

2012-02-18 8页 ppt 5MB 104阅读




夏威夷2014中考英语听力钢琴曲 篇一:世界最好听的钢琴曲 世界最好听的钢琴曲 卡农、雨的印记、忧伤与快乐、菊次郎的夏天、雪之梦、悲怆、星空、天空之城、秋日私语、千与千寻、克罗地亚狂想曲、童年的回忆、眼泪、海上钢琴师、梦中的婚礼、夜的钢琴曲5、寂静之声、泪之曲、梦中的雪、风居住的街道、神秘园之歌…很多啦、希望你喜欢。秋日的私语(很适合朗诵配乐)等等,还有走过绿意,《日晷梦(sundrial dream)》 卡农钢琴曲 很好听,给人一种安静的感觉。 轻快的像巴赫德 g大调小步舞曲 (我们学校的下课铃)等等 还有很多好听的,不知道怎...
2014中考英语听力钢琴曲 篇一:世界最好听的钢琴曲 世界最好听的钢琴曲 卡农、雨的印记、忧伤与快乐、菊次郎的夏天、雪之梦、悲怆、星空、天空之城、秋日私语、千与千寻、克罗地亚狂想曲、童年的回忆、眼泪、海上钢琴师、梦中的婚礼、夜的钢琴曲5、寂静之声、泪之曲、梦中的雪、风居住的街道、神秘园之歌…很多啦、希望你喜欢。秋日的私语(很适合朗诵配乐)等等,还有走过绿意,《日晷梦(sundrial dream)》 卡农钢琴曲 很好听,给人一种安静的感觉。 轻快的像巴赫德 g大调小步舞曲 (我们学校的下课铃)等等 还有很多好听的,不知道怎么分类如 献给爱丽丝、威尼斯之旅、土耳其进行曲(特快)、童年记忆、初学、雪之梦、水边的阿狄丽娜、月光、神秘花园、雨滴等等。如果你挺现代一点的,韩国有个钢琴家叫yiruma,他的曲子不错啊。我最喜欢《river flows you 》《when the love falls raining》《sunny rain》(有种恍惚的感觉),他的曲子听随性,不过挺好听。肖邦的夜曲也挺好听的钢琴: /星空(个人最喜欢的一首) /D大调卡农 /秋日的私语/童年的回忆(班德瑞的不是克莱德曼的那个,很好听但不算钢琴曲) /梦中 1 的婚礼 /爱的故事/水边的阿狄丽娜 /多瑙河之波/月光奏鸣曲(看柯南时偶然听到才发现很好听) /天空之城/幻想曲(记得好像是肖邦的) /土耳其进行曲 /卡门序曲雨的印记(Kiss the rain)不能说的秘密JAY的《Secret》 贝多芬《月光曲》莫扎特《土耳其进行曲》 Wind Crest 天蓝的旋律Tears 眼泪钢琴曲 古典的:巴达洁芙丝卡 少女的祈祷 拉赫玛尼诺夫 华丽大圆舞曲帕赫贝尔 D大调卡农变奏曲(一定要原版的钢琴变奏曲) 贝多芬 悲怆奏鸣曲第三乐章 最全最热最专业的文档类资源,文库一网打尽 贝多芬 月光奏鸣曲第一、二乐章 舒曼 梦幻曲李斯特 第二号匈牙利狂想曲 德沃夏克 幽默曲 贝多芬 致爱丽丝 莫扎特 土耳其进行曲 李斯特 小星星变奏曲 肖邦 降E大调夜曲 莫扎特 双钢琴奏鸣曲 李斯特 钟肖邦 英雄波兰舞曲肖邦 c小调(革命)练习曲 舒伯特 降E大调即兴曲 柴科夫斯基 第一钢琴协奏曲 拉赫玛尼诺夫 帕格尼尼狂想曲 小提琴: (月森莲)万福玛利亚(舒伯特) 斗牛士之歌(萨拉萨蒂)D大调波兰舞曲(维尼亚夫斯基) G小调恰空(小维塔利)茨冈——音乐会狂想曲(拉威尔) 二十四首随想曲NO.24(帕格尼尼) (日野香穗子)圣母颂(即《万福玛利亚》)舒伯特 离别曲(肖邦)D大调卡农(帕海贝尔)这首曲子非常好听,二重奏版的更好听 旋律(柴 2 可夫斯基)爱的礼赞(艾尔加)五重奏版的更赞 另外,金弦的ED《CRESCENDO》的小提琴、钢琴二重奏版的也很好听。不过个人认为金弦的OP《Brand New Breeze》器乐合奏版的最好听了,原版也不错。 浪漫曲。。。 还有很多 《猎歌》 世界上最好听的钢琴曲-心灵鸡汤 从一朋友空间里看到他收集的世界上最好听的钢琴曲,现贴在此,以供爱好者参听~也算我给好友送的心灵鸡汤吧~1话语 -- PianO. 2Close To You 钢琴版 -- PianO. 3过ぎ去りし夏 -- 钢琴曲 4如花如世 我们没有明天 -- 钢琴曲 5破碎的记忆如同白云 轻轻飘过... -- 钢琴曲 6轻轻说声早上好~抚慰人心的钢琴小曲 -- 钢琴曲 7Aqua (圣田康子) from 都 Ancient City II -- 钢琴曲 8?The Forgotten Lavender被遗忘的薰衣草 -- 钢琴曲 9メグメル -- 钢琴曲 10tomorrow 哀伤之音 -- 钢琴曲 11when winter comes -- 钢琴曲 12一人振り向いて -- 钢琴曲 13无聊的恋爱 -很柔美的曲子 -- 钢 琴曲 14风将记忆吹成花瓣 -- 钢琴曲 15阿甘正传钢琴曲 -- 钢琴曲 16风の憧憬 -- 钢琴曲 17午夜 -- 钢琴曲 18温暖的诗句(钢琴版) -- 19春之印记 -- 钢琴曲 20Before Dawn -- 钢琴曲 21click入黄金屋 第十集 那首好听钢琴曲 -- 钢琴曲 22我只在乎你 -- 钢琴曲 2327. May 5月27日 -- Yiruma 24?这该死的爱情 -- 钢琴曲 25最后之舞 -- 钢琴曲 26转角遇到爱。问候歌 -- 钢琴曲 27笑颜の向こう侧に, 3 -- 钢琴曲 28银色 -- 钢琴曲 29Mandy -- 钢琴曲 30音乐盒与钢琴,秋之回忆 -- 钢琴曲 31Rainy Sunday (下雨的星期日)-《Daydream - 白日梦》 -- 钢琴曲 32爱因思念 -- 钢琴曲 33小酒窝钢琴版~很好听~闭上眼睛欣赏吧~不好听你砍我~好听给我顶起来 -- 宏宏 34街角的祝福 无旁白钢琴版 附聂 鲁达的诗 -- 无名氏 35Sleepless Beauty -- 钢琴 36白夜 钢琴版 -- 37呆呆的看着你走 却无法挽留 -- 钢琴 38Do You Live Do You Love? -- 曲子 39属于江南的钢琴曲,江南 -- 曲子 40流れる云よりもはやく(钢琴) -- 松下奈绪 41Only Love(钢琴版) -- 曲子 42我在那一角落患过伤风(纯钢琴无人声版) -- 曲子 43一吻定情钢琴插曲 -- 曲子 44奇洛李维斯的回信(钢琴版) -- 曲子 45这是一首让人心神俱醉的钢琴音乐 -- 纯音乐 46云淡风轻...