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托福25天完美句型5细节支持句型 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 I.举例说明 在文章中,为了说明作者的一个观点,往往需要引用具体的实例来加以说明。本节句型就是在举例说明中可以采用的。 279279279279 ...is often frequently generally cited quoted mentioned as a single common familiar...
新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 I.举例说明 在文章中,为了说明作者的一个观点,往往需要引用具体的实例来加以说明。本节句型就是在举例说明中可以采用的。 279279279279 ...is often frequently generally cited quoted mentioned as a single common familiar prime example of ... 279.1279.1279.1279.1 China's growth, which has been spectacular over the past few years, depends on a stable currency and responsible lending policies. Yet neither has been in evidence in recent months. A common example which is frequently cited is soaring inflation which has approached nearly 30% in major cities and bankers who have lavished funds on fly-by-night ventures and speculative schemes such as real estate projects and stock issues. 在过去几年里取得惊人增长的中国经济主要取决于稳定的货币和可靠的信贷政策。但是最近几个月来,人们看不到这一点,最常 见的例证就是通货膨胀,在许多大城市里已达到近 30%。另外,银行向根本无还债能力的企业以及投机项目如房地产开发和发行股票债券 等大开绿灯,发放贷款。 279.2279.2279.2279.2Mozart is often quoted as a familiar example of ardent interest and sustained endeavor. Walking, or at the theater, or even while engaged in social amusements, he lived in a self-created atmosphere of music. His head was working all the time. "Nobody," runs his own account, "take as much pains in the study of composition as I. You could not easily name a famous master in music which I have not industriously studied, often going through his words several times." 莫扎特,作为强烈的兴趣和坚持不懈的努力的典范,经常受到引用。无论是在街上行走,还是在戏院看戏,甚至在参加社交娱乐活动 时,他都在思索音乐。他的头脑一刻也没有停过。正如他自己所说的,"没有人像我这么刻苦地钻研乐曲。你很难举出一个著名的音乐大 师,他的作品我是没有经过仔细研究过的。他的作品我往往要读好几遍。" 280280280280 A good better classic case in point example of this is can be best provided by... 280.1280.1280.1280.1 Although the central government is flying desperately to keep economic growth below 15%, things are not so easy in China, where to nod politely is one thing, and to follow what you say is quite another. A classic example of this can be provided by the attitude of provincial and municipal officials toward the government's policy. They insist that they have the right to interpret it their own way and that overheating is not a problem. 虽然中央政府极力想把经济增长的速度控制在 15%以下,但事情并不那么简单。在中国,对你客气地点头同意是一回事,是否按你所 说的去做则是另一回事。最典型的例子就是省市领导干部对中央政策的态度。他们坚持他们有权按自己的意思来理解中央的政策,认为经 济过热不是问题。 280.2280.2280.2280.2 A good example of this changed attitude can be best provided by the case of a college student who stressed openly that money is not the prime objective of today's students and that they now want to do something that is socially rewarding and helps to develop their capabilities to the full. 说明年轻人态度变化的一个很好的例子是一名大学生公开声明钱并不是今天的学生所追求的首要目标。他们想干的是对社会有意义的 事,并有助于充分发挥自己才干的事。 281281281281 This To offer(s) provide(s) prove(s) show(s) a typical concrete notable striking instance example illustration of..., to 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 281.1281.1281.1281.1 As noted, an increase in the consumption of motorcycles requires a facilitating supply of streets, traffic control and parking space. This provides a typical example of the law of balance. An increase in the use of one product must create a requirement for others. 人们可以注意到,机动车的大量增加必然需要有许多畅通的道路,交通管理和众多停车场所,这就是平衡规律的典型例子,对某一产 品的需求量增加必然引起对另一些产品的需要。 281281281281 . To so phrase the question should not be shocking. As a society, we already accept a variety of reasons as sufficient to justify the destruction of life. Self-defense proves an obvious example. War, and penalties for some crimes are others that we currently accept. 这样解释这个问题不应引起震惊。作为一个社会,我们早就已接受了各种各样的理由来为摧毁一个生命而进行的辩解。自我防卫就是 一个明显的例子。