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环球雅思口语讲义环球雅思口语讲义 一 环球雅思口语讲义 一 I.​ Ice-breaker Very quietly I take my leave,   As quietly as I came by;   sweet good-bye as I wave, To the rosy clouds in the western sky.  轻轻的我走了,  正如我轻轻的来;   我轻轻的招手,   作别西天的云彩。   YOUR DESTINATION --- Cambridge 相聚剑桥 British Council + IDP + ES...
环球雅思口语讲义 一 环球雅思口语讲义 一 I.​ Ice-breaker Very quietly I take my leave,   As quietly as I came by;   sweet good-bye as I wave, To the rosy clouds in the western sky.  轻轻的我走了,  正如我轻轻的来;   我轻轻的招手,   作别西天的云彩。   YOUR DESTINATION --- Cambridge 相聚剑桥 British Council + IDP + ESOL Cambridge II.​ Introduction to IELTS --- Video Table. 1. Introduction of the IELTS Length of time Interaction Topics Functions Part I 4-5 minutes Conversation The examiner asks questions and the candidate answers them Personal --- eg. The candidate’s home, hobbies, friends, English studies, etc. Describing Giving factual information Expressing opinions Expressing attitudes Expressing preferences Giving reasons for opinions, preferences and attitudes Part II 3-4 minutes Monologue The candidate has 1 minute to prepare a short talk. Then the candidate gives the short talk for 1-2 minutes. The examiner may ask one or two questions at the end Personal --- eg. A book that the candidate has read; a city the candidate knows; a sport the candidate knows, etc. All the functions from Part I plus: Comparing and contrasting Expressing feelings Explain facts Imagining Part III 4-5minutes Discussion The examiner asks questions. Academic --- e.g. the media, education, the environment, communication systems, culture, etc. All the functions from Part I and II plus: Describing situations Describing attitude Describing events in the past Speculating on the future Describing problems, causes, effects and solutions Assessing positive and negative points Describing roles, functions, rights and responsibilities Using conversational skills Material Bank Commission writers, they write items, and sent to Cambridge and proof-reading. They make up a pre-test- send out to different centers around the world. Trials III.​  IV.​ 中国考生雅思口语成绩为什么低? 1、​ 教育体制: 我们的教育体制很重视语言知识的考察,而不是实际的能力. Would you like __________ to drink? a. nothing b. something c. anything 2、​ 语音语调: 方言的影响 北方考生CCTV 主要是调子的问题。比方说考官问到 transportation的问题,考生回答 I take subway, because it is very convenient! 南方考生:n/l, h/f不分。牛奶;我没料到,你会这么快就红。I came from Funan. 天上有好多的飞机飞来飞去。我有一个老师一听学生说英文就可以马上说出来他是那个地方的人。 广东考生喜欢吞音。I'm a studen(t). I very li(k)e my major,because it's an interesting major. I sing(think) I  can fin(d) a goo(d) jaw(job) with it. I am getting late --- I am getting laid Short – shot, soup – soap – shop; 根本原因在于:输入不够、练习太少 到三句话: 无话可说,无句可用,无章可循 因此,本次有三大块的内容: 话题输入、思路扩展、技巧操练 V.​ 培训目标: ①熟悉考试流程,了解考官考察的标准,做到有的放矢; ②对相关话题的大量输入,有针对性地密集操练; ③考试技巧,中国考生常犯的错误和要注意的一些问题; ④培养英语学习的热情,提高英语口语的实力。 V. 如何在最短的时间内提高口语水平,获得理想的雅思成绩? 短期突破班是适合发音、语法、词汇没有太大问题的人,准备时间1-2个月,目标 6-7 分 实力+技巧= 高分 1.​ 不管你原来的基础如何,这一个月时间努力去强化,实力能提高多少是多少,这个提高肯定会反应在分数的提高上,同时呢,把考试作为一个促进自己学习的动力;(实力提高是正道) 2.​ 在实力提高有限的基础上,尽量有效地提高分数,这就要讲究了。 技巧:无非就是两个:伪装+包装。 