

2017-09-01 12页 doc 37KB 47阅读




新全球通套餐资费业务规则新全球通套餐资费业务规则 全球通资费业务规则 一、基础套餐业务规则 ,一,资费规则 1、上网套餐 上网套餐 通话时长(国套餐外单价(长市漫套餐档被叫免包含国内内主叫国内,一口价,单位元/分数据业务 服务价值 次 费范围 数据流量 单位分钟) 钟) 58 50 200M 0.25 来电显示、 全球通标88 200 全国 300M 139邮箱5电话客户经0.19 准服务 128 420 400M 元版 理专属服务 2、商旅套餐 商旅套餐 通话时长(国套餐档被叫免包含国内套餐外单价(长市漫一数据业内主叫国内,服务...
新全球通套餐资费业务规则 全球通资费业务规则 一、基础套餐业务规则 ,一,资费规则 1、上网套餐 上网套餐 通话时长(国套餐外单价(长市漫套餐档被叫免包含国内内主叫国内,一口价,单位元/分数据业务 服务价值 次 费范围 数据流量 单位分钟) 钟) 58 50 200M 0.25 来电显示、 全球通标88 200 全国 300M 139邮箱5电话客户经0.19 准服务 128 420 400M 元版 理专属服务 2、商旅套餐 商旅套餐 通话时长(国套餐档被叫免包含国内套餐外单价(长市漫一数据业内主叫国内,服务价值 次 费范围 数据流量 口价,单位元/分钟) 务 单位分钟) 150 58 0.25 350 88 全球通服650 128 务 来电显900 158 示、139电话客户1200 全国 188 30M 0.19 邮箱5经理专属1900 288 银卡VIP服务 元版 服务 2600 388 金卡VIP服务 4000 588 6000 888 钻卡VIP服务 3、本地套餐 本地套餐 通话时长(本被叫包含国套餐外本地主漫游主叫套餐档地主叫国内,免费内数据叫国内(单位(单位元数据业务 服务价值 次 单位分钟) 范围 流量 元/分钟) /分钟) 58 260 0.25 来电显示、全球通 88 480 全国 30M 0.29 139邮箱5标准服电话客户经0.19 理专属服务128 750 元版 务 ,二,业务规则 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 1、新入网客户当月可选资费 选择全球通上网套餐、商旅套餐、本地套餐的新入网用户~入网当月可以从“套餐包外资费”、“全月套餐”和“套餐减半”三种方式中选择一种当月资费执行。次月开始正常执行客户所选基础套餐~其中: ,1,套餐包外资费指客户入网当月免收套餐月费~各项业务资费按照所选套餐包外资费标准执行。 套餐包外资费(新用户入网当月) 国内语音拨打 国内可视电话拨打 接听免费范围 国内数据流量 赠送增值业务 其他 0.19元/分钟 0.60元/分钟 全国(含可视电话) 0.001元/KB 来电显示、139邮箱5元版 执行标准资费 ,2,全月套餐指申请套餐即时生效~客户入网当月即按照所选的基本套餐收取套餐月费~所含不变。 ,3,套餐减半指客户入网当月在其所选基本套餐的基础上~对套餐月费和套餐所含内容均减半。其中来电显示、139邮箱不做减半处理~照常赠送。 2、通话优惠 ,1,基础套餐可视电话国内主叫国内0.6元/分钟~全国接听免费, ,2,国内主叫国内包含本地主叫本地、本地主叫国内长途和漫游主叫,本地主叫国内包含本地主叫本地和本地主叫国内长途通话, ,3,套餐内包含的全国/本地主叫时长不含拨打港澳台及国际长途时长~也不含港澳台漫游通话时长。 ,4,拨打、接听套餐资费不含拨打飞信语音聊天,12520,等特殊号码产生的信息费或通信费~拨打也不含10086、110、13800XYZ505等特服号码的通信费。 ,5,客户使用亲情号码、呼叫转移、群呼群聊拨打电话的时长25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 不包含在包打分钟内。 ,6,所有选择全球通上网套餐、商旅套餐、本地套餐的客户~自动开通来电显示和139邮箱5元版业务~同时享受每月账单自动发送至139邮箱的服务。 ,7,来电显示、139邮箱5元版为套餐预选开通~费用已包含在套餐月费内。客户若不需要上述业务~可自行取消~但月费不变。 ,8,其他资费按照全球通标准资费执行。 3、上网流量优惠 ,1,套餐内包含的上网流量为全国范围内手机上网流量,含T网/G网流量,~不含港澳台漫游时产生的上网流量。 ,2,选取上网套餐、商旅套餐、本地套餐的客户~无论是否叠加其他数据流量可选包~超出套餐外移动数据流量均按照0.001元/KB收取。 ,三,办理方式 1、办理渠道 ,1,各地营业厅:客户需携带有效身份证件现场办理。 ,2,网上营业厅 ,3,10086电话 ,4,短信营业厅 ,5,WAP掌上营业厅 2、短信订购代码 订购代码:编辑短信代码发送到10086办理具体代码如下~办理成功次月生效。 全球通上网套餐短信订购发送代码 全球通上网58套餐 发送“KTQSW58”到10086 全球通上网88套餐 发送“KTQSW88”到10086 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 全球通上网128套餐 发送“KTQSW128”到10086 全球通商旅套餐短信订购发送代码 发送“KTQSL58”到10086 全球通商旅58套餐 全球通商旅88套餐 发送“KTQSL88”到10086 全球通商旅128套餐 发送“KTQSL128”到10086 发送“KTQSL158”到10086 全球通商旅158套餐 全球通商旅188套餐 发送“KTQSL188”到10086 全球通商旅288套餐 发送“KTQSL288”到10086 发送“KTQSL388”到10086 全球通商旅388套餐 全球通商旅588套餐 发送“KTQSL588”到10086 全球通商旅888套餐 发送“KTQSL888”到10086 全球通本地套餐短信订购发送代码 全球通本地58套餐 发送“KTQBD58”到10086 全球通本地88套餐 发送“KTQBD88”到10086 发送“KTQBD128”到10086 全球通本地128套餐 二、专属数据包业务规则 ,一,资费规则 全球通套餐专属数据包 可选包名称 可选包单价 业务内容 短信包 10元/月 150条短信 彩信包 10元/月 30条彩信 来电提醒 新闻早晚报 全球通尊享包 6元/月 彩铃功能 12580生活播报 全球通阅读包 3元/月 全球通手机阅读 无线音乐俱乐部 全球通音乐包 5元/月 全球通铃音盒 全球通凤凰观察手机报 全球通凤凰资讯包 3元/月 全球通凤凰周刊手机报 ,二,业务规则 1、全球通套餐可选包仅向全球通上网套餐、商旅套餐、本地套 餐的客户开放受理~用户选择可选包后~可选包费用在基础套餐外收 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 取。可选包费用按月收取~订购当月立即生效,费用当月收取,~取消次月生效。 2、用户选择“全球通尊享包”,或“全球通凤凰资讯包”,但是要退订其中的某一项业务~可以单独退订该业务~但是仍按照“全球通尊享包”6元/月,或“全球通凤凰资讯包”3元/月,标准收取~若客户退订该包所有业务~则取消订购关系及费用收取。若用户使用“全球通尊享包”,或“全球通凤凰资讯包”,~取消其中某项业务后又重新订购该项业务~则不再另外收取费用~仍享受原可选包优惠。 3、用户选取“全球通音乐包”时~“全球通铃音盒”可以单独退订,“无线音乐俱乐部”不能单独退订~若退订则取消“全球通音乐包”的订购关系及费用收取。,说明:全球通铃音盒业务为有条件使用业务~需用户为无线音乐俱乐部高级会员~且开通了彩铃功能~请各地做好该使用条件的充分说明并做好彩铃功能的客观推荐。因为全球通音乐包是对原有产品的组合~请业务支撑中心完成全球通音乐包的订购和取消代码的统一工作。, 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should
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