也一同到荣国府住下。 宁国府梅花盛开,贾珍妻尤氏请贾母等赏玩。贾宝玉睡午觉,住在贾珍儿媳秦可卿卧室,梦游太虚幻境,见“金陵十二钗”图册,听演《红楼梦》曲,与仙女可卿云雨,醒来后因梦遗被丫环袭人发现,二人发生关系。 京官后代王狗儿已沦落乡间务农,因祖上曾和王夫人、凤姐娘家联宗,便让岳母刘姥姥到荣国府找王夫人打秋风。王熙凤接待,给了二十两银子。 薛宝钗曾得癞头和尚赠金锁治病,以后一直佩带。黛玉忌讳金玉良缘之说,常暗暗讥讽宝钗,警告宝玉。 贾珍之父贾敬放弃世职,离家求仙学道。他生日之日,贾珍在家设宴相庆。因林如海得病,贾琏带黛玉去姑苏,他的族弟贾瑞调戏凤姐,被凤姐百般捉弄而死。 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should 秦可卿病死,贾珍恣意奢华,不仅东西都选上等,还花千两银子为儿子捐龙禁尉,以便丧礼风光。送丧途中,凤姐贪图三千两银子,拆散情人,使一对青年男女含恨而自杀。 林如海死后,黛玉只得常住荣府。一种寄人篱下的凄凉感笼罩着她,常暗暗流泪,身体也更加病弱。 贾政长女元春被册封为妃,皇帝恩准探家。荣国府为了迎接这大典,修建极尽奢华的大观园,又采办女伶、女尼、女道士,出身世家、因病入空门的妙玉也进荣府。元宵之夜,元春回娘家呆了一会儿,要宝玉和众姐妹献诗。黛玉本想大展奇才,但受命只作一首,深感遗憾宝玉说将来不放袭入,袭人趁机规劝宝玉读书“干正事”。宝玉和黛玉两小无猜,情意绵绵。又因有薛宝钗或其他小事。二人常吵,在不断争吵中情感愈深。 宝钗过生日唱戏,小旦像黛玉,贾母娘家孙女史湘云口快说出,宝玉怕黛玉生气阻拦、结果惹得二人都生宝玉气。元春怕大观园空闲。便让宝玉和众姐妹搬进居住。进园后,宝玉更成天和这些女孩子厮混;书童将《西厢》等书偷进园,宝玉和黛玉一同欣赏。 贾政妾赵姨娘所生子,宝玉庶弟贾环嫉妒宝玉,抄写经书时装失手弄倒蜡烛烫伤宝玉,王夫人大骂赵姨娘。赵姨娘又深恨凤姐,便请马道婆施魔法,让凤姐、宝玉中邪几死。癞和尚、跛道人擦拭通灵玉、救好二人。黛玉性格忧郁,暮春时节伤心落花,将它们埋葬,称为花冢,并写《葬花辞》。宝玉丫环晴雯失手跌坏扇子,宝玉说她(她顶撞,袭人劝,她又讽刺,气得宝玉要赶走她。到晚间晴雯乘凉。宝玉又让她撕扇子以博她一笑。有一次史湘云劝宝玉会官员,谈仕途,被宝玉抢白,并说黛玉从不说这种混账话;恰巧黛玉路过听到,深喜知心。王夫人丫环金钏儿与宝玉调笑,被王夫人赶出投井而死,贾环告贾政。宝玉又结交一位王爷喜欢的伶人,使得王爷派人来找。贾政大怒,将贾宝玉打得皮开肉绽。王夫人找袭人,要她随时报告情况。并决定将来袭人给宝玉做妾。 大观园中无所事事,探春倡导成立诗社。第一次咏白海棠,宝钗夺魁;第二次作菊花诗,林黛玉压倒众人。 刘姥姥二进荣国府,被贾母知道,便留她住下。在大观园摆宴,把她作女清客取笑;这位饱经世故的老妇也甘心充当这一角色。贾母又带刘姥姥游大观园各处。在拢翠庵,妙玉招待黛玉、宝钗饮茶,宝玉也得沾光。 为风姐庆生辰,从贾母起,各人出分子办席。凤组饮酒过多,想回家休息,撞到贾琏正勾引仆妇。凤姐哭闹。逼得仆妇上吊,贾母迫使贾琏向凤姐赔礼。 由于行酒令黛玉引了几句《西厢》曲文,被宝钗察觉,并宽容了她,二人关系好转。黛王承认宝钗为好人,自己多心。黛玉模仿《春江花月夜》写出《秋窗风雨夕》,抒发自己的哀愁。贾赦垂涎贾母丫环鸳鸯,让老婆邢夫人找贾母。鸳鸯不肯,贾母也不愿意,斥责邢夫人。贾母与贾赦母子关系更加不好。薛蟠在一次宴席上调戏会唱戏而又豪爽的柳湘莲,被柳毒打,柳怕报复,逃往他乡。薛蟠无脸,也外出经商。其妾香菱(即英莲)到大观园学诗。又有几家亲戚的姑娘来到,大观园中作诗、制灯谜,空前热闹与欢乐。袭人因母病回家,晴雯夜里 acuation lighting, signs shouldof ev n is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine locations arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviatioe lampPanel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) thplastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or -ght of more than 3kg, the embedded hookled lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weide seaxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tiuid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging bo) liqlocation of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2 witch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation andrmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, sclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fi2 受寒伤风,身上烧得烫人。宝玉为舅舅庆寿,贾母给他一件俄罗斯裁缝用孔雀毛织的雀金裘,他不慎烧个洞。晚上回来、街上裁缝不敢修补。晴雯重病中连夜补好。 年关到,宁国府庄头交租,送的东西数量惊人,贾珍还嫌少。