1、​ 发音的伪装 第一印象非常重要: Good morning My name is, think as well, sure, sir, Thank you, sir 二、话题的伪装 三、语法的伪装 关于语法的伪装,不是要你学到独立主格结构才能开口的,你可以事先准备好这些体现语法变化的句子: The best reason I can think of for xxx is xxx 定语从句 I would like to talk about xxx, because xxx 状语从句 Talking about the xxx, I would like to say 现在分词状语 四、内容的伪装 Describe a place of attraction/ interest Yiheyuang, or the Summer Palace, is a place of extraordinary beauty. The long corridor and the bridges are the crown jewels of this masterpiece of traditional Chinese landscaping and architecture. This public park, once an imperial garden, has attracted many visitors from China and around the world. It is usually crowded, but you can still manage to find peace and quiet in Xieququan, literally the Garden of Harmony and Enchantment. 比较: Let me talk about the Summer Palace. Er,,,I used to live near this park and I’ve been there many times. Um,,, The Long Corridor and the bridges are all very famous. It is a world cultural heritage site now.Um,,, The place I like best is called Xiequyuan. Well, It’s a small garden with a pond in it. There is a nice teahouse by the water. Well, recently they put the ticket price up, 30 yuan per person. I guess that’s a bit too expensive for me. “杀手锏” --- 0.5 分的加分 1. 话题中尽量谈到考官感兴趣的问题。 2. 声音的变化,抑扬顿挫(拿一段话来练)、感情的投入(拿一段话来念,罗密欧与朱丽叶) 3. 目光不要游移不定,做贼似的;也不要直勾勾地盯着,眼睛会说话,也不要抛媚眼,礼貌,尊重的现。 4. 肢体语言(自然)细节:倒退着出门 5. 自信:有自信不一定会成功,没有自信肯定不会成功。 介绍自己的时候讲自己得意的地方啊,比如说:我是中国排名前十的大学毕业的,我们专业有袁隆平这样的国宝级人物。 经典案例:有个小女孩,14岁去考雅思,特别可爱,每次说错了就自己打自己的嘴巴,然后灿烂的微笑,--- 7分;一个联合国同传翻译,高傲,不给考官插话的余地,--- 5.5分,复议还是5.5分。 所以这个号称很科学的测试其实是很主观的,大家要想尽一切办法展示你迷人的风采去征服雅思考官。 禁忌: 不要告诉考官你刚此多么紧张,现在终于解脱了。 不要对考官过分表示友好或问与考试无关的个人问题。(我犯过这个错误) 不要要求考官告诉你成绩。 特别注意考官打断你的地方,有可能是你跑题了,也有可能是需要你说得更多一点,详细一点。 尽量避免尴尬的冷场,想办法说点什么比发呆好 力求正确,少犯语法错误,但不能为准确牺牲了流利。流利不等于语速快,流利意为没有太多间断的平稳、顺畅的表达。 Of course, you know No shake hands Thanks for the time Don’t you think so? 技巧永远是居于次要地位的,同学们的重点还是要放在实力提升上,这才是正道。 VI. 怎么准备? 考生在培训结束到考试的间歇阶段一般应控制在一到二个月左右。间隔短了可能复习不够充分,心理上容易产生紧张焦虑;间隔长了可能出现效率低下、惰性太大的现象,正如背单词强调的“一而作,再而衰,三而竭”的定律,口语复习也应趁热打铁,力求在短期内“直捣黄龙”,一举攻破话题重点,在考试之前保持清醒的头脑。L"q ]C0U0当然,除了整体把握时间之外,还应将复习 时间量化,具体落实到每一天。每天考生都应辟出一定的时间进行口头操练,在小时数上应秉持“贪多嚼不烂”的原则,根据个人承受能力选择时间,建议在一到两 小时左右。因为口试和其他项目不同,是考生和考官的互动过程,因此在自我演练的时候应该克服自身惰性,按照考试流程做课件和教材上的练习。考生可根据课件和教材上面的参考答案来评判自身尚存的差距。在答案的评判上应该注意“踩点”原则,将话题的重点作为回答的第一标准,因为这些都将是考试的得分点。 两个极端: 裸考 狂背话题 不求完美,不要背太多东西,背多了用到的不过10%,找你最有感觉的背下来,练熟。人的危难时刻是抽取信息而不是系统读取信息,结合最近的话题准备,而不是乱挥拳头。 句句求亮点,句句夺命,60%的平淡句(务求准确),加上30%的亮点句,还有10%临场发挥,求生本能不能小看。 话题一定要进行分类: 1、​ 超级高频的 topic:主要是第一部分的,介绍个人情况的:hometown, hobby, study 2、​ 可以移花接木的topic: 老大爷 口语话题按照大类可以分为基本情况介绍 如考生的学习和工作study and work、 家乡hometown和城市city及建筑architecture、 爱好hobbies、 人物people、 节假日festivals and holidays 派对parties 科技science and technology和发明invention等 精分一下则可以扩展至大约二十几个。 复习时间一个月三十天 把话题一共cover两 遍 一天复习两个话题 每个话题花一小时左右复习 一天用两小时练口语 V/Vq7q m kI0具体操作方法: 首先应该明确每部分的涉猎范围、出题模式,同时也应按照该话题在三部分的顺序由浅 至深地依次回答,答题时可以先自己口头做一遍,再看参考答案和得分点,看到自己离高分答案的尚存差距,有则改之,无则加勉。如果每个话题都能照此方法复习,那么必能熟练掌握口试流程并对每个目前所掌握的话题做到在理解上驾轻就熟。 例如:三部分都考到的Topic: Music 1.​ 第一部分: What kind of music do you like? (文化) Can you play a musical instrument? (物品) Do your friends and your family have different musical tastes to you? (文化) Who is your favorite musician or singer? (名人) Have you ever been to one of their performance or seen one on TV? (个人经验) What do you think of Karaoke? (爱好) 2.​ 第二部分 Describe the role music plays in your life. You should say: What music you like most Why you like to listen to the music What benefits there will be if we let children learn an instrument And explain why this kind of music influences you so much. 3.