心如止水... -- 纯音乐 47也许你没听过的天空之城钢琴曲 -- 纯音乐 48人前欢笑 人后落寂 -- 纯音乐 49Moon & Suise纯音乐演奏版~悲伤的回忆 -- 纯音乐 50小熊舞曲 -- 纯音乐 51心 动 钢琴音乐 -- 纯音乐 52遇见(钢琴曲) -- 刘思伟 53说好的幸福呢 (纯钢琴曲) -- 周杰伦 54那些花儿(钢琴伴奏) -- Piano 55一首很美的不知道名字的钢琴曲 -- 56童年-钢琴曲 -- 单纯音乐 57magic waltz -- 海上钢琴师 58卡农钢琴曲(完整 清晰版) -- 聴兲甴掵 59你好 我的银色海 4 豚 全素妍 唯美纯音乐 -- 全素妍 60蓝色生死恋 恩熙与俊 熙的回忆 -- 蓝色生死恋 钢琴曲 61蓝色生死恋 片头钢琴 曲 -- 背景音乐 62For Mother -- EM.music 63Thinking -- EM.music 64Childhood -- EM.music 65Beautiful Girl -- EM.music 66Leaving You -- EM.music 67Autumn -- EM.music 68Sea Breeze -- EM.music 69Spring -- EM.music 70South Lake -- EM.music 71春泉之歌 -- 几米创作十年音 乐风景 72爱的告白 -- 纯.音乐 73Wedding (Mendelssohn) -- Daydream 74钢琴曲——我又听见了你心里的声音。 -- p1ano 75【经典】-Gymnopedie No.1-日本电影经常引用的背 景音乐 -- 曲作者-Satie 76一半的爱(钢琴独奏版) -- 纯. 音乐 77走在思念的街道 piano -- 纯.音乐 78暮色中的爱 -- 钢琴曲 79童话消失了的 年轮 钢琴曲 -- 513 80幸福的 样子 -- 纯.音乐 81流水般清澈的感动 钢琴曲 -- 82强烈推 荐 雨的秘密轻轻告诉你 已设为手机铃声 -- 未知 83几米 轻轻的亲吻 纯音乐 钢琴版 -- 84樱 花 飘 飘 Sakura 钢 琴曲 -- 纯.音乐 85一如既往always -- 钢琴曲 86风决定了 蒲公英的去向 优雅的钢琴 -- 全素妍 87生日快乐....永远快 乐..... -- 纯.音乐 88夏の时雨 -- 纯.音乐 89咪咪咪咪咪咪 咪咪 -- 钢琴曲 90我美丽的爱情 -- 钢琴曲 91Goodby My Love -- 钢琴曲 92点滴的回忆 -- 钢琴 93香草冰淇淋钢琴 版 -- 9419 我会守候你 -- 钢琴 95雨のちおもいで -- 钢琴 5 曲 96想い出は远くの日々(回忆遥远往日) -- 秒速5厘 米 97afternoon 钢琴曲 -- pianoboy 98Doutor Coffee Shop -- Pianoboy 99Annabelle -- Pianoboy 100Dance Of Stars And The Moon 星月之舞 -- 凯文科恩 101第105天 -- Pianoboy 102雪的梦幻 -- 未知 103金色眼泪 piano -- 纯.音乐 104 夏天来了 -- 几米创作十年音乐风景 105夏天走的时候记得 叫醒我.(钢琴曲) -- ?,? 106Prisoner Of Love Piano Instrument -- Last Friends OST 107雪の花 (Instrumental) -- 对不起我爱你 ost 108上海滩(钢琴版) -- rommel 109A Scene of LA Seine -- Yuhki Kuramoto 110恋慕 SENS 源氏 物语千年纪 Genji OST 忧伤堆积 难解难泣 -- 仲夏夜之雪 111无与伦比的钢琴曲 听过此生无憾 -- 未知 112小时候的 记忆 听着可以想起我们的童年 -- Mckenzie 113Love is..I -- EM.music 114Faylinn -- EM.music 115Raindrops -- EM.music 116烟火的季节(钢琴版) -- 117Children Of The Earth让人叫绝的旋律节奏 -- Ayur 118温暖的阳光 太好听 啦 (感觉生活充满阳光) -- 119雪之花 -- 钢琴曲120钢琴曲 夏日香气 -- Rui Sue 121小花园 -- 林隆璇 122早晨的月亮 -- 林隆璇 123时光 -- 林隆璇 124玄黄 -- 林隆璇 125晴朗 -- 林隆璇 126真心话 -- 林隆璇 127想念 -- 林隆璇 128Dream -- 林隆璇 129她的长发..(钢琴曲) -- 林隆璇 130纪念日 (钢琴曲) -- 林隆璇 131相约卡农 幸福之初 -- 6 林隆璇 132钢琴曲 白昼之夜 抚慰心灵 -- Yan.C 133钢琴 曲 请不要说爱我 -- 134钢琴曲 火烧云 (非常好听的钢琴 曲...强烈推荐..) -- 加羽沢美浓 135梦中的婚礼 -- 里查 德?克莱德曼 136钢琴二重奏版卡农 -- 超绝双钢琴 137钢 琴曲.