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高 三 英 语 周 练 试 题(五)

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高 三 英 语 周 练 试 题(五) 高 三 英 语 周 练 试 题(五) 命题:徐芹 审核:朱志万 2007.12.7 第Ⅰ卷(共三部分,共65分) 一:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Who is the man ______ is sleeping under the tree? A. who B. that C. which D. what 2. ______ herself with other gir...
高 三 英 语 周 练 试 题(五)
高 三 英 语 周 练 试 题(五) 命题:徐芹 审核:朱志万 2007.12.7 第Ⅰ卷(共三部分,共65分) 一:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Who is the man ______ is sleeping under the tree? A. who B. that C. which D. what 2. ______ herself with other girls, she feels she is quite lucky. A. Comparing B. Compared C. To compare D. Being comparied 3. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _____ sight matters more than hearing. A. when B. whose C. which D. where 4. As the years passed, many occasions—birthdays, awards, graduations ______ with Dad’s flowers. A. are marked B. were marked C. have makerd D. had marked 5. —Do you have anything to say for yourselves? —Yes, there’s one point ____ we must insist on. A. why B. where C. how D./ 6. —Sorry, Joe, I didn’t mean to. —Don’t call me “Joe”. I’m Mr Parker to you, and _____ you forget it! A. do B. didn’t C. did D. don’t 7. Xian is _____ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for _____ second time. A. the;a B. a;a C. the;the D. a ; the 8. There are two buildings, ______ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 9. —Do you think I should get a good guidebook? —Yes, of course. _____, you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes. A. What’s more B. In other words C. By the way D. All in all 10. Don’t be too hard ____ the boy, he didn’t mean _____it. A. at, doing B. on, doing C. for, to do D. on, to do 11. Pop music is such an important part of the society______ it has even influenced our language. A. as B. that C. which D. where 12. If we can ____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right. A. come across B. get over C. come over D. get off 13. ____ he is and _____ he does, he will be punisned ____ breaks the law. A. No matter who; whatever; anyone who B. Anyone who; what ever; whoever C. Whoever; whatever; whoever D. Whatever; whoever; no matter who 14. I don’t want like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair. A. to sound B. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded 15. The news is spreading around the airports is a heavy storm is on the way. A. what; / B. that; that C. /; that D. that; which 二:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. Many years ago, I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide. One very cold, wet night at about 3:30 a.m., there was a 16 on the front door of our house. A young man, wet from 17 to toe, explained that he had 18 out of petrol about 30 km up the road. He had left his pregnant(怀孕的)wife and his two children 19 at the car and said that he would hitchhike(搭便车)back. Once I had 20 a can with petrol, I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-old children were both 21 , saying that they were cold. Once the car had started, I suggested that he 22 me back. Before leaving, I had turned the heater 23 in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and 24 . While the little ones played and ran 25 , I prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolate for the 26 . It was about 5 a.m. before they 27 . The young fellow asked me how much he 28 me and I told him that the petrol pump(加油泵)had 29 $15. He offered to pay “call-out fee”, but I wouldn’t accept it. About a month later, I received a 30 from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to 31 to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time. It 32 out that the young fellow I had helped was its general manager, the most 33 person in the company. In his letter, he thanked me again and 34 me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my service station. In this 35 , a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of benefits. 16.A.kick B.hit C.beat D.knock 17.A.finger B.shoulder C.head D.hand 18.A.driven B.used C.come D.run 19.A.away B.behind C.over D.out 20.A.supplied B.poured C.equipped D.filled 21.A.sleeping B.crying C.quarrelling D.fighting 22.A.allow B.ring C.lead D.follow 23.A.on B.off C.in D.over 24.A.neat B.hot C.warm D.attractive 25.A.around B.inside C.nearby D.along 26.A.drivers B.guests C.customers D.adults 27.A.left B.arrived C.ate D.disappeared 28.A.gave B.paid C.owed D.offered 29.A.appeared B.exhibited C.calculated D.shown 30.A.call B.letter C.check D.notice 31.A.get B.force C.require D.hope 32.A.pointed B.turned C.worked D.found 33.A.generous B.successful C.serious D.powerful 34.A.praised B.persuaded C.informed D.convinced 35.A.lesson B.business C.aspect D.case 三:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) A Medicine for inflation For years, prices have risen in China for many reasons. However, inflation (通货膨胀) has not badly affected people's lives because living standards have improved. Inflation is not an unbeatable beast. In fact, economists from all over the world have found ways to stop or reduce it. There are now several methods of controlling inflation. Reduce the amount of money being issued Many experts believe inflation happens because too much money is printed. The more money the central bank issues, the more inflation there is. Therefore, the most important thing to do for any government is to control the amount of money being issued. Cut down on government spending and increase government income Over-spending and over-expanding of governments can make inflation worse. Therefore it is helpful to reduce the size of big government bodies, cut down on their spending and pay fewer and smaller subsidies (津贴) to prevent inflation from accelerating. Slow down the increase of salaries It seems that giving bigger salaries to workers helps them manage when prices of their shopping are going up. In fact, as salaries increase, the central bank will have to issue more money to pay for the increase. Thus, increasing salaries may not be so good as it sounds. It's like cheating. Salaries should only be increased if workers produce more. Increase bank interests Interest increases can make more people put more money into banks. At the same time, enterprises take out fewer loans. Demand for money on the whole is lower. Keep prices under strict control Prices can be lowered by setting a ceiling--the highest prices--for most goods and freezing prices on most goods. 