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乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏不是一回事乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏不是一回事 1 乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏不是一回事 牛奶是营养成分较为全面而均衡的食品,对少年儿童的生长发育至关重要。但因自身因素等问题,一些人饮用牛奶后会出现腹胀、腹痛、腹泻等不适症状, 很多人把这种情况称之为“牛奶过敏”。其实,在大多数情况下,这些症状是乳糖不耐症的表现,它和牛奶蛋白质过敏之间有着很大的区别。 源于消化系统的乳糖不耐症 所谓“乳糖不耐症”是指在饮奶以后,出现腹胀甚至呕吐、腹泻的现象,更确切地说应称为“乳糖不消化症”。 据专家介绍,乳类食物中含有一种特有的碳水化合物——乳糖。乳糖是...
乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏不是一回事 1 乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏不是一回事 牛奶是营养成分较为全面而均衡的食品,对少年儿童的生长发育至关重要。但因自身因素等问题,一些人饮用牛奶后会出现腹胀、腹痛、腹泻等不适症状, 很多人把这种情况称之为“牛奶过敏”。其实,在大多数情况下,这些症状是乳糖不耐症的表现,它和牛奶蛋白质过敏之间有着很大的区别。 源于消化系统的乳糖不耐症 所谓“乳糖不耐症”是指在饮奶以后,出现腹胀甚至呕吐、腹泻的现象,更确切地说应称为“乳糖不消化症”。 据专家介绍,乳类食物中含有一种特有的碳水化合物——乳糖。乳糖是由一个葡萄糖和一个半乳糖组成的一个双糖分子结构。摄入的乳糖在经过十二指肠和空肠时,就 被小肠内的乳糖酶水解成葡萄糖和半乳糖两个单糖,被肠道吸收利用。婴儿断奶以后,体内乳糖酶的合成会逐渐减少。如果因种种原因导致小肠内缺乏这种乳糖酶, 大量未经消化的乳糖就可以顺利抵达大肠。大肠内的一些细菌利用乳糖发酵,产生大量气体,从而导致腹胀、腹泻、腹痛等症状,这就是乳糖不耐症。 乳糖酶缺乏不仅会引起胃肠道不适,还会影响蛋白质、钙、铁等营养素的吸收,增加 骨质疏松等疾病的发病率,严重的还会造成儿童生长发育迟缓。而在东 方人的营养不良、 饮食结构中,由于平时食用牛奶及奶制品较少,因而在一部分人体内乳糖酶不足或缺乏,因而喝牛奶后更容易出现乳糖不耐症状。 有关研究表明,在我国3-5岁、7-8岁、11-13岁3个年龄组的北方城市儿童中,乳糖不耐症的发生率分别是13.95%、45.5%和43.8%;南方 城市的儿童(上海、广州)则为10.5%、21.2%和17.4%。同时,实验证明我国儿童体内乳糖消化酶活性下降或消失的年龄集中在7-8岁。乳糖不耐 症的发生因人而异,我国青少年中大多数患者属于“后天减退型乳糖不耐症”,一次性饮奶量过多或空腹喝奶,有可能诱发乳糖不耐症。 源于免疫系统的牛奶过敏症 牛奶过敏,更确切地说是对牛奶中的蛋白质过敏。每100毫升牛奶中大约含有3克蛋白质,包括酪蛋白和乳清蛋白,这两种蛋白质都有可能导致过敏。 在牛奶中,还有一种β-乳球蛋白质的物质是强过敏原,它是乳清蛋白的一种。某些过敏体质的人,饮用牛奶后会出现过敏表现。当免疫系统误把正常摄入的牛奶蛋白 质当成入侵“敌人”时,就会引发一连串的免疫反应来对抗,结果就可能导致呕吐、腹泻、皮肤红肿、哮喘等症状。当免疫反应过于强烈时,救助不及时甚至可能导 致更严重的后果。 由于婴儿的免疫系统尚未成熟,因而相对于成年人,婴儿更容易对牛奶蛋白过敏,大约有3%左右的婴儿会对牛奶蛋白质 过敏,而且,对牛奶蛋白质过敏的婴儿通常也会对来自于其他动物乳汁中的蛋白质过敏,个别甚至对母乳中的蛋白质也存在过敏现象。另外,除了牛奶蛋白外,鸡蛋 和花生中的蛋白质也常常是婴儿的过敏原。大多数情况下,这种过敏 1 2 问题几年之后会自行消失。当然也有少数人即使成年之后也一直会对某些蛋白质过敏。 另外,牛奶过敏有一定的遗传倾向。父母对某种食物过敏,可能他们的子女对某种食物过敏的概率也较大。有研究报告称,牛奶过敏的发生率平均为2,-5,。婴儿 对牛奶过敏的发生率,在父母均无过敏史时为2,,父母一方有过敏史时可达20,,父母双方都有过敏史时可达43,,当父母双方有同样过敏症状时则高达 72,。大约有1,-2,的婴儿致敏是由于胎儿期有食物抗原进入胎血。母乳中的食物抗原也会使婴儿致敏,母乳中可能含有微量未被消化或被部分消化的牛奶蛋 白等,通过婴儿的肠道黏膜屏障进入淋巴管,有过敏倾向的婴儿便会出现过敏症状,到1-2岁时,过敏症状可能会消失或减轻。约有1/3的患者,牛奶过敏会一 直持续至童年期。成人中只有0.1,-1,的人对牛奶过敏或长期过敏。 如何应对乳糖不耐症及牛奶过敏症 虽然婴儿很少发生乳糖不耐受的情况,但是也仍然有一些婴儿会有先天性乳糖酶缺乏的问题,在这种情况下,需要在医生的指导下科学应对。 应对原发性乳糖不耐症的对策有:1.摄入不含乳糖或少量含乳糖的乳制品或食物,主要适用于儿童腹泻病,存在有继发性乳糖不耐受的情况。2.饮用发酵奶。发酵 后的乳糖已有20%~30%被降解,易于消化吸收。3.服用消化和代谢乳糖的益生菌制剂。如乳杆菌和双歧杆菌可以利用分解或消耗乳糖,使大便酸度下降,大 便中的乙酸、丙酸含量增加。4.持续小剂 ,呼量乳糖摄入,成人连续几周的每天100,200毫升牛奶摄入,大便中的乳糖酶含量增加气氢排泄量增加,症状评 分下降,乳糖不耐受的症状得到缓解。5.补充外源性乳糖酶制剂。乳糖酶能直接消化分解牛奶中的乳糖,使乳糖水解为葡萄糖和半乳糖供机体吸收利用,不会改变 原有的饮食结构,对于各种原因引起的乳糖不耐症,在饮奶或食用乳制品前均可通过补充一定剂量的外援性乳糖酶来解决。 对于如果无法母乳喂养,又对牛奶蛋白质过敏的婴儿,可以在医生的指导下选用大豆蛋白的配方奶粉,或者选用已经将蛋白质水解为多肽的防过敏配方产品。如果是成年人对牛奶蛋白过敏,唯一的就是避开一切含有牛奶成分的食物,可改用其他食品来代替,如豆浆、豆奶等。 Milk is a relatively comprehensive and balanced nutrition food, is very important to children's growth. But because of its own factors, can appear some people drink milk after abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea www.tdwk.net and other symptoms, many people call it \"milk allergy. In fact, in most cases, these symptoms is usually the sign of lactose intolerance, and it is a big difference between milk protein allergy. Due to the digestive system of lactose intolerance The so-called \"lactose intolerance\" refers to after drinking milk, appear the phenomenon of abdominal distention and vomiting, diarrhea, rather