

2018-08-22 20页 doc 58KB 22阅读




六个月宝宝一天的食谱六个月宝宝一天的食谱 6:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 9:00--婴儿米粉+一个鸡蛋黄 10:30--四分之一个苹果的果泥 12:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 14:00--豌豆泥或南瓜泥6小匙 17:00--烂面条小半碗 19:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 六个月的工夫布置晚上6点:母乳(或牛奶) 上午9点:蒸鸡蛋羹 半夜12点:母乳(或牛奶) 下午3点:水果泥,果汁 下午5点:粥(加碎菜、鱼泥或肝泥、肉末) 早晨8点:母乳(或牛奶) 早晨11点:母乳(或牛奶) 以下是六个月宝宝的食谱,供妈妈们参...
六个月宝宝一天的食谱 6:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 9:00--婴儿米粉+一个鸡蛋黄 10:30--四分之一个苹果的果泥 12:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 14:00--豌豆泥或南瓜泥6小匙 17:00--烂面条小半碗 19:00--母乳或奶粉150毫升 六个月的工夫布置晚上6点:母乳(或牛奶) 上午9点:蒸鸡蛋羹 半夜12点:母乳(或牛奶) 下午3点:水果泥,果汁 下午5点:粥(加碎菜、鱼泥或肝泥、肉末) 早晨8点:母乳(或牛奶) 早晨11点:母乳(或牛奶) 以下是六个月宝宝的食谱,供妈妈们参考哟! 第一天:米糊 材料:米粉3/4碗、菠菜汤3—4勺。 做法:米粉加菜汤调和成糊状。 第二天:重复1日食谱 第三天:重复1日食谱 第四天:香蕉糊 材料:香蕉。 做法:香蕉去皮切片后放在碗中用勺子压成泥。 第五天:重复4日食谱 第六天:重复4日食谱 第七天:苹果泥 材料:苹果。 做法:将苹果洗净去皮,然后用研磨器磨成泥状,或用勺子刮成泥。 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 第八天:重复7日食谱 第九天:重复7日食谱 第十天:豌豆泥 材料:嫩豌豆、鸡汤。 做法:豌豆煮熟沥掉水分,加鸡汤压制成泥。 第十一天:重复10日食谱 第十二天:重复10日食谱 第十三天:南瓜糊 材料:老南瓜、蜂蜜。 做法:老南瓜切片煮熟,放碗中加少量蜂蜜用勺子刮成糊。 第十四天:重复13日食谱 第十五天:重复13日食谱 第十六天:鸡汤面糊 材料:挂面一小束、蔬菜汤。 做法:挂面下水煮软加蔬菜汤用筷子捣糊。 第十七天:重复16日食谱 第十八天:重复16日食谱 第十九天:鸡肝糊 材料:鸡肝、菜汤。 做法:鸡肝清理干净后煮熟,加菜汤捣成泥。 第二十天:重复19日食谱 第二十一天:重复19日食谱 第二十二天:土豆泥 材料:土豆。 做法:土豆洗净切小块煮熟或整个蒸熟,去皮压制成泥。 第二十三天:重复22日食谱 第二十四天:重复22日食谱 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 第二十五天:胡萝卜泥 材料:胡萝卜、鸡汤或蜂蜜。 做法:胡萝卜去皮切小块煮熟、压制成泥,加鸡汤或蜂蜜。 第二十六天:重复25日食谱 第二十七天:重复25日食谱 第二十八天:木瓜泥 材料:熟透的木瓜。 做法:直接剖开木瓜,清除瓜瓤等,用勺子刮成泥。 第二十九天:重复28日食谱 第三十天:重复28日食谱 我的宝宝马上六个月了,现一日食谱如下,不知道奶量和水量少不少,希望姐妹们给点介意。 一般宝宝都是早上七八点醒来,我的宝宝睡着了也喝奶,所以不管醒没醒,我都是按这个时间来安排他吃饭饭的。 早上七点: 奶+米粉(160ML的水,加奶粉加四奶粉勺米粉,用奶瓶喂。合190ML) 醒来后拉便便,我都是提起来拉的,现已成习惯,一日一次,都是在早上。 早上九点: 三分之一的酸钙+水(20-30ML) production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 上午十一点: 蒸蛋黄一个+稀饭(大米、小米、黄豆或稻子、苹果切块少许) 之后宝宝会小睡一会儿,大概1-2小时。 中午一点左右:鱼肝油+水(20ML) 下午三点: 奶+米粉(160ML的水,加奶粉加四奶粉勺米粉,用奶瓶喂。合190ML) 下午四点: 三分之一的酸钙+水(20ML) 到五点左右会睡一会儿,大概2小时左右。 