36. The word "issue" in Paragraph 3 means ____. A. use B. print C. quarrel D. invent 37. The writer uses "medicine" to stand for ____. A. ways to reduce inflation B. reasons for inflation C. something to treat patients D. prices without control 38. What is probably the best way to reduce inflation? A. No money will be issued. B. Salaries will be reduced. C. More products will be produced. D. Prices will be controlled. 39. The article does not mention _____ as a way of reducing inflation. A. controlling prices B. adjusting bank interests C. controlling the amount of money being issued D. improving people's living standards B This sign was found in the front yard of a house in the US. The people living here want to let their dog play outside and ensure it won't run into the street. So, they hired a company to set up an "invisible fence", an electric wire buried in the ground around the yard. The dog wears a special collar and when it walks near to the "fence", the wire will send out a small shock. The dog quickly learns to stay away from the edge of the yard. As it says at the bottom of the sign, the fence will keep your dog "safe" (away from the street) and "at home" (contained inside the yard). The small word "BRAND" printed in blue means that "Invisible Fence" is registered as the company's brand name. Similarly, the "TM" printed after "your dog safe at home" stands for "trade mark", a slogan registered specifically to one company. 40. The people set up an "invisible fence " ______. A. to let their dog play outside their house B. to keep their dog away from the edge of the yard C. to keep their dog inside their yard D. to warn others not to enter their house 41. Which is NOT true about the "invisible fence"? A. The fence does not exist at all. B. The "Invisible Fence" is a brand name of a company. C. Without the special collar, the fence won't work on the dog. D. Science and technology play an important part in it. 42. The underlined word "shock" refers to _____. A. an unexpected and unpleasant event, situation, or piece of news that surprises and upsets you B. the feeling of surprise and disbelief when something very unpleasant happens unexpectedly C. a medical condition in which someone looks pale and their hearts and lungs are not working correctly D. a sharp, painful feeling caused by a flow of electricity passing through the body 43. The purpose of the passage is to _____. A. introduce a new product for your dog B. expand your knowledge of foreign culture C. give a detailed explanation of the "invisible fence" D. help you understand the sign in the picture C Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of. However, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environment?” “Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?” A recent study showed that two out of five adults now consider the environmental safety of a product before they buy it. This means that companies must now change the way they make and sell their products to make sure that they are “green”, that is, friendly to the environment. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (生产) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it”. The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act. 44. It is clear from the text that the driving force (动力) behind green products is____. A. public caring for the environment B. rapid development of companies C. new ways of doing business D. rapid growth of supermarkets 45. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to_________. A. the selling point B. the company’s product C. a great demand for healthful goods D. the manufacturing of green products 46. What would be the best title for the text? A. Business and people B. Shopping Habits Are Changing C. Business Goes Green D. Supermarkets and Green Products D Mass Media Every day, we are all influenced by the mass media, although some critics of the media claim that these means of communication are used mainly to control our thinking and get us to buy products that we don't need, the media also contribute to keeping people informed. In other words, while dangers do exist, the benefits of the media far outweigh(超过) the disadvantages. Most of the messages brought to viewers, listeners, and readers are designed either to inform or to entertain, and neither of these goals can be considered dangerous or harmful. If consumers of the media could be taught at an early age to examine messages critically, i.e., to think carefully about what is being communicated, they would be able to take advantage of the information and enjoy the entertainment without being hurt by it. The key to critical thinking is recognizing the purposes of the news or scriptwriters, the advertisers, and so on. Are both sides of an issue being presented? Is the amount of violence and killing shown necessary to the point of a story? Have enough facts about a product being advertised been presented? Besides, in a country with a democratic (民主的) form of government, the people can be kept informed by the mass media. To be able to express their views and vote intelligently, citizens need the opportunity to hear news, opinions, and public affairs programming. Information about current events is presented in-depth on publicly funded TV channels and radio stations as well as in newspapers. In addition, the public broadcasting media can help viewers and listeners to complete or further their education. The media also give people the information they need in their daily lives and the media can be a valuable means of educating the public. Even though the media can be misused, most of their effects are positive. 