should be referred to as the \"lactose digestion disease\". According to expert introduction, milk www.jxdjxz.com foods contain a unique carbohydrate - lactose. Lactose is composed of a glucose and lactose and a half a disaccharides molecular structure. Ingestion of lactose in the duodenum and jejunum, the 2 3 lactose hydrolysis was small intestine into glucose and galactose two monosaccharides, intestinal absorption is used. Baby after weaning, the body of lactose enzyme synthesis will be gradually reduced. If the lack of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine caused by various reasons, a large number of undigested lactose can reach to the large intestine. Some of the time inside large intestine bacteria use lactose fermentation, produce a large amount of gas, causing symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, this is lactose intolerant. Lack of lactase can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, not only can also affect the absorption of protein, calcium, iron and other nutrients, increase the incidence of malnutrition and disease such as osteoporosis, serious still can cause stunting of children. And on the east side of the diet, because at ordinary times less consumption of milk and milk products, and in the part of the enzyme lactase deficiency in the human body or lack of, and thus are more likely to have symptoms of lactose intolerance after drinking milk. Research shows that, in our country for 3 to 5 years old, 7-8 years old, 11-13 in the northern city of children of three age groups, the incidence of lactose intolerance is 13.95%, 45.5% and 13.95% respectively; The southern city of children (Shanghai, guangzhou) was 10.5%, 21.2% and 17.4%. At the same time, the experiment proves that our country children lactose enzymes activity decline or disappearance of the concentrated in 7-8 years old. The occurrence of lactose intolerance varies from person to person, most of the patients in our youth belong to \"decline type lactose intolerance\" the day after tomorrow, one-time drink too much milk, or drink milk on an empty stomach, may induce lactose intolerance. Is the result of the immune system of milk allergy Milk allergy, more specifically, to milk protein allergy. Contain approximately 3 grams per 100 ml of milk protein, including casein and whey protein, the two proteins are likely to cause irritation. In the milk, there is also a beta globulin qualitative material is strong allergen, it is one of the types of whey protein. Some people allergic constitution, can appear after drinking milk allergy. When the immune system mistakenly put the normal intake of milk protein as the invasion of the \"enemy\", the result will be a series of immune response to fight, the result is likely to cause vomiting, diarrhea, skin redness, asthma and other symptoms. When the immune response is too strong, not timely help and may even lead to more serious consequences. Because the infant's immune system is not yet mature, and compared to adults, babies are more likely to allergic to milk protein, about 3% of the babies to milk protein allergy, and baby often allergic to milk protein to come from the other animals in the milk protein allergy, individual even allergic phenomenon of the