​ 第三部分 Discuss topics: Can you tell me about western music’s impact on world music? (文化素养) Do you think it’s necessary to hold music courses at high school? (教育) What effects do you think there will be if we let children or students learn an instrument? (教育) Is it often easier for children to learn music than adults? Can you tell me why? (compare and contrast) Do you like music? What music do you like most and why? What are the differences in music between China and western countries? What do you think parents should do in order to improve their children’s interest in music? What role does music play in our lives? Do you think that children should learn to play musical instruments? In what ways can music affect our feelings? (抽象题) Compare modern music with more traditional music. (compare) Is foreign music more popular than domestic music in your country? Do people of different ages prefer different kinds of music? Sample: for Part II. Music plays an important role in our life. (Topic Sentence) Just like other forms of art, music has become an indispensable part of human civilization. It’s like nutritious spiritual food to us, enriching our leisure time and satisfying our spiritual needs. We listen to music at home, on the bus or in the restaurant. Listening to music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed after a hard day’s work. My favorite music is classical music because it can make me relaxed. I always feel in a good mood after listening to it. The rhythm and melody are very soft and I can dance to the music and have a lighter heart when listening to it. Do you like music? 首先把相关的词汇都列出来。 音乐种类:classical, country, light, techno, ambient, rock, rap, acid, folk, opera, dance, jazz, religious music,blues, pop 乐器:instruments, piano, violin, guitar, drum, cello 音乐相关名词:rhythm, beat, lyrics, band, singer, voice, pitch, tone, Karaoke, artistic value, choir(唱诗), chorus(合唱), i-pod, symphony 形容词:soothing, tranquil, healing, cheering, delighting, tear-jerking, touching, moving, noble, exciting, silvery, coarse, magnetic, fashionable, relaxed, passionate, majestic, solemn, favorite, 然后把相关的表达都列出来。 When it comes to music, I would like to say xxx 黄金公式:观点 + 理由 + 例子 观点: I love music. I married with music. I am addicted to music. I can’t live without music. I am a huge fan of Oasis. I have profound interests in classical music. 理由: The singer’s voice is silvery/ magnetic/ angle-like. Music is a gift from the gods as I consider it the piece of work that no humans can possibly create. Music brings me comforts and warmth. Music is powerful. It changes my life fundamentally. Music serves as my salvation when I am feeling blue. Classical music is so soothing, so tranquil, it caresses my soul. The lyrics evoke people’s thinking. The lyrics are poetic/ romantic. When I am listening to the light music, I can see the green grass vividly, I can smell the fragrance of the flowers, I can touch the transparent water flowing in the streams. 例子: My favorite song is windflowers. It sings about the eternal topic of love and it is so lamenting and enlightening. I can even memorize the lyrics: it captures every young dreamer who lingers near them, and they can never break away. My favorite band is Dire Strait. Their style is unique, actually, they created a new style. The rhythms are definitely pleasant and the lyrics set people thinking. WINDFLOWER 歌词 歌曲:WINDFLOWER 歌手:seals and crofts WINDFLOWER windflower o.s: windflowers, my father told me not to go near them  he said he feared them always, and he told me that they carried him away  