

2017-03-24 1页 doc 6KB 7阅读




两性的对立与和谐——《飘》的女性主义解读两性的对立与和谐——《飘》的女性主义解读 毕业  Conflicts and Harmonies between Men and Women—— The Interpretation of Feminism in Gone with the Wind Abstract Since its publication, Gone with the Wind has been regarded as a popular novel which shows women’s constant striving for independe...
两性的对立与和谐——《飘》的女性主义解读 毕业  Conflicts and Harmonies between Men and Women—— The Interpretation of Feminism in Gone with the Wind Abstract Since its publication, Gone with the Wind has been regarded as a popular novel which shows women’s constant striving for independence. Margaret Mitchell, the author of the novel, endows the novel in style with quite obvious feminine characteristics. Through comparing, this thesis analyzes the different thoughts, personalities and attitudes toward life between Scarlett and Ashley, Scarlett and Frank in detail to highlight the conflict between men and women with intense awareness of independence in a men-centered society; through interpreting the similarities in personalities and the pursuit for life and love between the two practicers of pragmatism: Scarlett and Rhett and the two weavers of nostalgia: Ashley and Melanie, showing an expression of pursuit and expectation of the harmony between men and women. Key Words: Gone with the Wind; feminism; pragmatism; conflict; harmony 摘  要 《飘》自问世以来即被认为是1部表现女性独立与自强不息的通俗小说,作者马格丽特在写作风格上表现出极强的女性特征。本文运用对比分析, 先分别详细剖析了斯佳丽与艾希礼,斯佳丽与弗兰克在思想、性格及对待生活态度上的对立, 表现出男权社会中具有独立意识的女性与男性间的对立, 接着又分别阐释了拥有求实精神的斯佳丽与瑞德和具怀旧意识艾希礼与梅兰尼这两对夫妇各自对生活、对爱情的追求及性格上的相似之处的和谐,从而表达了对两性平等与和谐的追求和期望。 关键词: 《飘》、女性主义、实用主义、对立、和谐 .............. 收费英语毕业【包括:毕业、、任务书、中期检查表】
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