由于过年操劳,凤姐小产,无法理家,便由探春、宝钗等人协同理事。探春为赵姨娘所生,赵姨娘弟弟死,探春按例不多给钱,母女大闹一场。探着又在园中实行一些改革,将各处派专人管理,既交公一些财物(又给管理人一些利益。 黛玉丫环紫鹃试探宝玉对黛玉真心,假说黛玉要回姑苏,宝玉相信而发病精神失常,由此,黛玉更知宝玉心理,众人也以为他们定成美满姻缘。黛玉又要认薛姨妈为干妈,钗黛二人达到关系最融洽时期。 荣国府矛盾重重。贾环在宝玉处见到擦癣的蔷薇硝,想要些,宝玉丫环芳官却给贾环一些茉莉粉。赵姨娘到宝玉处大闹一场。芳官又给她干娘一些玫瑰露、引出她干娘的侄儿偷茯苓霜。几件事闹得大乱,险些打破仆人间的平衡。正当宝玉生日欢宴时,贾敬吞丹丧命。尤氏国丧事繁忙。请母亲和妹妹尤二姐、尤三姐来帮忙。贾琏见二姐貌美,要作二房,偷居府外。二姐和贾珍原有不清白,贾珍还想搅浑水,贾琏又想把三姐给贾珍玩弄。尤三姐却正气凛然,将珍、琏大骂,她已有意中人,即毒打薛蟠的柳湘莲。贾赦派贾琏外出办事,贾琏路遇薛蟠、柳湘莲。薛蟠遇强盗,被柳搭救,二人结为兄弟,贾琏为柳提媒,柳答应。到京城后,柳先向三姐之母交订礼,遇宝玉闲谈尤氏一家而起疑,又去索礼退婚,尤三姐自刎,柳出家。凤姐知道贾琏偷娶之事,装成贤惠。将二姐接进府。请贾母等应允。贾琏回来,因办事好,贾赦赏一妾。凤姐借妾手逼使尤二姐吞金自杀。粗使丫鬟傻大姐在园中抬到绣有春宫画的香囊,王夫人大怒;在一些仆妇撺掇下抄检大观园,迎春懦弱,听凭丫环被赶走;探春生气,怒打仆妇;惜春这时和哥哥嫂子断绝往来。晴雯被王夫人赶出,抱恨而死;贾宝玉无可奈何,写《芙蓉诔》祭她。薛蟠娶妻夏金桂后,贪陪嫁丫环宝蟾美色,金桂为除香菱,答应了。在夏挑唆下。薛毒打香菱,薛姨妈不准。夏和婆婆吵闹。薛蟠无法在家。只得外出。 宝玉年纪渐大,贾政逼他上学,迎春出嫁,宝钗被家事缠住,大观园冷清起来。黛玉思想终身之事无人可求,做噩梦而染重病。奉承贾母意思,凤姐提出将宝钗娶给宝玉的想法。宝玉见晴雯补的雀金裘,怀念亡人。黛玉听丫环谈论宝玉婚事,病得不能吃饭;后来听说议而未成,病即痊愈。 薛蟠在外饮酒,打死店小二,入狱。金桂和宝蟾要勾引薛蟠堂弟薛蝌,其他方面倒安静下来。十月里,海棠开花,大家以为喜事、置酒庆贺。就在夜里,宝玉的通灵玉不知去向,人也痴呆了。祸不单行,元春这时死去。。由贾母做主,决定为宝玉娶宝钗,怕宝玉不同意,告诉他娶的是黛玉,并不让黛玉知道消息。黛玉在傻大姐处知道实情,梦幻破灭,迷失真性,焚烧诗稿;在宝玉成亲时,她孤苦而死。洞房之夜,宝玉见是宝钗也大惊,人也更加糊涂,忧伤得差点死去。 探春远嫁之后,大观园更凄清,凤姐月夜见鬼,尤氏又得重病,众人搬出园,请道士在园中作法驱妖。薛蟠案子要重判,夏金桂大吵大闹,因为调戏薛蝌被香菱撞见,她想毒死香菱,不料自己误食毒药而死。 g, sig) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lightinmmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9ly, syed the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderuse of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snappbolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the -the embedded hookamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, lain lotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcentrol device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rtic cot should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the sockermly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consisclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fins should3 荣宁二府种种作为惹恼皇帝。终于被抄家;革去二府世职,贾赦、贾珍被逮。凤姐由于突来大祸,病得奄奄一息。由于权贵帮助,荣府世职恢复,让贾政继承,正逢薛宝钗婚后第一个生辰,便摆宴庆贺,可是席间一片悲凉。不久,贾母病死;鸳鸯惧怕报复,也自杀殉葬。凤姐主办丧事,力不从心,大家怨恨。她支持不住死去了。一群强盗打劫荣国府,妙玉被奸污、劫走。惜春看破红尘,小小年纪出家。 宝玉再次梦游太虚幻境,见到鸳鸯、尤三姐,秦可卿等薄命女子及为首的黛玉,醒后更心灰意冷。癞和尚、跛道人送回通灵玉,实则要宝玉弃绝尘缘。宝玉终于在应考之时出家当了和尚;尽管他中了举人,宝钗也已怀孕他全不管了。 贾雨村犯法被解职,在觉迷渡口碰见已成仙的甄士隐;甄士隐向他剖析、解释了这一切,也就结束了这部小说。 主要人物 总收人数721人,还提到了古代帝王23人,古人115人,后妃18人,列女22人,仙女24人,神佛47人,故事人物13人,共262人,这两类加起来有983人 有人将《红楼梦》中的主要人物归谱如下:十二金钗:林黛玉、薛宝钗、贾元春、贾迎春、贾探春、贾惜春、李纨、妙玉、史湘云、王熙凤、贾巧姐、秦可卿。 十二丫环:晴雯、麝月、袭人、鸳鸯、雪雁、紫鹃、碧痕、平儿、香菱、金钏、司棋、抱琴。 十二家人:赖大、焦大、王善保、周瑞、林之孝、乌进孝、包勇、吴贵、吴新登、邓好时、王柱儿、余信。 