windflowers, beautiful windflowers i couldn't wait to touch them, to smell them i held them closely  and now i cannot break away  their sweet bouquet disappears  like the vapor in the desert  so take a warning, son  windflowers, ancient windflowers  their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them  but ancient windflowers, i love you  lyrics: windflowers, my father told me not to go near them  he feared them always, said they carried him away  windflowers, i couldn't wait to touch them  to smell them i held them closely   Anemone-Wind flower The name of anemone plant is connected with the ancient myth, telling the famous love story between Adonis and Aphrodite. According to this myth, when Adonis lived with Aphrodite, the two lovers would go hunting in the woods. As Adonis chased game through the forest, the goddess would follow closely behind, in her swan-driven chariot, dressed as a huntress. Aphrodite's ex-lover, the god of war Ares, grew jealous of her affair with the mortal. While his rival was hunting alone, Ares disguised himself as a boar and attacked Adonis causing him lethal injuries. Adonis used his spear to strike back to Ares, but was soon gored to death by the boar's great tusks. Aphrodite hurried to Adonis in  her chariot, but his soul had already descended into the Underworld. In despair, she sprinkled nectar on Adonis’ wounds. As Aphrodite bore her lover's body out of the woods, crimson anemones sprung up where each drop of blood and nectar fell onto the earth. It is said that that the wind which blows the blossoms open, will soon afterwards blow the petals away; so it is called the Anemone, or Wind Flower, for that which brings forth its life, ends it. 西方文化的东西要了解: British band --- Oasis, Blur, Radiohead, Coldplay, Beatles (Liverpool), Rolling Stones, American band--- Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Guns & Roses, Aerosmith, 花童 If you come to San Francisco,be sure to wear flowers on your hair Forrest Gump/ anti-war /peace and love Peking Opera--- traditional form of music with high artistic value, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, Schuman, Pavarotti 关于这个输入的好处,我们不妨来验证一下。 模式:观点+理由+例子 比方说,当考官问道:“Do you like Music?”中国雅思网u_']C$I};L 考生回答:“观点:yes, I do. 理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed. 例子:for example, sweet and light music are the best choice."@0G"z%jX2lw K!`'y8s o0中国雅思网@)|Oi wN 观点 (旧):yes, I do中国雅思网xZ"b8y$E;w9tlxu 观点(新):yes, I’m pretty keen on music, I’m just so passionate about it, really a big fan of it.中国雅思网r0B*lA‑M__%i 理由(旧):Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.BN1pWT;kk;q0 理 由(新):Cuz music can purify your mind. When listening to the music, all the pressure, panic and anxiety due to the fierce competition of the quick-paced society just disappear.中国雅思网7k�gz_3y:sX2Z 例子(旧):for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.中国雅思网!Av1o/Q C_ 例 子(新):especially, for instance, my favorite is some American country music, such as the famous one “ take me home, country roads”, it makes you feel a world where there are nice people, clear streams, fresh air, vast farmland and country roads with daisies and beautiful sunshine. 设计亮点: 中国雅思网7U's(c)s+E `p 设计亮点谈音乐,谈Bon Jovi, keep the faith, 经济萧条时给人以希望,我也从中汲取了不少营养,现在又是经济危机了,我觉得大家一定要有信心,经济会复苏,展示你阳光、健康、积极的心态,和对文化的了解。 谈Beatles,最近E3展上推出他们的游戏,回顾了很多的经典,可以自己操纵乐器来演奏,真是我们这些乐迷的福音啊。