空白的记忆 -- 寻 138钢琴曲-东京爱情故事 -- 139钢 琴版牛仔很忙 -- 周杰伦和我的钢琴 140钢琴版青花瓷 -- 周杰伦和我的钢琴 141钢琴版蒲公英的约定 -- 周杰伦和我 的钢琴 142钢琴g大调小步舞曲 -- 巴赫 143钢琴曲——爱 情以外的事情。都很快乐 -- p1ano 144钢琴 爱在四月雪 -- 外出插曲 14509.Sky -- Yiruma 146wait there -- Yiruma 147what beautiful stars -- yiruma 148Yiruma 擦身而过 -- Yiruma 149Yiruma 如果我能再与你相遇 -- Yiruma 150Me 2 -- Yiruma 151Yiruma 在五月 -- Yiruma 152LoveHurts -- Yiruma 153约定... Our Same Word (Piano Ver) -- yiruma 154The Day After 后来 -- Yiruma 155Dream Piano Solo -- Yiruma 156the days belongs to you -- yiruma 157Sometimes...Someone...Where are you -- Piano 158One Day Diary. -- yiruma 159one day i will -- yiruma 160Yiruma 直到我遇见你 -- Yiruma 161窗前的雨滴... -- yiruma 162? ,| 看 见 窗 口 的 风 景 | 轻 音 乐 轻 轻 听 -- Yiruma 163情书 The Letter (钢琴曲) -- Yiruma 164初 恋 爱我. -- Yiruma 165do you你愿意吗 (告白的纯音乐) -- 7 Yiruma 166River flows in you -- Yiruma 167yellow room -- yiruma 168As You Wish -- Yiruma 169Chaconne__一张白 纸、写满你的名字。 -- yiruma 170Spring Time -- Yiruma 171river flows in you??初恋 -- yiruma 172?,|All Beauty Is Sad|.ɑ.?不应该沉下去的钢琴曲 -- July. 173Love is II -- DayDream 174背景乐 泪花 -- 清洗自己的是多么纯洁 175拥有 -- 几米(微笑的鱼) 176轻轻的亲吻(钢琴版) -- 几 米(微笑的鱼) 177love me -- 面朝大海.春暖花开 178Be As You Were When We Met -- S.E.N.S 179穿过时光细缝 -- 追 忆似水年华 180莫扎特D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲K.448 第一乐 章 -- 181Follow Your Heart -- Karunesh Nirvana 182思念 -- piano 183First love(钢琴版~魔女的条件) -- 钢琴 184拾起 一片细碎光阴 -- ByJun(钢琴曲) 185first love 多年以后..重遇初恋的悸动 -- 唯美钢琴 186寂寞无言 何处秋窗无雨 声 -- 伤感纯音乐 187站在回忆的十字路口 静静想你 -- 钢琴曲 188卡农钢琴版(听完去买房子)呵呵 -- 189明日 晴れるかな -- 钢琴曲 190不想懂得 (钢琴弦乐演奏版) -- 191发如雪 完美伴奏版 -- 192Canon 卡农浪漫情怀钢琴版 -- 193For Fruits Basket水果篮子钢琴版 -- 194街角的祝福 钢琴独白版 爱是我们的 -- 治愈心灵的声音 195往日情怀 经典就是经典 无可取代 -- 196不给予心的花 钢琴的心情 最后渗进周围的空气 成为空气 -- 治愈心灵的声音 197那 8 么熟悉的旋律 怎么会忘记 珍藏版Melody of the Wind 一定要听 -- 治愈心灵的声音 198卡农钢琴曲(我的野蛮女友) -- 199交响情人梦 千秋&野田妹的双人联弹莫扎特D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲 -- 200贝多芬 第七号交响曲 A大调 作品92 第一乐章 钢琴版 -- 201Kirara 爱 纯净如朝露(神啊请再多给点时间 钢琴配乐) -- S.E.N.S 202年华都是无效信 -- Enn203长大的时限 -- 电影原声204古都随想曲 -- 古都漫步 205东方萃梦想 紫莲 -- 钢琴曲 206I Miss You -- 同船过渡 207千与千寻 片尾曲纯音乐钢琴版 -- 久石让 208突然好想你(钢琴曲) -- 五月天的歌迷 209神秘园 蝴蝶泉 -- 210在很多电影浪漫 场景里出现过的旋律 我超喜欢的 -- the daydream 211下雨的爱情 (钢琴曲) -- Yiruma 212と君のないさた 日剧《没有家的女孩》 -- 213时光的河流 -- 雷光夏 214你绝对没听过的一首音乐 超优美 -- 215用指间祝大家情人节快乐~~ 钢琴独奏 -- 艾果 216很安静很安静的钢琴曲 -- July. 217?,|夏日香气|.ɑ.? 跳 跃 的 钢 琴 旋 律 -- July. 218?,忧伤的气息|.ɑ.? 重复的钢琴旋律 重复的忧伤气息 -- July. 219?,|Time|.