十二儿:庆儿、昭儿、兴儿、隆儿、坠儿、喜儿、寿儿、丰儿、住儿、小舍儿、李十儿、玉柱儿。 十二贾氏:贾敬、贾赦、贾政、贾宝玉、贾琏、贾珍、贾环、贾蓉、贾兰、贾芸、贾蔷、贾芹。 十二官:琪官、芳官、藕官、蕊官、药官、玉官、宝官、龄官、茄官、艾官、豆官、葵官。 七尼:妙玉、智能、智通、智善、圆信、大色空、净虚。 七彩:彩屏、彩儿、彩凤、彩霞、彩鸾、彩明、彩云。 四春:贾元春、贾迎春、贾探春、贾惜春。 四宝:贾宝玉、甄宝玉、薛宝钗、薛宝琴。 四薛:薛蟠、薛蝌、薛宝钗、薛宝琴。 四王:王夫人、王熙凤、王子腾、王仁。 acuation lighting, signs shouldof ev n is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine locations arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviatioe lampPanel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) thplastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or -ght of more than 3kg, the embedded hookled lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weide seaxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tiuid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging bo) liqlocation of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2 witch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation andrmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, sclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fi4 四尤:尤老娘、尤氏、尤二姐、尤三姐。 四草辈:贾蓉、贾兰、贾芸、贾芹。 四玉辈:贾珍、贾琏、贾环、贾瑞。 四文辈:贾敬、贾赦、贾政、贾敏。 四代辈:贾代儒、贾代化、贾代修、贾代善。 四烈婢:晴雯、金钏、鸳鸯、司棋。 一主三仆:史湘云--翠缕、笑儿、篆儿。贾探春--侍画、翠墨、小蝉。贾宝玉--茗烟、袭人、晴雯。林黛玉--紫鹃、雪雁、春纤。贾惜春--入画、彩屏、彩儿。贾迎春--彩凤、彩云、彩霞。 贾宝玉,幼号绛洞花主,原籍金陵,荣府贾政次子,自幼深得祖母宠爱。也生于仕宦世家,容颜姣好,面若中秋之月,色如春晓之花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,鼻如悬胆,睛若秋波,虽怒时而似笑、即暝视而有情。因住怡红院结诗社时起号怡红公子,资质聪颖,个性温柔、终日嬉戏于脂粉队里,养成一种偏僻乖张的性情。 林黛玉,字颦卿,别号潇湘妃子。原藉姑苏,贾母心爱的外孙女。先伤母,其父亦不久去世。作者形容她有两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目,态生两靥之愁,姣袭一身之病;闲静如姣花照水;形动如弱柳扶风一幅古代病态美人图,跃然纸上。她性情孤高,胸怀狭窄,才情之高,为十二金钗之冠。 薜宝钗,别号蘅芜君,与宝玉原系姨表姊弟。生得脸若银盆,眼同水杏,唇不点而丹,眉下画而横翠,肌肤也丰泽而白皙。她性情温和贞静,行为豁达大度,处事随分安时,才情之高,亦只她堪与黛玉匹敌。故贾府中自贾母起,上上下下没有不称赞她的,不过她在滴翠亭外嫁祸黛玉更足见她心机之深。 王熙凤,小名凤姐儿,浑号凤辣子,贾琏之妻。生得一双丹凤三角眼,两弯柳叶掉梢眉,身材苗条,体态风骚,粉面含威春不露,丹唇未启笑先闻。由这段的描写,不难想像出她是怎样一个人物。她争强好胜,处处不肯落人褒贬,工于心机,把一个复杂的大家庭荣府治理得当,不能不说是她的长处。但她虚荣,贪财、阴险、毒辣、邀功、诿过等缺点,亦不为少。 ) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lightinmmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9ly, syed the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderuse of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snappbolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the -the embedded hookamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, lain lotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcentrol device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rtic cot should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the sockermly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consisclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fins shouldg, sig5 史湘云,别号枕霞旧友,原藉金陵。