战争,对某些犯罪的惩罚,是另一些我们现在都认可的例子。 281.3281.3281.3281.3 After millennia of growth so slow that each generation hardly noticed it, the cities are suddenly racing off in every direction. City population in China goes up by 7 percent a year, but in big cities the rate may be as much as 10 percent a year. To give only one example of almost visible acceleration, Shanghai today grows by 10 dwellings and 100 square metres of road every hour. There is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken. As the rural areas are going to shrink as the vast majority of their people move into the city, we are now heading towards an urban world. 经过了几千年缓慢得各代人都几乎觉察不到的发展之后、城市正在突然迅速地向四面八方扩展开来,中国现在城市人口每年以 7%的速 度在增长着,而在大城市里则达到每年增长 10%,仅举一个可以看得见的城市加速扩展的例子,上海目前每个小时要增加十幢楼房和一百 平方米的马路,且这个速度近几年并不会减慢。随着农村面积的逐步缩小,绝大多数人正在向市区迁移,我们正在向一个城市化的社会发 展。 282282282282 To the already now familiar facts examples another a few more numerous /abundan t a number of fact(s) example (s) may be added. 1111 To the already familiar example of the law of balance, some other examples may be added: Beyond a certain point more and better food appears to mean increased need for medical services. More vacations require more amusements, more hotels, and heavier traffic, and so forth. 除了这个我们都熟悉的平衡规律的例子,我们还可以举出其它一些例子:食品吃得大多太好超过一定程度似乎会增加对医疗卫生的需要; 假期大多会要求有更多的娱乐场所、旅馆,也会使交通更拥挤。 282.2282.2282.2282.2 It is clear that many major societal problems are either a direct or indirect consequence of technological developments. To the well-known example of air and water pollution, a few more may be added: depletion of raw materials and energy resources, urban congestion, unemployment, military arms race, and frustration with an overly complex society. This is not to blame all problems on science and technology, but simply to point out their interrelationships. 非常清楚,许多重大的社会问题要么是由技术发展直接造成的,要么是间接造成的。除了众所周知的大气和水污染问题的例子,还可 以举出一些如原和能量资源的枯竭,城市的拥挤,失业、军备竞赛以及社会过分复杂给人带来的精神压力。这不是要指责科技发展所 带来的问题,而只是要指出它们互相之间的关系。 283283283283 As a(n) example (of...) illustration (of...) case in point we may take see ... 1111Mao Zedong remains in important ways the center of the country's moral universe. As a case in point, we may see a fresh nationwide enthusiasm for Mao as China marked the centenary of his birth last week. People not only grab up badges adorned with his face, but also the gold-and diamond watches commemorating his Dec. 26 birthday at the lucky-eight figure of 8888 yuan. 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 毛泽东在许多重要方面仍然是这个国家的道德世界中心。作为一个例证,我们可以看一下上星期当中国庆祝他诞生一百周年时全国出 现的一股新的毛泽东热。人们不仅争抢有他头像的徽章,而且花上 8888元这个有幸运意义的数字去争购为纪念他 12月 26日生日制作的 宝石金表。 283.2283.2283.2283.2 As an illustration of the benefits to host the 2000 Summer Olympics, we may see more than a billion dollars the victor is sure to land in television and advertising revenue, plus the inestimable prestige of holding the first Olympiad of the next millennium. No wonder it has been a fierce competition. 为了说明举办 2000年夏季奥运会的好处,我们可以看一下电视转播和广告带来的十几亿收入,以及举办下一个一千年的第一个奥运 会所带来的无法估计的荣誉。无怪乎竞争相当激烈。历史上有许多这方面的例子。 284284284284 History This nation Our society is filled abounds with the examples of... 1111 History abounds with the examples of great men who made the normally wasted hours useful and productive. Thomas A. Edison worked out many inventions between messages when he was working as a telegraph-operator. Harriet Beecher Straw, a mother of six children, wrote parts of Uncle Tom's Cabin on sheets of butchers' paper while she was cooking the toast. Benjamin Franklin in his story of his life shows an endless number of such efforts. 伟人们都把看上去可浪费的时间充分利用起来,使之产生效率。爱迪生在做电报报务员的时候。利用发报间隙搞出了许多发明。斯托 夫人这个有六个孩子的母亲在烤肉的时候,用包生肉的纸写下了<汤姆叔叔的小屋>中的一些章节。富兰克林在他一生中也有许多这样的 例子。 