ɑ.? July钢琴曲 -- July. 220忧伤神秘园 Song From A Secret Garden -- Secret Garden 221Story Of Us -- 苏菲玛索 222思念的滋味 曾经的她今昔何在(六星级推荐) -- 223?,|Story Of Us|.ɑ.? July钢琴曲里我觉得最 9 好听的一个 -- July. 224?,|Dance To The Death|.ɑ.? 冰冷旋律 忧伤钢琴 -- July. 225幸福 至上 让人陷入回忆的钢琴曲 -- leaving...... 226一曲洒尽离人泪 值得一听的曲子 -- 227Desperado II -- position~ 228 安静.伤感..适合充当心情的背景 -- 小亚love 229浪客剑心追忆篇 quiet life pf solo version -- 浪客剑心 230拥有 -- 轻跳,吹哨,一路小跑…… 231曾用我最璀璨的年华陪你-the truth that you leave me -- 232请不要 爱我 -- 小说音乐 233你离开的那一天,似乎把快乐都带走了 -- 伤感 234雪之梦 -- 钢琴 235关于一场倾诉 -- 你说这是痕。 236踏香而来 诀尘而归 -- 寂寞花开 237Variations on the kanon 我的野蛮女友.插曲 -- by pachelbel . WINSTON改编 238Elizabeth -- Ashram 239Love -- S.E.N.S 神思者 240花黄瘦 -- Tina 241寂寞 如风飞扬 -- 流浪狗之歌242人生的回旋木马-久石让 -- 久石让 243星之所在~~钢琴版 -- 244Daylight of the evening -- EM.music 245等风的日子 -- 折户神治 246野蛮女友里的插曲雨中漫步 -- 轻音乐 247新不了情 -- 钢琴曲 248The truth that you leave -- 钢琴曲 249躺在白色的棉花里 L'amour reve -- Andre Gagnon 250夏影 ,官方钢琴版 -- 钢琴曲 251爱的罗曼史(钢琴版) -- koren 252one night(井上ヒロコ钢琴版) -- 曲子 253浪客剑心 departure -- 钢琴曲 254annie's wonderland 这似曾 10 相识的感觉 -- 班德瑞 255轻音乐-被遗忘的天使(钢琴版)超 好听 -- 256Love song -- 钢琴曲 篇二:2014年英语中考集锦2 九年级冲刺复习题 , and I will understand. (I) , we shouldn’t waste time. ( one ) ’s bad for your health. (smoke) in the world. (play)in the beautiful music. ( I ) 7. The Sunday of June is Father’s Day, we’ll have a surprise party for my father. (three) and an egg for breakfast. (甜牛奶) 9. People are not allowed to in a museum.(拍照) 10. is becoming more and more serious in today’s world. (水污染) 11. As students, we should study hard, it’s important for us to get on well with others. (同时) ,Call me at 555-2421. (电影俱乐部) ’ll fly a rocket to the moon. (长大) 短语动词 14. We made our New Year’(班 会)名词词组 15. Qian Xuesen, ―father of space technology‖, died of illness in Beijing 8. A wrote a letter to the magazine and gave some advice. (read) ’ help. (wait) 11. In life, you’ll get what you put in. You have two 11 __________, one to help yourself and the other to help those around you. (hand) 12 . My mother is a doctor, and my father is a ___________. (work) 13. –Please give my best ___________ to your grandmother, Xiao Li. --Thank you. I will. (wish) 14. Dehong is a beautiful place. Many _________ come here for holidays every year. (visit) 15. She asks me __________(visit) her QQ space to download the article. 