晚上七点: 奶+米粉(160ML的水,加奶粉加四奶粉勺米粉,用奶瓶喂。合190ML) 晚上九点左右: 三分之一的酸钙+水(20ML) 十点半开始哄宝宝睡觉,十几二十分钟就搞定。 晚上十一点半:奶+米粉(160ML的水,加奶粉加四奶粉勺米粉,用production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 奶瓶喂。合190ML) 宝宝从两个多月开始睡整觉的,所以半夜不给他喂食,一直到第二天早。 我的宝宝正好6个半月,和你的宝宝一样大,奶粉及辅食安排如下供你参考: 1)上午7点-8点:奶粉120-150ML 2)上午11点左右:米粉4茶勺(约15克),蛋黄一只,菜泥100克左右,鱼泥50-100克(每周两次),1/3包肝粉。+奶粉70-100ML 3)下午1点以后:每隔3-4小时喂一次配方奶粉约150-180ML。 4)下午5点左右吃一次果泥:约1/4只水果量。 5)晚上一般8:30-9:00睡觉,半夜喂一次配方奶粉约150ML。 供妈妈们参考哟! 具体时间安排如下, 六个月的时间安排早晨6点:母乳(或牛奶) 上午9点:蒸鸡蛋羹 中午12点:母乳(或牛奶) 下午3点:水果泥,果汁 下午5点:粥(加碎菜、鱼泥或肝泥、肉末) 晚上8点:母乳(或牛奶) 晚上11点:母乳(或牛奶) 文章来自: 播种网社区(www.seedit.com) 详文参考:六个月宝宝一天食谱TI奶粉换着吃有利宝宝胃肠(图) 时间:2010-06-08 整理:健康减肥 点击:27次 收藏本页 母乳是母亲给孩子最佳的礼物,专业人士提醒年轻的妈妈们,不要轻易放弃母乳喂养,即使在出生4个月之后,宝宝进入添加辅食阶段,也production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 应以母乳为主,其他的营养补充为辅。 据暨南大学从属第一医院妇产教育给不住院病人看病的副主任护师何明娇介绍,母乳喂养是妈妈们的首选,增进乳汁分泌,最佳的措施是让孩子多吮吸,每一隔1-2小时吸一次,每一次吸30-40分钟。过程可能会很难受,但要懂得,乳汁并非都储存在乳房中,何明娇说,部分乳汁是通过孩子边吮吸边分泌出来的。 在前来咨询的妈妈中间,有一半以上是用母乳+牛奶/配方奶来喂养孩子。何明娇说,有的母亲感觉抱着孩子喂几十分钟很辛苦,或是担心孩子饿着,不如加些牛奶/配方奶省力又省时,也有营养,这可不利于孩子的健康。对0,六个月的婴儿最理想的食品是母乳,复制母乳的一个坚苦是,母乳的成分不是一成不变的,会随产后时期的差别有所转变,有些有好处宝宝的成分也并非完全能检测出来,再好的牛奶、配方奶的营养也不克不及替代母乳。 实在没母乳可食用配方奶粉。选择配方奶粉的基本原则是:越接近母乳成分的奶粉越好,但目前还没有能完全复制母乳的奶粉。何明娇表示,家长孩子的情况各有差异,挑选奶粉也没有一个统一,不要生搬硬套。不过根据宝宝的差别年龄是个基准,如0-六个月,选第一阶段配方奶粉;较大婴儿奶粉,专为六个月以上的宝宝预设,营养含量较婴儿配方奶粉高,蛋白质含量也提高,如果选用的配方奶粉后没有呕production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 吐、腹泻、便秘等消化道不舒服的症状,且辅食添加恰当,孩子生长发育杰出,那就能够继续吃下去。 母乳中的蛋白质有27%是α-乳清蛋白,而牛奶中的α-乳清蛋白仅占全部蛋白质的4%,α-乳清蛋白能提供最接近母乳的氨基酸组合,提高蛋白质的生物利用度,降低蛋白质总量,从而有效减轻肾脏负担。同时a-乳清蛋白还含有调节睡眠的神经递质,有助于婴儿的睡眠,增进婴儿的前脑发育。当然这些都还要根据自身的经济情况而定,若宝宝尝试使用国产奶粉效果好、很适合,纷歧定就要选择高档的进口奶粉。 适当地添加以及补充一些婴儿成长所需的营养成分也十分必要。例如补钙,何明娇说,当孩子缺钙,可能会出现“枕秃”,也就是脑袋跟枕头接触之处,头发稀少或没有头发,还有出现情绪烦躁。多带孩子晒晒太阳,能增进钙的吸收,违着太阳晒不会感觉太刺眼。当然家长不克不及仅从表象就断定宝宝一定缺钙,最佳带孩子到医院去检查血钙,如果真的缺钙再补也不迟,认识不清补钙会引起不良后果。 无论是给宝宝喂新奶粉,还是增加辅食,都应讲究一个循序渐进,由少到多、由一种到多种的原则。由于宝宝各脏器、神经系统、前脑都还处在发育初期,对新食物,需要一个适应过程,同时家长可在循序渐进过程当中观察宝宝的生理变化,一旦出现异常可及时停止,避免对身体造成负面影响。 