284.2284.2284.2284.2 The society abounds with stories of quick killings. An English teacher in Shanghai tells of a friend who made millions on the stock market in two weeks. A lawyer in Beijing tells of a friend, a former professor of Marxist philosophy, who has made 8 million yuan in real estate. There is a frenzy of commerce. How to get rich becomes the common topic of daily conversation. 285285285285 ... , for one , for example , say, ... 1111 I, for one, am not so sure of my ability to face, let alone overcome, life crulties that I would tell the parents of a brain-damaged victim to rise up to the challenge ahead, because sustaining the life of a vegetable is financial and emotional drain on the family. 社会上流传着许多暴发户的故事。上海的一名英语教师说他的朋友在两个星期内玩股票赚了几百万的钱。北京的一名律师说他原来当 马列哲学教授的朋友在做房产业生意上赚了八百万。全国是一股下海从商的浪潮。如何富起来成了日常谈话中普遍的话题。 285.1285.1285.1285.1 I, for one, am not so sure of my ability to face, let alone overcome, life crulties that I would tell the parents of a brain-damaged victim to rise up to the challenge ahead, because sustaining the life of a vegetable is financial and emotional drain on the family. 别人我不知道,而我就不敢肯定我能面对这一残酷的现实,更不用说去战胜它。我怎能去说服一个脑损伤病人的父母振作起来面对前 面的挑战呢?固为维持一个植物人的生命对其家属来说是一个多么沉重的经济和精神负担。 285.2285.2285.2285.2Many law-enforcement agencies are redoubling their efforts to alert citizens to dangers at home and on the streets and to spread the word about simple preventive measures. The Shanghai Police Department, for one, provides free consultations for homeowners interested in having burglar alarms installed. The department's rape-prevention program offers lessons on how to subdue an attacker. 许多执法机关加倍努力,提醒市民如何警惕发生在家里或马路上的危险,并告诉他们简单的防卫措施。别的地方我不清楚,就上海警 察局来说,他们向要安装防盗警报装置的市民提供义务咨询,该局的防止强奸专门小组为妇女上课,传授如何与强奸犯搏斗的知识。 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 285.3285.3285.3285.3Why do men become scientists? Why do men spend their lives in experiment and research? Well I can assure you it is not because of any wicked desire, say, the desire to destroy the world or to harm a single human being. Quite the contrary. They simply hope that their work will be some contribution to human welfare. 为什么人会成为科学家?为什么人把毕生的精力用于搞试验和研究?我敢肯定并不是他们有什么邪恶的愿望,比如说,毁灭世界或伤 害某人的愿望,恰好相反,他们只是希望他们的工作会对人类的幸福有所贡献。 286286286286 Take , for example, the case of a man who thing that ... 1111 It is a good thing to extend human life, but is it a good thing to extend human suffering? Take the case of a man who is so senile that he has lost all his faculties: He is in hospital in an unconscious state with little chance of coming round, but he is kept alive by artificial means for an indefinite period. Everyone, his relatives and even the doctors, agree that death will bring release. Indeed, the patient himself would agree if he were in a position to give voice to his feeling. Yet everything is done to perpetuate what has become a meaningless existence. 延长人的生命是一件好事,但是延长人的痛苦也是好事吗?举一个极其衰老的人为例。他己失去所有知觉,躺在医院里处于昏迷状态, 基本上没有可能醒过来。但医生还是用人工方法无限地延长他的生命。所有人,包括他的亲属,甚至医生都认为死是最好的解脱。确实, 如果病人能够讲出他的感觉、也会同意早日结束自己的生命。但我们还是尽一切力量去延长无意义的生命。 2222Music does have an expressive meaning, though it is difficult to say what that meaning exactly is. Take the first main theme of the Ninth Symphony, for example. It is clearly made up of different elements. It does not say only one thing. Yet anyone heating it immediately gets a feeling of strength, a feeling of power. 尽管很难确切他说音乐表达什么意思,但它确实能够表达一个意思。举第九交响乐第一主题为例。显然这一音乐中有不同的旋律所组 成,它不光表达一件事。但是听了这音乐后,人们立即感觉到一种力量,一种气势。 286.3286.3286.3286.3 Take the case of China's stock markets, established in Shenzhen and Shanghai to soak up incredible savings that nervous citizens have stashed in banks and under mattresses. Regulations continue to restrict stock issues, which keeps prices inflated. 举在深圳和上海建立的证券市场为例,它们吸纳了居民的大量储蓄。