47. The main point the writer tries to make in this text is that ________ A. advertising is harmful when it presents incorrect information B. the positive effects of the mass media outweigh the negative ones C. people should learn to take advantage of the media's benefits D.TV is more useful as a means of entertainment than as a means of providing information 48. What should consumers of the mass media be taught at an early age? A. To bring their imagination into full play when watching programs of low quality. B. To buy products advertised so that the demand increases. C. To turn off the TV set when hurt by bad programs. D. To think critically about the messages brought to them. 49. We can learn from paragraph 3 that citizens will be in a better position to express their view and make their choices if they are ________. A. highly educated through TV and radio B. well protected by the government C. highly paid by the employers D. well informed by the media 50. The underlined phrase "in-depth" in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by________. A. thoroughly B. partly C. relatively D. simply 第二节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 阅读下面的短文,根据完成51—55小题。       America is a country on the move. In unheard-of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly—up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active.       It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity for races held in American cities helped fuel a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although Americans have also discovered other forms of exercise (such as walking and swimming), running ________________________________________.       As the popularity of exercise continues to increase, so does scientific evidence of its health benefits. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle group vigorously enough to approximately double the heart rate and keep it doubled for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will produce considerable improvements in physical health in about three months. 51. What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.) _________________________________________________________________ 52. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? There are a lot of people of all ages who seek for better health through exercise. _________________________________________________________________ 53. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.) _________________________________________________________________ 54. What is the author’s purpose in writing the last paragraph? (Please answer within 30 words.) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 55. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese. 第Ⅱ卷(两部分,共35分) 四: 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. The student is busy___________(记录)the changes of the experiment in the chemistry lab. 2. I’m going to be for my a________________ with the headmaster, so I’d better hurry. 3. The picture showed four g_________——great grangmother,grandmother,mother and baby 4. It is your own ____________(过错)to choose this kind of shoes which are poorly made. 5. Our family is one where bad behavior cannot go u_______________. 6. From the p___________ look on his face, we knew that the boy didn’t understand what I had said. 7. The foreigner has w________ the great changes that have taken place in China these years. 8. It is said that there are a lot of t_____________ in the pyramids besides mummies. 9. Whenever I need help, my_____________(邻居)always offer to help. 10. He looks honest, but _____________ (实际上) he is a thief. 第二节:书面表达(共1小题,满分25分) 下表是对某中学高三一班50个学生健康问题的调查表。请根据表格,综述学生当前存在的健康问题,并就中学生如何保持身心健康提出自己的建议。 问题类型 学习焦虑 逆反心理 缺乏交往 睡眠不足 缺乏锻炼 视力不佳 人数 35 20 15 40 25 35 比例 70% 40% 30% 80% 50% 70% 词数要求: 120-150 参考词汇: learning anxiety ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 高三英语参考答案及评分标准 一:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1-5. BADBD 6-10. DBDAD 11-15. BBCAB 二:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 16-20. DCDBD 21-25. BDACA 26-30. DACDB 31-35. ABDCD 三:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 36-39. BADD 40-43. CADD 44-46. ADC 47-50. BDDA 第二节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 根据评分要求,在每个小题旁标注上该题实际得分0,0.5,1,1.5。 51.Exercise, the Road to Health / The Importance of Exercise (评分要求:根据与文章整体内容的相关程度酌情给分。) 52.In unheard-of numbers,people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. (评分要求:要求准确找出以上的句子。) 53.remains the most popular form of exercise / is still popular (评分要求:要求给出的答案要保持与上下文的连贯性,而且与参考答案的意思相近。) 54.The author’s purpose is chiefly to show us about the increase of scientific evidence of advantages of exercising. (三个关键词各占0.5分) (评分要求:要求给出的答案要合情合理,而且与参考答案的意思相近。) 55.随着锻炼愈来愈受欢迎,显示锻炼对健康有益的科学证据也愈来愈多。 (评分要求:要求在准确、全面的基础上,翻译成较为通顺的汉语,并表达出作者的思路。) 四: 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. recording 2. appointment 3. generations 4. fault 5. unpunished 6. puzzled 7. witnessed 8. treasures 9.neighbours 10. actually 第二节:书面表达(共1小题,满分25分) As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally, with 70% of students having learning anxieties as well as bad eyesight, and a larger percentage lacking sleep. Coming next is the lack of physical exercise. 40% of the students surveyed won't obey their parents or teachers. Still fewer claimed not to have enough communication with others. So far as I am concerned, we students should balance our physical exercise and studies. Just like a saying goes: “All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy”, without a sound body one cannot achieve anything; however, too much attention has been paid only to studies. Therefore, I suggest we be given less homework and more time f
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