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铿锵之声_美国国务卿希拉里演说精选 33 ENGLISH SALON COLLEGE 前沿 FRONTIER 编者按 :作为女政治家,希拉里的演讲风格、言辞和话题展现和张扬了女性演讲的魅力,她特有的魄力、铿锵有力的 声音和深邃的思想让她成为万千听众的所爱。她从窘境中突围的智慧、坚定的意志、强大的内心、敏捷的思维、严谨的逻辑, 都值得我们推崇和学习。 The time is now. We must move beyond rhetoric1. We must move beyond recognition of problems to wor...
33 ENGLISH SALON COLLEGE 前沿 FRONTIER 编者按 :作为女政治家,希拉里的演讲风格、言辞和话题展现和张扬了女性演讲的魅力,她特有的魄力、铿锵有力的 声音和深邃的思想让她成为万千听众的所爱。她从窘境中突围的智慧、坚定的意志、强大的内心、敏捷的思维、严谨的逻辑, 都值得我们推崇和学习。 The time is now. We must move beyond rhetoric1. We must move beyond recognition of problems to working together, to build that common ground we hope to see. 现在是行动的时候了!我们必须行动起来, 而不是停留在口头上。我们不能局限于认识问题, 而应当一起行动,构建我们共同的愿景。 We all want an economy that sustains the American dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford that gas and those groceries. An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared. 我们都要一种可以支撑美国梦的经济,希 望有辛勤工作的机会并得到报酬,想为上大学、 为买房子和过好的退休生活而储蓄,希望可以支 付汽油费和日常消费。我们都希望我们的经济可 以提高人民的生活水平,确保普遍繁荣并共享 繁荣。 We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality — from civil rights to labor rights, from women’s rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionization to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families. 我们都想要一个真正意义上平等的美 国——从公民权利到劳动权利;从妇女的权利到 同性恋者的权利;从结束歧视到促进团结,到为 照顾家庭这一最重要的工作提供帮助。 Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. When you stumble, keep faith. When you’re knocked down, get back up2. And never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on. 永远保持目标高远,努力工作,执著信仰。 当你踉跄前行时,坚定信念;当你被击倒时,马 上站起来;决不要听任何人说你不能或者不应继 续前行! When you hear people saying — or think to yourself — “If only...” or “What if...,” I say, “Please don’t go there.” Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward. Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes3 are too high to dwell on4 what might have been. We have to work together for what still can be. 当你们听到有人或者你们自己在设想—— “要是……就会……”或者“要是……又会……”, 我会说:“请打住。”浪费时间往回看的每分每秒 都会阻碍我们前进。人生太短暂,时光太宝贵, 沉湎于过去可能发生的事情代价太高。我们必须 为将来仍有可能实现的事情共同奋斗。 栏目编辑:王丰 Words That Enlighten People — Excerpts From Best Speeches Of Secretary Of State Hilary Clinton 铿锵之声——美国国务卿希拉里演说精选 睿语达 译 1. rhetoric ▲ [] n. 豪言 壮语 2. get back up 站起来 3. stake ★ [] n. 代价, 赌注 4. dwell on 细想
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