Yesterday 谈Blur,有一盒专辑叫great escape,特别喜欢,讲城市里的人们在现代社会的重压下想回归轻松、自然的生活, country house 谈梵高,Vincent, 说歌词,说特喜欢这句话,starry night, 我看过这幅画,对画家的艺术追求感慨一番/Irony Portraits hung in empty halls frameless heads on nameless walls with eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the stranger that you've met 回家去 google古典音乐家,找一首曲子,讲个。 逆向答题法: Examiner:   What type of music do you like? (你喜欢什么类型的音乐?) Candidate:  Well, I am not too fond of music. But sometimes I do like listening to religious music. It gives peace to my mind and joy to my soul.(我不是特别喜欢音乐。但有时候我喜欢听些宗教音乐,它让我感到安静祥和。) ——逆向思维就是跳出常规,反向而行,换一种眼光,换一个角度看问题。从而发现别人没有发现的新事物、新动态、新思想。逆向思维的作用就是摆脱大多数人的思维模式所作的事情,去寻个别的、新鲜的人和事,从而做到与众不同,出奇制胜,获取高分。 #b[-rG3o{   若想在口语考试的整个过程中拿到比较高的分数,除了语法,发音,用词和流利度等基本要求外,一定要做到“个性鲜明”。个性鲜明是指我们要有自己的立场观 点,并且敢于张扬。任何观点都是可以的,只要能自圆其说,就是成功。有时反而是新奇的答题方法会让考官觉得你个性十足,与众不同。从而引起他们兴趣。   我希望考生在回答问题时,能表现出每个人不同的思维方式,展示出每个人的个性,而不要只会背书。只会背书的学生是得不了高分的。口语考试就是一个考生表现自我的舞台,希望每一个考生都是一个好演员。 VII. 雅思考试的评分标准: 雅思口语的四大评分标准: Fluency流利,Grammar语法,Vocabulary词汇,Pronunciation发音 Fluency and Coherence This refers to the candidate’s ability to talk with normal levels of continuity, speech rate and effort, and to link ideas and language together in coherent, connected speech. Lexical Resource This refers to the range of vocabulary the candidate can use and how clearly meanings and attitudes can be expressed. This includes the variety of words used and the ability to get round a vocabulary gap by expressing the idea in a different way. Grammatical Range and Accuracy This refers to the range of structures available to the candidate and how accurately and appropriately s/he can use them. Assessment takes into account the length and complexity of utterances as well as the effect of grammatical errors on communication. Pronunciation This refers to the candidate’s ability to produce comprehensible utterances and to use a range of pronunciation features to communicate meaning. Assessment takes into account the amount of strain caused to the listener, and the noticeability of L1 influence. The criteria have equal weighting in their contribution to the final band, which is currently given as a whole band. From 1 July 2007, speaking Scores will be reported on a scale including half bands. 正确的语言:正确地运用词汇和语法 正确的句子:通过运用正确的语法将词汇组合在一起 看考生英语口语是否流利,速度是否同正常交流的速度,以及谈话是否有逻辑性。 词汇:旨在考察考生的词汇量和词汇运用能力 语法:考察考生怎样组句,时态和语序是否正确,是否有能力运用比较复杂的语法结构和句子结构。 发音:考官评判考生发音是否清晰、正确、易于理解,或者是否有严重口音,给别人理解造成困难。新的评分标准强调了pronunciation features --- 腔调,发音技巧 流利:不是指要从头到尾不停歇,是指不能有明显的停顿和思考迹象,更不能出现卡壳。思维,无话可说,没有想法,关联词的使用,opener的使用,gap filler的使用。 其中有两项是属于基本功方面的(词汇和语法),有两项是属于口语考察特色的(流利和发音) 1.​ 词汇的正确使用、词汇使用的丰富性(同义替换) 2.​ 语法的正确使用,使用复杂的句式结构(复合句) 词汇量这个是要靠大家自己回家去练的,美国黑人200多的单词量就够用了,所以你的词汇量不是问题。同时要注意我们不能学黑人,一进考场就yo, man, check it out. 或者满口的俚语,说女生不叫girl,叫chick,这个是uneducated的,人家是选拔你出去读书的,不是选拔你出去混黑社会的。也不是说要把所有的词根词缀都搞得很清楚,编一个宙斯的艳遇什么的才可以开口说话的。一些简单的词一定要用对: My mother cook me everyday. 关于词汇的正确使用,这个我不多说,属于大家要自己修行的部分,那么,这个词汇使用的变化和丰富倒是可以说说: How do you think about Changsha? Good… What are the people like in your village? Nice……. 比方说大家都喜欢用一个词think, 有的同学从头到尾都是think, I think, I also think, I still think, do you think so? Opine, consider, hold, deem. 可能 --- maybe/possible/probable/be likely to/be inclined to/be prone to 用词不宜过于口语化,也不宜过于书面化。 表高兴,exhilarated --- 简单词可以I am gladdened by the news. 