他们因担心贬值都把钱存入银行,藏于枕芯棉被里。而规章制度 继续限制股票的发行,这使得物价不断上涨。 287287287287 What shall we say We can If , for example, ... 287.1287.1287.1287.1 if, for example, she is a forty-year-old middle manager with a teenage son, two surviving parents or in-laws, she can hardly find enough time and energy for her work. If she wants to get sane success, time devoted to parental concerns will certainly decline, so will the emotional energies demanded by her parental role. Even worse, as her parents or in-laws grow older, her filial responsibility will loom larger. If they are sick, she may have to devote larger amounts of time and emotion to their care. 例如,如果她是个 40岁的中年经理,下有一个未成年的儿子。上有两个父母或公婆,她就很少有时间和精力用于工作。如果她要做出 点成绩,关心老人的时间就少了,关心教育子女的精力也不多了。更糟的是,当她的父母公婆老了,她做子女的责任也越大。一旦他们生 了病,她就不得不花更多的时间和精力去照料他们。 287.2287.2287.2287.2What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man caning for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? Is it best to tell him the truth? If he asks, should the doctors deny that he is ill, or minimize the gravity of the illness? Should they at least conceal the truth until after the family vacation? 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 举例说,一个 46岁的男子,在与家人外出度假之前来医院进行常规体格检查。虽然他觉得身体很棒,但医生发现他患了某种癌症,六 个月内就会死。这时医生该对他说什么呢?是不是最好对他说真话?要是他问起检查结果,医生该不该否认他得了病,该不该尽量缩小病 情?该不该至少等到他和家人度假回来后告诉他真情呢? 288288288288 But consider, for example take a look at ... 1111 Equality is such an easily understood concept in mathematics that we may not realize it is a bottomless pit of complexities anywhere else. Yet consider, for example, the reproductive ability of human beings. When women have children and men don't, how can they be either equal or unequal? Our passionate desire to reduce things to the simplicity of abstract concepts does not mean that it can be done. 相等是数学中一个很容易弄懂的概念,我们不会想到它在别处是一个复杂的无底深渊。但是让我们来看看人类的繁殖能力这一例子。 当女人会生孩子而男人却不能时,我们怎能说他们是平等或不平等呢?我们都想把世上的事简单化,但这并不意味着行得通。 288.2288.2288.2288.2 I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But. take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon ------ into a larger cocoon. It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. 我听到许多家长抱怨他们十几岁的孩子不听话,我倒真希望是这样。到了这个年纪,他们不应老是跟着父母,他们应学会走自己的路, 但是让我们看看他们现在是怎么不听父母的话的、他们似乎用同一方法来表示对父母的不满。他们宣称喜欢穿什么衣服就穿什么,但结果 大家都穿一样的衣服,他们说他们喜爱的音乐是新的和与众不同的,但结果却聚在一起听同样的唱片:他们这样想和这样于是因为大家都 这样干,他们从自己的蚕茧里爬出来,结果又爬进了一个更大的蚕茧里去了,现在青年人越来越难以抵住潮流,越来越难走自己的路。 289289289289 A very similar story example case can be told cited offered from ... 289.1289.1289.1289.1 There are innumerable places around the world where those who have been the victims of unequal rules have nevertheless vastly outperformed those who are favored. Almost nowhere in Southeast Asia have the Chinese minority had equal rights with the native people, but the average Chinese income in those countries has almost invariably been much higher than that of the general population. A very similar story could be told from the history of the Jews in many countries. 世界上许多地方总有那些人,尽管他们由于不公平的法律习俗而受到不公正的待遇,但却往往比那些受到偏担优惠的人干得好。在东 南亚许多国家,华人后裔得不到当地人一样的平等权利,但是他们的平均收入却总比这些国家的人的总体水平高得多。历史上许多国家的 犹太人也有类似的情况。 289.2289.2289.2289.2 In Beijing there are 2.5 million migrant workers who ply the streets looking for odd jobs. Beijing-born residents resent the slovenly newcomers who have contributed to the rise in the crime rate as well as to the development of the city, and the newcomers envy the city residents' cheap subsidized housing and higher wages. The relations between them are strained. A similar case can be cited from other parts of the country where the growing pains of this great internal migration are felt as well. In Shanghai and Guangzhou, fights regularly break out between city folk and migrant peasants. 在北京有 250万的民工流浪街头寻找工作。