16. Would you mind not ___________ rubbish here and there. (throw) 17. Whenever you have a chance __________ a job, you shouldn’t miss it. (find) 18. We are very _________ that a student from our school has won the prize. (pride) 19. Two heads can usually think better than one, and _______ too. (fast) 20. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to save Zhang Lili, _______ woman teacher in Heilongjiang Province. (beautiful) 21. Linda is a top student, she is _______ hard-working. (real) 22. Is the book __________? (your) 23. When I am in trouble, please give ______ a hand. (I) 12 24. He looks sad. Let’s cheer _______ up. (he) 25. The doctor said, ―Take the pills _______ (two) a day.‖ 26. –When is your birthday? – My birthday is June _______.(six) 27. On the little boy’s _______ birthday, he was given a nice present. (eight) 短语翻译 __ is my favorite TV program.(动物世界) 家庭成员) 3.Mike’s friends had a little get-together and drank after he won the first prize in his group. (红酒) _______ can make us get good grades. (有益的书籍) 5. Lang Lang’s _________钢琴曲) 6(Young mothers for their babies. But some scientists think they are unhealthy. (塑料碗) 克服) (在……岁时) 16. Join the ―Super Boys‖, maybe you can become a future star .(未来之星)名词词组 17. I can pay only fifty pounds _______________.(最多) 18. _______________ my mother lets me watch TV in the evening.(有时) 19. The two runners reached the finishing line 13 _________________.(与此同时) 20. (尽快地) 21.She would go home, _______________, for Christmas.(与往常 一样) 22.If you find any mistakes, tell me _______________。(立刻) 23. _____________ he knew the meaning of thetext. (最后) 24. The exam will begin _____________________ June.(在。。。开始) 25. _______________ he was a little shy in class, but now he is active.(首先) 26. There were _______________ a hundred people in the hall.(至少) 27. There was snow _______________ the mountains. (在。。。顶部) 28.The children had a good time in the zoo. But they ________________ the animals in the cages.(为。。。抱歉) 29. Han Mei was born in the year of snake. But she___________ snakes.(害怕) 30. All of us _______________ the news that Miss Gao won’t come to the evening party this Saturday.(对。。。惊 讶) 31. Please don’t _______________ me if I don’t go swimming with you.(生气) 32.I found the dress which _______________ paper very strange.(由。。。制成) 33. Mrs Green is ill in hospital. Everyone__________________ her.(担心) 34. I’ll go to see her _____________ you. (代 14 替) 35. No one knows what will happen ______________.