我心花怒放 --- heart flower angry open ---开心/关心 Sagacious 睿智,fire --- conflagration. Dental tooth Corporal body Ocular eye Aural ear Carnal flesh Accommodation rooms Cease stop Comestibles food Commence begin Conceal hide Deem think Dispatch send out Donate give Dwell live Edifice building Endeavor try Evince show Expedite hasten Extend give Feasible possible Felicitate congratulate Locate find Obtain get Partake share Perchance perhaps Purchase buy Remove take away Reside live Veritable true Vessel ship 那我认为,大家可以自行选择,不要全部用很深奥的词,也不要全用很浅显的词,找到一个平衡就好。 一词多义: Has a nose for gossip 善于搬弄是非的 Keep your nose out of my business 不要管我的事 Nose out the thief’s hiding place 找出盗贼的藏身之处 Nose the car into the flow of traffic. 将车徐徐驶进车流 词性转换: 亮点---名词动化: To perfect myself To better/further my studies I harbor the idea of xxx a.​ 英语名词转为汉语动词. He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of English. 他深信,只有对英语加以透彻研究,才能真正学到知识. b. 英语介词转汉语动词 他支持这个建议,但是我反对. He is for the suggestion, but I am against it. c. 汉语动词转英语形容词 如果不了解西方文化,就学不好英语. If we were ignorant of the western culture, it would be impossible for us to learn English well. d. 动词转为副词 婚礼取消了. The wedding is off. e. 形容词转副词. 他身体虚弱, 但精神正常. He is physically weak but mentally sound. 习语.谚语的使用 Achilles’ heel --- fatal weak point 致命的弱点 Hand 口语表达 Let’s give him a hand 让我们帮他 Let’s give him a big hand 让我们给他鼓掌 Let’s give him a free hand 让我们给他自由掌控的权力 上下义词: 黄金词汇: Convenient --- available --- time-consuming- beneficial- joyful- cultivate- be of + 名词系列(high artistic value , rich contents),add to the beauty of , beautify, be conducive to, impair one’s health (mental/physical), alleviate这个部分不讲太多,分到后面的三个部分里,把最好的词和句型都列举出来。黄金词汇,一定要会用,一定要练好。 拉丁词的使用:vice versa, etc. 可以拽一拽 语法部分:最常见的错误是主谓不一致 My name is, I like xxx Her name is, she likes His name is, he likes is 语法也是属于基本功的,没时间给大家再温习语法,就看一个例子来实现句式的变换: The young singer was on his first overseas performance. He felt very uneasy. a)​ The young singer on his first overseas performance felt very uneasy. b)​ The young singer felt very uneasy during his first overseas performance. during引导的时间状语。 c)​ The young singer’s first overseas performance made him feel very uneasy.主谓宾宾补 d)​ Extreme uneasiness seized the young singer on his first overseas performance.主谓宾 e)​ The young singer was on his first overseas performance, feeling very uneasy.现在分词短语 f)​ It being his first overseas performance, the young singer felt very uneasy. It引导独立主格结构? g)​ Being on his first overseas performance, the young singer felt very uneasy. Being引导的分词做原因状语 h)​ The young singer was on his first overseas performance and felt very uneasy.并列句 i)​ The young singer, who was on his overseas performance, felt very uneasy.定语从句 j)​ When the young singer was on his/her overseas performance, he felt very uneasy. when引导的时间状语 k)​ As the young singer was on his first overseas performance, he felt very uneasy. As引导的原因状语从句 l)​ The young singer was on his first overseas performance, so that he felt very uneasy. 在这12个句子中,a-g是简单句;h是并列句;i-l是复杂句。简单句除b和g外,其它无样,用的人并不多。人们最喜欢复杂句,尤其是j和k这两款;接着便是并列句h.如果大多数人的句子只限于bghjk这五种 为什么要这样?请看例子: Describe a sport star you like. (1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness. (3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China. David Beckham, who is famous for his handsomeness, is a football player enjoying great popularity in China. 主,+非限,+谓语+宾语+限定 (1) Xiao Shenyang is my favorite actor. (2) He is very handsome. (3)He has a lot of super fans in China. “Well, Xiao Shenyang, who is a very handso
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