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 勿喂太多或太快:按宝宝的食量喂食,速度不要太快,喂完食物后,应让孩子休息一下,不要有剧烈的活动,也不要马上喂奶。 品尝各种新口味:饮食富于变化能刺激宝宝的食欲。在宝宝原本喜欢的食物中加入新材料,分量以及品类由少到多。逐渐增加辅食品类,让宝宝养成不挑食的好习气。宝宝讨厌某种食物,家长应在烹调方式上多换花样。孩子长牙后喜欢咬有嚼感的食物,不妨在这时把水果泥改成水果片。食物也要注意色彩搭配,以激起宝宝的食欲,但口味不宜太浓。 保持愉快的用餐情绪:若宝宝到用膳时间还不觉得饿的话,不要硬让他吃。常逼迫宝宝进食,会让他产生排斥心理。 学会食物代换原则:如果宝宝讨厌某种食物,也许只是权时性不喜欢,可以先停止喂食,隔段时间再让他吃,在此期间,可以喂给宝宝营养成分相似的替换品。 奶粉是换着吃还是固定吃一个品种更好?这是妈妈们常感到困惑的一个问题。何明娇副主任护师说,孩子没有想象中的脆弱,不但奶粉可以换着吃,“并且我们还鼓励多换几种奶粉吃,这样有助锻炼宝宝肠胃道功效,增强孩子的适应能力”。 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh “有的孩子刚换新奶粉的1-2天会拉肚子”,何明娇副主任护师说,怙恃们不必过于担心,第3天之后如果孩子拉肚子的情况明显好转直至消掉,那么就能够继续吃新的奶粉。还有的孩子虽然对新奶粉不耐受,倒回以前的奶粉吃几天,调整好状态后,再重新吃新奶粉,拉肚子的情况甚至不会出现。由此可见,拉肚子并非坏事,这是孩子自我调试的一种方式。当然,何明娇副主任护师也提醒,如果孩子肠胃不好,体质很弱,那不要认识不清换奶粉。 这个时候宝宝的消化酶分泌开始增加,可以逐步添加鸡蛋、菜泥、果泥、米糊之类的富含维他命等辅助食品。但母乳傲然不可替代,在母乳喂养的根蒂根基上逐渐添加辅食。 蛋黄:有助补充微量元素。具体操作,将鸡蛋煮熟,先取1/4蛋黄喂给宝宝,如果没出现拉肚子,大便正常,第二天可以喂1/2蛋黄,一天加一点量,直到整个蛋黄,适应一段时间再加上蛋清一路吃。 菜泥、果泥:水果用小勺刮一点,逐渐加量。蔬菜切碎,煮烂,叶子青菜取菜叶,例如菠菜、番瓜。 提醒:上面所说的辅食添加不克不及一路吃,逐个逐个加,慢慢加量,可以摆设第一周先吃蛋黄,第二周吃菜泥,第三周吃果泥;然后第周production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 围可同时吃两样辅食,蛋黄、菜泥、果泥,自由组合,这样持续到第五周或第六周开始,再加三样辅食同时喂孩子,依次辅食品类逐渐增加。这期间,一旦孩子出现任何不舒服,就暂停,调整食谱。 可在饭菜中适当加入点盐,不克不及多,口感尝起来要大人感觉很淡。不过也不应完全不给宝宝吃盐,由于盐中含有宝宝生长需要的钠元素。 肉粥:鱼腩肉是最佳的,鲜嫩,孩子容易吸收,还有猪腰、鸡肉,要剁碎,做成粥。粥很容易吸收,但也不克不及过多,一天2-3顿粥,总量天天50g-100g,荤肉的量则控制在天天50g,然后跟着孩子的生长,逐渐加量。鱼肉、鸡肉、猪腰等品类可以交替添加,也不要一路都上,一天一种。此外,提醒每一个宝宝消化吸收功效都纷歧样,家长要根据自己宝宝的具体情况添加辅食。 大约6-8个月大时,宝宝的第一颗牙会从牙龈里冒出来。可以由纯净细腻的婴儿食品逐步过渡至口感粗糙的成人食物。给这个阶段的宝宝吃小小丁块状的食物,如鸡肉、牛肉或猪肉叮宝宝已经长牙了,咀嚼是一个必须学习的技巧。当他学习适应自己进食甚至选择食物时,为断奶做好准备。 文章来源:健康减肥 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 链接地址: 文章来源:健康减肥 链接地址: 文章来源:健康减肥 链接地址:宝宝 只有每天都能吃到五类食物的混合制品才能获得均衡合理的营养,身体才能发育得更好。以 下是宝宝一天的饮食安排,可供爸爸妈妈们参考: 6:00-6:30 母乳、牛奶或配方奶250毫升,面包干3~4块。 9:00-9:30 蒸鸡蛋1个。 12:00-12:30 粥一碗(约20克)加碎菜、鱼末、豆腐。 15:00 苹果或香蕉1/2-1个(刮泥)。 18:00-18:30 煮烂的面条一碗(约40克),加肉末加碎菜。 20:00-21:00 母乳、牛奶或配方奶220毫升。 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh
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