(在 将来) 36. No one believed it, but, ____________ Mary did get an A in maths.(事实上) 37. The sun comes out _______________ and the moon comes at night.(在白天) 38. The students are learning to sing a song __________.(用英 语) 39._______________ you can learn English well.(用这 种方法) 40. Every morning he walks _____________ for an hour.(在户外) 41. We got to the station just _________ to catch the bus. (及时) 42._______________, he found the girl was blind.(让他惊讶的是。。) 43.____________ my father went out for a walk in the street and met his old friend.(有一天) 44._______________ the students in our school is 1,200.(。。。的数量) 45.The population has increased from ____________6,600,000 to 8,300,000.(不足) 46. _______________ home father told me about the accident.(在。。。的路上) 47. _____________ we finished the work successfully.(最 后) 88. It’s dangerous _______________ fire.(玩耍) 48. She is interested in ___________ these books. (一个也没有) 15 89. The museum _______________ one of the best schools.(当做) 49.Mr Huang is __________ our teacher ___________ our friend.(不但。。。而且) 90. They ____________ what I said after I had explained.(同意) 50.The old man ______________ lives here. He lives with his son in Canada.(不再) each other.(相处得好) 51.Every day it takes me five minutes to go to school_______________.(步行) 92. They _______________ walk rather than take a bus when they lived in town.(宁愿,更喜欢) 52.A new kind of car was _______________ in the shop.(在展览) 93. (穿烂了) 53.____________ Bill _______________ Jack knows how to spell the word ― heard ‖ (既不。。。也不) 94. Bruce is clever enough ____________ this song _______________.(自学) 54. She is going to be a singer (无 论什么) 55. I think he is the luckiest man _____________.(在地球上/究竟) _, he makes many mistakes.(另一方面) 57. (根本不) 58.I ________________ going to Beijing for my holiday.(考虑) 59. I _______________ play football when I was younger, but not very often.(过去) 60. We _______________ the Great Wall twice already.(去过) 61.We have to _______________ when we come to the main road. There is a lot of traffic on it.(减速) 62.Something 16 must be done to stop them from_______________ trees.(砍 到) 63. Please _____________ your hands before I ask you questions.(放下) 64. The room is too noisy. Please ___________ the radio.(关小,调低) 65. Sue had the computer _______________ before she left the room.(关闭) 66.Can you _______________when the train will leave for Shanghai? (查明) 67.This morning we ____________________ for our field trip together.