protein in milk. In addition, in addition to milk protein, egg and peanut protein also often is the baby's allergens. In most cases, this kind of allergy problem will go away after a few years. Of course, there are a few people even in adulthood has been will be allergic to certain proteins. In addition, milk allergy have certain genetic predisposition. Parents is allergic to some food, may be their children for the probability of a certain type of food allergy is bigger 3 4 also. Studies have reported that the incidence of milk allergy is 2% - 5% on average. The incidence of babies with milk allergies, when parents no allergy is 2%, when a parent has allergies can amount to 20%, both parents have allergies can reach 43%, when both parents have the same symptoms as high as 72%. About 1% to 2% of babies have food antigen sensitization is due to the prenatal period into the fetal blood. Can also make baby food antigen sensitization in breast milk, milk may contain trace is not digested or partial digest milk egg white, etc., through the baby's gut mucosal barrier into the lymphatic vessels, are prone to allergic babies will be allergic symptoms, to 1-2 years of age, allergy symptoms may disappear or reduce. About a third of the patients, the milk allergy straight to childhood. Adults only 0.1% to 0.1% of people are allergic to milk allergy or long-term. How to deal with lactose intolerance and milk allergy Although infants of lactose intolerance rarely happens, but there are still some baby will also have the problem of congenital lactase, in this case, under the guidance of scientific to cope with. Dealing with the primary countermeasures of lactose intolerance include: 1. Do not contain lactose intake or a few contain lactose dairy products or foods, mainly is suitable for the children with diarrhea, there are secondary lactose intolerance. 2. Drinking milk fermentation. Lactose fermentation has 20% ~ 30% degradation, easy to digest absorb. 3. Taking lactose digestion and metabolism of probiotic preparations. Such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterium can use lactose decomposition or consume, make defecate declining sourness, big increase of acetic acid, propionic acid content. 4. Continuous low-dose lactose intake, adults every day for weeks, 100 ~ 200 ml milk intake, lactose content in stool, expiratory hydrogen excretion increased, the symptom rating points down, ease the symptoms of lactose intolerance. 5. Lactose added exogenous enzymes. Lactose can directly digest the lactose in milk, lactose hydrolysis for use for body to absorb glucose and galactose, will not change the original diet, for various reasons caused by lactose intolerance, before drink milk or eat dairy products are available through the supplementary dose of foreign aid lactase to solve. For if unable to breastfeed, also to the baby milk protein allergy, can under the guidance of doctors choose the formula of soybean protein, or choose have hydrolyzed proteins to produce peptide allergy formula products. If it is the adult milk protein allergy, the only way is to avoid any food that contains milk ingredients may switch to other food as a substitute for, such as soy milk, soy milk, etc. 4
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