贾母的内侄孙女。 生得蜂腰猿背,鹤势螂形,面貌非常美丽。虽然亦出于仕宦世家,但幼年伤父母,寄食叔家,其际遇当然差些。然而这种遭遇并没影响到她的性格。在<红楼梦>十二个奇女子中,她是活泼、天真爽朗,不受穿着,乐观主义的典型代表;如冒失地以戏子比黛玉,大吃鹿肉,抢联即景诗等,无不显出她的天真可爱。 秦可卿,金陵十二钗之一,贾蓉之妻。她是营缮司郎中秦邦业从养生堂抱养的女儿,小名可儿,大名兼美。她长得袅娜纤巧,性格风流,行事又温柔和平,深得贾母等人的欢心。但公公贾珍与她关系暧昧,致使其年轻早夭。 妙玉,自称槛外人,有时亦称畸人。出身世宦之家,因自幼多病而遁入空门,她有洁癖,性情孤僻。文墨极通,经典极熟从她送宝玉生日帖,宝玉索红梅一索即得,以后宝玉伴送她回栊翠庵,窃听黛玉弹琴走火入魔看来,她实尘心未尽后遭强徒劫去,不知所终。 贾迎春,别号菱州。贾赦庶出女儿,排行第二。生得肌肤微丰,身材合中,腮凝新荔,鼻腻鹅脂。她性情诚厚怕事。 贾巧姐,小名巧姐儿,又名大姐儿。凤姐的独生女。虽然自幼多灾多病,而且自凤姐死后,几乎被他舅舅王仁和叔叔贾环卖给藩王作妾。但却同她母亲生前偶然间、念念善,济助村妇刘姥姥,终得逢凶化吉;偶因济村妇,巧得遇恩人。她的结局,在大观园偌许奇女子中,算是幸运 贾惜春,别号藕榭,贾珍之妹,排行第四。她天性孤僻,不喜和人亲近,在本书中作者为她安排的最出色的一件事,要数画大观园图了。虽然这图画成以后,不无褒贬之处。但她小小年纪很是难能可贵了。贾母死后,又接连因为她留妙玉奕棋而发生盗案,使她受了嫌疑;这两件不幸的事,可能使她幼小心灵受到严重的创伤,而萌出世之念。终于皈衣三清。 acuation lighting, signs shouldof ev n is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine locations arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviatioe lampPanel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) thplastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or -ght of more than 3kg, the embedded hookled lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weide seaxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tiuid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging bo) liqlocation of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2 witch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation andrmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, sclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fi6 ns shouldg, sig) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lightinmmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9ly, syed the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderuse of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snappbolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the -the embedded hookamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, lain lotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcentrol device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rtic cot should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the sockermly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consisclearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed fi7
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