(动身) 68. Can’t you see a girl with some flowers in her hands_______________ the bus?(下车) 69.He had __ the meeting because of illness.(推迟) 70. Don’t forget _______________ the lights when you leave here.(关闭) 71.Tell me how _______________ the word in the dictionary, please.(查阅,查找) 72. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _______________ a good answer.(想出,提出) (拓宽视野) ___, or we’ll miss the train. (快点) 75.(张贴) 76. If you work hard, you ______________________ your classmates.(追赶上) 77.The doctor told my father _____________ smoking.(放 弃) 78. Will you please ____________ the rubbish and throw it into a dustbin to keep the room clean?(捡起) 79. They ___________________________ to turn it into rich 17 farm land.(下定决心) _____ all the food.(吃光) 81. _______________ or I’ll shoot you.(举起手来) 82. The news reporter said China _______________ another spaceship soon.(发射) 83.I’m sure that you must ________ the library book if you still can’t find it anywhere.(支付) 84.Many more houses have been built for teachers in our city ____________.(迄今为止、到目前为止)85. _______________ the teacher, we all did well in maths.(幸 亏) 86. She can not only sing, but dance ____________.(也) 87. The doctor often _______ the bottle ________ medicine.(用。。。装满) 95The Chinese people ____________________ to make their country strong.(尽力) 96. Luckily they _________________________ from a fire.(逃跑) 97.You’ d better _______________ the food. It smells bad.(拿走) 98. The bridge _______________________ by the flood。(冲走) 99. My English teacher often ____________ her class____________ an English song.(以。。。开始) (过时 了) 101.Your skirt (时髦的) 102.Yyour homework today (上交) 。(在回家的路上) 。(因为。。。而出名) the news in the today’s newspaper.(浏览) a real story。(以。。。为 18 基础) 。(让灯开着) China (交通事故) 109.Would you mind .(清理) ,(意外地) (跟着唱) (随着跳舞) , (值日) an interesting thing now.(谈论) .(用光) 116.Lucy,,because it is very easy.(把它算出来) 118.Every year,(数以千计的) 119.They work in a (制衣厂) 120.People can’没有水) 121.The weather in our hometown is becoming123.I think (越多越好). English.(一点点) 125. the weather report,it will rain tomorrow.(根据) 篇三:双语美文:难忘的钢琴曲 There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a l arge family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year. 来自大家庭既有好处也有坏处。如果是个单亲大家庭,好 坏都会变成双倍。当有人要 离家去念大学时,坏处尤其明显。为了支付一年的开销, 父母只好将寿险兑换成现金。 My mother knew that she could not send me to college and pay for it. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at 19 home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there. 母亲一早知道她无力送我上学与支付学费。她在一家零售 店工作,挣的钱刚够养活家里的其他孩子。如果我想上大学, 就得自食其力。 I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my moms income and my SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. I accepted a job as part of a work-study program. While not glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria. 我发现我的家庭人口、妈妈的收入与我的学业能力测试分 数符合拿助学金的。那只足够用来交学费和买书,但维 持不了食宿。于是我半工半读,找了一份工作。虽然工作不 讨人喜欢,可那是我力所能及的事情。我在学校饭堂里洗碗。 To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would 20 crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever done. 为了促进学习,我做了一副 恰好能装在大金属洗碗机上的学习卡。把碗碟放在架子上之 后,我就站在那儿翻卡片,四周弥漫着水汽,而我在学习原 子的构成。我学会了如何在叠碟子的时候背下方程式。我起 皱的手指翻过许多卡片,很多时候我疲倦的大脑 恍恍惚惚,令玻璃杯也摔破到地上。我的成绩时起时落。 那是我做过的最艰难的工作。 Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings. 正当我的大学学业快进行不下去时,天使出现了。是在地 球上的天使,没翅膀的。 ―I heard that you need some help,‖ he said. ―我听说你需要帮助,‖他说。 ―What do you mean?‖ I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant. ―你说什么,‖我问道,竭力 想弄清楚他说的是我生活中的那些方面。 ―Financially, to stay in school.‖ ―经济上的,留校念书。‖ ―Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.‖ 21 ―这个,我还好。只是我工作得太久了,找不到读书的时 间。‖ ―Well, I think I have a way to help you out.‖ ―啊,我想我可以有办法帮你一把。‖ He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job. 接着他解释道,他的祖父母周末需要人帮助。我只用做做 饭、早晚帮他们上下床就好了。这份工作的报酬是一个月四 百美元,两倍于我洗碗赚的钱。现在我可以有学习的时间了。 我去与他的祖父母见面并接下了工作。 My first discovery was his grandmothers great love of music. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didnt have enough fun in my life and took it upon herself to teach me the art. 我的第一个发现是他的祖母无比热爱音乐。她许多时候都 在弹她那架又旧变调的钢琴。有一天,她说我的生活缺乏乐 趣,并执意亲自教我艺术。 22 Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking,they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers. 祖母非常赞赏我的能力,她鼓励我继续学下去。在他们家 度过的周末并非只有书本与烹调;那些日子里洋溢着走调钢 琴与两个走调歌手的动人音乐和歌声。 When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadnt been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Grandma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home. 圣诞假期来临了,祖母患上胸口冷的疾病,我非常不愿离 开她。可自从劳动节后我就没回家,家人都急切希望见到我。 所以我还是同意回家去,但只住上两周而不是四周,然后我 就回来看祖母和祖父。我道了别,安排好他俩的暂时看护后 就回家去了。 As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang. 等我装车要返校的时候,电话响了。 23 ―Daneen, dont rush back,‖ he said. ―丹宁,别赶回?%b 24
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