北京人对那些懒散的民工没有好感。他们为这个城市的发展作出了贡献,同时也使城市的 犯罪率提高了。新来者妒忌北京人有便宜的由政府补贴的房子和较高的工资。他们之间的关系紧张。其它地方也有类似的情况,也感到了 民工潮带来的痛苦,在上海和广州,市民和民工的冲突时有发生。 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 290290290290 Such instances/examples Instances of the same sort Numerous other instances might be given quoted multiplied indefinitely easily , but this these will be sufficient suffice (to show that ...) 290.1290.1290.1290.1 Now, I have recalled the beginnings of the careers of Einstein, Franklin and Mobzart. Instances like these could be easily multiplied, but these will suffice to show that intense interest plus persistent effort is the prime essential to the highest success in any sphere of human activity. 现在我们已回顾了爱因斯但、富兰克林和莫扎特等人事业是怎么开始的。这种例子举不胜举,而这些就足以说明强烈的兴趣和坚持不 懈的努力是人类任何一项活动成功的最重要的因素。 290.2290.2290.2290.2 The most destructive effects have come not from physical weapons but from ideas. Ideas are dangerous. It would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. I would like to give you an example, but fortunately I cannot do so. Perhaps it will suffice to mention the nuclear bomb. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed. Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1945 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history. 最具有破坏力的不是武器,而是思想。思想是危险的东西。可以向现代世界灌输足以把我们彻底毁灭的思想。我想举一个例子,但幸 运的是我举不出,也许提一下核武器就足够了。设想一下,使一个尚未拥有核弹,但技术已相当先进的社会意识到拥有核弹的可能性,并 向它提供足够的详细情况使核弹得以制成,这将会引起怎样的后果。在 1945年前后,把二三十页的情报交给任何一个大国,就会足以改 变世界历史的进程。 291291291291 I can think of no better illustration of the idea view than the fact example case of ... 1111 Perhaps I can think of no better illustration of the spirit of a scientist than the examples of Columbus, Galileo, Einsteins, Leonov and other great men who devoted their lives to conquering uncharted places, discovering unknown facts and exploring new frontiers. 我想可能没有比哥伦布、伽里略、爱因斯但和利奥诺夫这些人的例子更能说明科学家的精神了。这些伟人把自己的一生都用于征服未 开发的地方,发现未知的事实和探索新的领域。 291291291291 . Perhaps nothing can illustrate the gap between the country-side and ire city better than the fact that the city worker has a guaranteed lifetime job, fixed wages and even old-age pensions while the peasant is still at the mercy of nature for his livelihood. With drought or flood the harvest goes down and so does a peasant's income. 可能没有什么比工人和农民的例子更能说明城乡之间的差别了。城里的工人有一份终身的工作,稳定的工资,甚至有退休养老金;而 农民的生活还是靠老天爷。遇到干旱水灾,收成减少,农民收入也随之减少。 292292292292 The case(s) instance(s) story/stories is are only but one a few example(s) of ... 292.1292.1292.1292.1 The public credit the media for recent disclosures of toxic pesticide s and exploding beer bottles, and even exposes of the corrupt business practices. These cases are but a few examples of how our press begin to act as a watchdog on a wider range of both political and nonpolitical issues. 公众赞扬舆论媒体揭露农药中毒、啤酒瓶爆炸以及商业腐败行动等。这说明媒体开始在政治和非政治很多问题上起到了舆论监督作用。 上面所说的不过是其中一些例子。 292.2292.2292.2292.2Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal; as soon as he is arrested the story is over. In real life , however, little of a 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 policeman's time is spent in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. Instead he will spend most of his working hours dealing with thousands of sad unimportant people who are guilty --- or not --- of stupid, petty crimes. These instances of misrepresentation arc but a few examples of how television programs have twisted and distorted the image of real life. 大多数有关罪犯的电视节目都是有关追捕罪犯的。一旦罪犯被抓住了,故事也就结束了,但在实际生活中,警察很少和穷凶极恶的罪 犯对峙搏斗。他们大多数时间是和成千上万不重要的,看上去可怜的人打交道。这些人可能犯了一些愚蠢的小过失,或没犯什么罪。可见 电视节目歪曲了实际生活的面貌,这些不过是其中一些例子。 293293293293 Suppose that.... 293.1293.1293.1293.1 I will flunk him if my student do
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